Minutes of Wrapps Meeting

on Friday 11th September 2015


(Chair & local resident)

(Co Chair & local resident)

Jeanette Marshall (Head Butlers Court School)

Steve Sinden (Deputy Head Beaconsfield High School)

(Business manager Beaconsfield Secondary School)

PCSO Dee HAWKES (local Police)

(local resident)

(local resident)

(local resident)

Guest: Mark Shaw (MP; Head of Transport for BCC)


Roy Foster (Town Councillor)

(Stage manager -NFTV School)

PCSO Vijay Desai (local Police)

(local resident)


The Purpose of this meeting was to provide our guest, Mark Shaw, with an overview of the work the group has done to date and highlight our concerns and issues to see whether he could support us in getting action / improvements to traffic controls in Watlleton Road.

xxxxx gave an overview of the current traffic issues we are having in Wattleton Road and emphasised the concerns and risks that the group had identified.

Photographs were circulated and it was explained that there is more photographic and video evidence of the traffic problems which has resulted in issues including; road rage; near misses; collisions; emergency vehicles unable to gain access etc. all of which are a huge concern on such a small stretch of road which services 3 Schools and several Nurseries.

It was highlighted clearly that safety is our main concern and that if something isn’t done we fear loss of life is a real possibility; either through a direct accident or through emergency services being unable to access the schools.

PCSO Dee Hawkes confirmed that she had received calls regarding road rage and also that she has personally been unable to gain access through Wattleton Road when on an emergency call out and had to find a different route. On occasions it has taken the police 20mins to get down Wattleton Road.

The discussion continued, giving a full outline of the works already carried out by the Wrapps working party, including surveys, the petition, facebook page etc.

It was clear that although not unique to have traffic issues outside of schools that in this situation it was added to by other people, not directly related to the schools, using the road for all day parking.

The group also explained the ideas for improvements and showed maps of the road and where road calming measures could be put in place.

Mark Shaw agreed to take back the issues we were highlighting to his team to see if any of the suggestions for improving road safety could be implemented; he clearly stated that he was unable to make any promises at this stage, which the group understood. xxxxx asked what he needed from the group to best support this to which he replied a concise document to include the key issues and recommendations.

Actions arising;

Action no. / Action / Action By / Action Due by: (date)
1 / To talk to (BHS) to gain the map with recommended traffic calming ideas on. To pass to xxxxx and xxxxx. / xxxxx / 16th Sept
2 / Xxxxx,xxxxx and xxxxx to meet to pull the information into a concise document. / xxxxx / 21st Sept
3 / Above document to be sent to Mark Shaw. / xxxxx / 22nd Sept
4 / Mark Shaw to confirm receipt and inform xxxxx if this now provides him with all the information needed to take this forward / Mark Shaw / 25th Sept
5 / Mark Shaw to keep xxxxx updated on progress of quick wins and long term solutions agreed and also of any ideas that cannot be taken forward with reasons. / Mark Shaw / xxxxx / On-going

The date of the next meeting was agreed as 2nd October at 2pm at Butlers Court.