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Global review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of the IPPC Standard (ISPM6) – identification of best practices

Dear NPPO Contact Point,

Please use the following form to document what your organization considers to be a best practice case for pest surveillance in the context of ISPM6: Guidelines for pest surveillance. As a guide in documenting the best practice case you may want to remember to include in the narrative some information on:

  • stakeholders involved
  • sources of information that were useful
  • management or dissemination of information and methods employed
  • incentives that were provided (legislative, cooperative agreements etc.)
  • Survey methods used
  • pest diagnostic support
  • record keeping
  • how it was resourced (Human, Financial, etc.)
  • social, political and other challenges faced and how they were overcome
  • social, political and other support received
  • the overall outcome (expected and unexpected)

If you would like to submit more than 1 case please use a separate form for each best practice case.

Thanks and regards,

IPPC Secretariat

Title of activity:
Abstract (250 words):
Indicate the type of surveillance conducted whether General or Specific (i.e. Pest, Commodity / Host, Random, or Targeted survey):
Summarize the reason for taking the surveillance action:
Summarize the immediate benefit, result or outcome of the surveillance action:
Provide a narrative of your country’s best practice in pest surveillance case:
[Start Narrative here – maximum of 3 pages]
If you wish to provide links or attachments in support of the best practice case provided please list their titles below:
1. [e.g. News article: Utopia successfully averts major pest outbreak of Pestifera majora. Food supply safe. The Utopia Chronicle, December 12, 2018]
2. [e.g. Science journal article]
3. [e.g. NPPO report]
4. [e.g. Web link]
5. [e.g. photos or other media formats]