Tourism and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee:
18th June 2009 / AGENDA ITEM 7


1.0Matter for consideration

1.1The Committee to consider an update on the Central Area Coast Protection scheme.


2.1To note the update report, asking questions in relation to its content and making recommendations as appropriate.

3.0Summary of key issues

3.1 Scope and Funding

3.1.1The Central Area Coast Protection Scheme encompasses the area frontage from the south side of the sandcastle to Cocker Square just north of the Metropole Hotel and entailed the reconstruction of the seawall and Promenade area back to the western side of the tramway.

3.1.2In recognition of the opportunity to further enhance the quality of the Promenade space, to realign the seawall and enable the Promenade to attract events(in particular to provide a large flexible event space – the Tower Festival Headland) additional funding was sought and secured. The funding for this scheme is detailed below.


3.2.1Funding was secured from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs inApril 2005 to the sum of £62,132,982. Following this and to enhance the Promenade,further funding from the North West Development Agency (NWDA), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) has been secured, as detailed below:

  • Enhancement of quality of the seawall and alignment to provide better headland and parade space:

NWDA Phase 1£8,200,000


  • Enhancement of Parades 1 to4 between the Piers and the headlands:

NWDA Phase 2 £4,883,000

  • Tower Festival Headland works




3.2.2In addition to the funding as detailed above, further applications have been submitted, as follows:

  • Extension to the demolition of the Promenade footbridge.
  • Funding bid to the North West Development Agency for £450,000.
  • Enhancement works to the seawall between North Pier and Cocker Square.
  • Funding bid to the Environment Agency for £5,400,000.

3.3Timescales /Programme

3.3.1The specific areas of the Promenade and the Tower Festival Headland are estimated to be opened by the following dates:

  • Seawall works – April 2010
  • Lighting, seating and enhancements – August 2010
  • Comedy Carpet – August 2010
  • TowerFestivalHeadlandBuilding – March 2011

3.3.2A colour copy of Plan 2110022 C_O_ OPENING which provides information on the areas of the Promenade that are now open, together with the dates when the remainder of the works are expected to be completed, will be circulated at the meeting.

3.4Current Issues

3.4.1Manchester Square – discussions have been taking place with United Utilities on the architectural aspects of their building and works at Manchester Square. The Council will enforce planning regulations to ensure that the blue pipe recently installed is removed and also ensure that United Utilities provide a high quality solution that is in keeping with the new Promenade and seawall works.

3.4.2Promenade Footbridge – an application has been made to the Blackpool Magistrates’Court for the demolition of the footbridge (between North and Central Piers) spanning the Promenade. The outcome of the Magistrates’ decision is expected on the 12thJune 2009 following which there is a 21-day appeal period. In conjunction with this, an application has been made to the North West Development Agency for additional funding to enhance the steps that will remain on the east side of the Promenade carriageway once the bridge has been demolished. An update of the position in respect of the Magistrates’ decision will be provided at the Committee meeting.

4.0Witnesses / representatives

4.1As requested by the Committee members, the following persons have been invited to attend the meeting to speak on the matter:

  • John Donnellon Assistant Director, Built Environment
  • Clare Nolan Barnes, Head of Capital Projects, Built Environment

Relevant officer:

John Donnellon, Assistant Director, Built Environment

Tel: (01253) 476131, e-mail:

Appendices attached:


Background papers:


Websites and e-mail links for further information:



CABE – Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment

DEFRA – Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs

ERDF – European Regional Development Fund

NWDA – North West Development Agency