Vocabulary Content Creativity Grammar
Students effectively incorporate vocabulary terms into their description.
/25 / Students have followed all requirements and have thoroughly described trip.
/40 / Project is extremely creative and appealing. Students provide illustrations. Effort is evident.
/15 / Proofreading is apparent
and description contains no errors in spelling or mechanics.
Students incorporate some of the vocabulary terms into their description.
/ 20 / Students have somewhat followed the requirements and have provided an adequate level of detail in their description.
/30 / Project somewhat creative and appealing. Students include some illustrations. Effort is somewhat apparent.
/10 / Proofreading is apparent and description contains few errors which do not affect comprehension.
Students incorporate few vocabulary terms into their description.
/15 / Students did not follow instructions and response to task lacks detail and is incomplete.
/20 / Project lacks creativity and effort. Students do not provide illustrations.
/5 / Description contains many errors which affect comprehension. No evidence of proofreading.
Student did not complete task. / Student did not complete task. / Student did not complete task. / Student did not complete task.
verbos – tiempo correcto y consistente
uso de SER vs. ESTAR con las descripciones
concordancia (agreement)– adjetivo/sustantivo (género y número)
concordancia– verbo/sujeto
ortografía (spelling)
acentos / Escritura Nota______
Vocabulary Content Composing Grammar
Students effectively incorporate vocabulary terms into their description.
/25 / Students have followed all requirements and have thoroughly described trip.
/40 / Develops central ideas within an organized and elaborated text; shows confidence by taking risks as a writer
/15 / Proofreading is apparent
and description contains no errors in spelling or mechanics.
Students incorporate some of the vocabulary terms into their description.
/ 20 / Students have somewhat followed the requirements and have provided an adequate level of detail in their description.
/30 / Focuses on central ideas which may not be evenly elaborated. Presents relevant and informative responses to the task. Good level of detail and creativity.
/10 / Proofreading is apparent and description contains few errors which do not affect comprehension.
Students incorporate few vocabulary terms into their description.
/15 / Students did not follow instructions and response to task lacks detail and is incomplete.
/20 / Displays evidence of central ideas that are not consistently focused. Lacks a clearly stated opening paragraph or fails to appropriately summarize ideas.
/5 / Description contains many errors which affect comprehension. No evidence of proofreading.
Student did not complete task. / Student did not complete task. / Student did not complete task. / Student did not complete task.
verbos – tiempo correcto y consistente
uso de SER vs. ESTAR con las descripciones
concordancia (agreement)– adjetivo/sustantivo (género y número)
concordancia– verbo/sujeto
ortografía (spelling)
acentos / Expresión Oral (Grabación) Nota______
Vocabula Content Pronunciation Grammar
Students effectively incorporate vocabulary terms into their description.
/25 / Students have followed all requirements and have thoroughly described trip.
/40 / Completely comprehensible to a native speaker
/15 / Proofreading is apparent
and description contains no errors in spelling or mechanics.
Students incorporate some of the vocabulary terms into their description.
/20 / Students have somewhat followed the requirements and have provided an adequate level of detail in their description.
/30 / Mostly comprehensibleto a native speaker.
/10 / Proofreading is apparent and description contains few errors which do not affect comprehension.
Students incorporate few vocabulary terms into their description.
/15 / Students did not follow instructions and response to task lacks detail and is incomplete.
/20 / Partially comprehensible to a native speaker.
/5 / Description contains many errors which affect comprehension. No evidence of proofreading.
Student did not complete task. / Student did not complete task. / Student did not complete task. / Student did not complete task.
verbos – tiempo correcto y consistente
uso de SER vs. ESTAR con las descripciones
concordancia (agreement)– adjetivo/sustantivo (género y número)
concordancia– verbo/sujeto
ortografía (spelling)
Español 2 de honores
Evaluación del proyecto: De viaje
Nombre y apellido: ______Período:______