The polls were opened at 7:00 a.m. by moderator, Kelly Grotton at China Middle School. Voting was steady throughout the day. A total of 2,374 ballots were cast for the local election. The results are as follows:

Question 1. To see if the town will vote to appropriate an amount up to $15,000.00 from Undesignated Fund Balance for the purpose of PURCHASING and INSTALLING a POWER APPLIANCE (WINDMILL) on TOWN OWNED PROPERTY.

YES 1905 NO 398

Question 2. Shall an amendment to the CHINA LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Chapter 2 LAND USE ORDINANCE, SECTION 4, USES, Items #15 and #16 and Chapter 11, DEFINITIONS be enacted by the voters of the Town of China?

YES 1797 NO 455

Question 3. Shall the 2008 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORDINANCE, dated September 15, 2008 be enacted by the voters of the Town of China, and further, shall necessary and associated amendments to the CHINA LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Chapter 11, DEFINITIONS be enacted?

YES 1673 NO 561

Question 4. To see if the town will vote to appropriate an amount up to $10,000.00 from Undesignated Fund Balance for the purpose of FUNDING UNANTICIPATED GENERAL ASSISTANCE REQUESTS for the current fiscal year.

YES 1759 NO 507

Question 5. Do you favor approving the SCHOOL REORGANIZATION PLAN prepared by the REORGANIZATION PLANNING COMMITTEE, (RPC), consisting of representation from China and from SAD #47 towns, to reorganize the China School system and the SAD #47 School system into a REGIONAL SCHOOL UNIT with an effective date of (July 1, 2009)?

YES 1701 NO 563

Question 6. Shall the 2008 CHINA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, dated September 15, 2008 be enacted by the voters of the Town of China?

YES 1863 NO 329

Question 7. Shall amendments to the Town of China, ORDINANCE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS AND WAYS, dated September 15, 2008, be enacted by the voters of the Town of China?

YES 1804 NO 422

The following people (shown in bold) were elected to office:

Selectmen: Vote for three 2 year term

Austin, Joann C. 1484

Foote, Peter G. 1311

MacDonald, Paul E. 1206

Szabo, Richard S. 895

School Committee: Vote for two 3 year term

Docherty, Mary T. 1534

Goodine, Joyce C. 1729

Planning Board District 2: Vote for one 2 year term

Martin, Michael 23

Planning Board District 4: Vote for one 2 year term

Isenbrand, Gabrielle 1673

Planning Board At-Large: Vote for one 2 year term

Dudley, Milton F. 1677

Budget Committee Secretary: Vote for one 2 year term

Dow, William II 4

Budget Committee District 2: Vote for one 2 year term

Theriault, Timothy S. 1775

Budget Committee District 4: Vote for one 2 year term

Fitzgerald, Bruce 13

Budget Committee At-Large: Vote for one 2 year term

Plumer, Charles H. 1650

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca J. Hapgood, Town Clerk

Minutes for November 4, 2008 Town Meeting