Wednesday 8th November 2017, Market Chambers, Holsworthy
Present:Cllr. Punter, Briggs, Hutchings, Heaven, Musker & Stanton
In Attendance:Town Clerk (TC)
Assistant to the Town Clerk (ATTC)
Paul Traxton Market Manager
Cllr. Haynes
747.Declaration of Interests
The Chairman requested that all Cllrs declare any interests as they arose.
748.Minutes of the Last Meeting
Cllr. Heaven proposed that the Minutes of the previous Market Meeting held on 11th October 2017 be signed as a true record. Cllr. Musker, seconded the proposal which was carried unanimously. (Vote 5 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstentions).
749.Matters Arising
Item 740 Cllr. Musker confirmed that he has made 7 out of the 10 anchors that are needed. It was agreed that the anchors should be placed in the ground asap.Cllr. Hutchings and Cllr. Musker confirmed that they will contact Mike Smith for the anchors to be fitted on the 15th November.
The TC thanked Cllr. Musker for his time and effort in making the anchors.
Item 740 Cllr. Hutchings confirmed that a meeting with the Highways andCar Parking Enforcement Teams from DCC together should be held asap to discuss the current signage of the direction of flow traffic, the Road Closure Order with a consideration to have permanent signs, as well as the Parking within the Square on Wednesday.
750.Market Accounts
The TC went through the Income and Expenditure for the Market to date, and for 2016/2017 and confirmed that the Income compared to the same period last year is down considerably. The Market is continuing to run at a substantial deficit, the bad weather has played a part in this but, it was agreed by all members present that this is not the sole reason, there are other factors such as internet shopping. All Cllrs. stated that they all want the Market to continue and succeed but there are concernsat what cost to the taxpayer.
Cllr. Hutchings, Cllr. Punter and the TC have a meeting with Paul Traxton after this meeting to discuss the best way forward.
Cllr. Briggs questioned how the money is found when the market is making such a deficit. The TC confirmed that Holsworthy Town Council and hence the Council Tax payers in the Town have to foot the shortfall.
751.To discuss the layout and storage of the Market Stalls.
Cllr. Musker stated that the new layout looks inviting. The TC confirmed that nothing has been reported back from the Market Manager about the traders being unhappy of the current layout.
Cllr. Hutchings and other members confirmed that the shop holders are happy with the new layout and they feel that this works well.
3.10pm Market Manager Paul Traxton arrives.
Cllr.Musker confirmed if more traders want a Stall, then the current layout can be added to without difficulty.
The TC requested confirmation from the Market Manager that Traders are currently not paying for parking their vehicles within the Square on Market day as they are required to do. The Market Manager confirmed that this is something which will be difficult to enforce asparking for the public is free on this day.However the TC pointed out that the free parking is to encourage the public to attend the Market not for Traders and reiterated that charging should commence from thenext Market day 15th November.
752.To discuss ideas for the Christmas Market Switch On Event.
Cllr. Hutchings confirmed that the Christmas Committee have met a few times now and the plans are coming together well. Cllr. Musker asked whether any further help would be needed. Cllr. Hutchings suggested that assistance will be required on the following 2 dates:20th November for the trees above the businesses, then 26th November when the remaining trees and lights are to be fitted. ATTC will email all Cllrs asking for assistance.
Cllr. Hutchings stated that Cllr. Heaven is doing very well, with organising the Christmas Market Stalls. Cllr. Heaven confirmed payment of the Market stall for the 1st December is required upfront.
753.To discuss advertising of the Market
Cllr. Hutchings suggested that the Council should have its own facebook page, ATTC stated that it would need Admin, Cllr. Hutchings confirmed that himself, ATTC and the TC could do this. It was agreed that this should go ahead with a view to promote all of the Council’s events including the Switch On Event & the Wednesday Markets. The TC confirmed that a Social Media Policy will need to be in place and will ensure this is done.
Cllr. Allen has been approached to see if the VIC website could be used to publicise the Market.
754.Town Clerks Report
The new benches have now been placed around the Pump and the Council has received many positive comments about them.
The TC confirmed that she has received information the Hatherleigh Market will be closing in the New Year.
755.To Discuss and Resolve any Issues relating to the Market, at the Request of the Market Manager.
The Market Manager or trader had nothing they wished to discuss.
756. Close
Cllr. Punter closed the meeting at 3.25pm
Signed ………………………….Dated ………………………
Market Income and Expenditure 2016/2017
Income / Expenditure / Profit/LossApr-16 / £1,125.00 / £1,316.45 / £191.45
May-16 / £1,202.00 / £1,200.00 / £2.00
Jun-16 / £1,342.00 / £1,500.00 / £158.00
Jul-16 / £1,093.00 / £1,260.90 / £167.90
Aug-16 / £1,638.00 / £1,500.00 / £138.00 / inc £93.00 for hire of Market Stalls
Sep-16 / £1,112.00 / £1,200.00 / £88.00
Oct-16 / £1,063.00 / £1,238.80 / £175.80
Nov-16 / £1,553.50 / £1,630.00 / £76.50
Dec-16 / £1,159.00 / £900.00 / £259.00 / 3 Weeks
Jan-17 / £190.25 / £689.47 / £499.22 / 2 Weeks at half rent
Feb-17 / £830.00 / £0.00 / £830.00
Mar-17 / £1,018.00 / £2,800.49 / £1,782.49 / 5 weeks / Expenditure inc Feb and March Market Manager Fee
TOTAL / £13,325.75 / £15,236.11 / £1,910.36 / LOSS 2016/2017
Market Income and Expenditure 2016/2017
Income / Expenditure / Profit/LossApr-17 / £738.50 / £1,200.00 / £461.50 / 3 weeks income
May-17 / £1,134.00 / £1,500.00 / £366.00 / 5 weeks income
Jun-17 / £831.50 / £1,200.00 / £368.50 / 4 weeks income
Jul-17 / £968.00 / £1,240.00 / £272.00 / 4 weeks income plus trial stall back
Aug-17 / £1,092.00 / £1,900.00 / £808.00 / 5 weeks income plus stall backs
Sep-17 / £807.50 / £1,200.00 / £392.50 / 4 weeks income
Oct-17 / £804.00 / £1,400.08 / £596.08 / 4 weeks income plus electricity
TOTAL / £6,375.50 / £9,640.08 / £3,264.58