MATTERS ARISING: Helga Rawley is continuing to do the repurchase of the Hall consumables. The Parish Web site needs a review as some of the items are out of date.

DIOCESAN LIVING STONES CONSULTATION: Father Anthony’s stated that he wanted to hold a joint Syston Sileby open meeting on 20th March inviting all who are willing to come to express their views. The preference would be for a person from Sileby to lead the meeting. In answer to a query regarding the brief for the meeting, Father said there was to be a Deanery meeting beforehand to make things clearer.

REVIEW OF PARISH STRUCTURE: Father Anthony and Phil Walling are looking at the organisation of the Parish, listing all areas of the parish covered by Parish groups. A short paragraph on the function of each group is to be put in the weekly Bulletin. Views from the groups are to be sought concerning their reporting procedures to the P.P.C. Groups such as Justice and Peace, which we don’t have, should be listed and included in the Parish Structure Plan. Also the groups need to know their relationship to each other, as some seemingly related subjects are actually in different groups. Father Anthony believes the Structure plan should not only include names but also roles.

It was suggested that the new structure should be put together before the Parish meeting on March 20th.

It was decided that the present structure plan may suffice for this purpose as it was not proposed to scrap the existing plan entirely but to revise it.


Next meeting;- Finance committee and Buildings and Maintenance.

LITURGY AND PRAYER GROUP: The group is learning a new Gloria and using Lent to emphasise the importance of music in the Mass, some pieces of music being of higher rank than others.

On Saturday 28th April there is a meeting “Music and the Lord “ at Newark about music in liturgy.

The Parish is likely to be short of an organist as Andrew is shortly to leave; in fact all of the organists Greg, Andrew, Mark and Hanna all live outside of the Parish.

Enquiries are to be made at Bishop Ellis School for children’s hymns and music. Father suggested that the music teacher at De Lisle School may be able to help.

EVANGELISATION AND FAITH SHARING: The next Confirmation will take place in 2013.

SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES: The meeting was informed that the P.P.C. Representatives have held a recent meeting, to formulate a questionnaire and covering letter to go out to the Parish households. The questionnaire has been narrowed to a small number of not too intrusive questions.

An initial draft of the proposed letter covering the questionnaire was discussed and it was decided another meeting should be held to finalise the questionnaire and covering letter.

A data base is to be constructed to correlate the returned information from the questionnaire.

ANY ANOTHER BUSINESS: There were no matters raised.

CLOSING PRAYER: Father Anthony.

Date and time of next meeting:- Tuesday 15th May 7pm in the Meeting Room.

Chair of next meeting:- Anita Black