Bonjour et Bienvenue à

la Classe de Français III !

1st Quarter / 2nd Quarter / 3rd Quarter / 4th Quarter



  • Bring a pen or pencil to class each day. You may use whatever you prefer. The only exception: Do not write in red pen since I grade in red pen.
  • You’ll need a 3-ring binder and loose-leaf paper for this class. This syllabus will be the first page of your binder. You will keep all of your notes and papers in your binder. Do not use your French binder for any other class because I will collect it to grade each quarter.


  1. You will have respect for everyone in this class including you, your neighbors and your teacher.
  2. Talking/chatting during class time is rude and will not be tolerated. I talk, you stop.
  3. You may not eat or drink in this classroom unless it is specifically related to something we are doing as a class. However, water, in a clear plastic bottle, is always permitted.
  4. If you are absent one day, you are given one day to make up missed work (two days absent, you have two days to make it up, etc.)
  5. Homework that is turned in late without a valid excuse will not receive full credit.
  6. You will have respect for the things in this room. You will not carve or write on desks or deface anything else around you.
  7. You must cover your textbook.
  8. Do not sit on top of tables or desks and do not put your feet up on the furniture.
  9. Do not write on my board unless I’ve asked you to do so.
  10. No book bags in class.
  11. Cell phones must be turned off. If a phone rings or if you choose to text during class, I will confiscate your phone and take it to the office.
  12. Students who are late disrupt class time. Don’t be late!
  13. Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. If you plagiarize any part of an assignment, you will receive a zero.
  14. To receive a passing grade in this class, a 90% attendance rate is required.
  15. As a rule, I do not add students on Facebook. Once you graduate, we’ll be friends. 
  16. And finally, let’s have some fun!


94 – 100 A

91 – 93 A-

88 – 90 B+

85 – 87 B

82 – 84 B-

79 – 81 C+

76 – 78 C

73 – 75 C-

70 – 72 D+

67 – 69 D

64 – 66 D-

0 - 63 F


In this class, you will attain proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking French. You will also gain an understanding and appreciation for the French culture.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize Parisian monuments and tell their history.
  • Recognize French art and tell about the artist and his works.
  • Understand the geography of France.
  • Cite the cities of France and what they’re famous for.
  • Write daily in French.
  • Understand the use of all verb tenses.
  • Describe many aspects of French culture
  • and MANY, MANY MORE!