2002 Officers:

President: Kristy Pedersen

Vice-President Barbara Thompson

Secretary: Eileen Bassett

Treasurer: Lynn Michael

Board Members: Diane Hawes, Krystn Messer and Cathy Whitaker

Newsletter Editor: Cathy Whitaker


Membership Chairman: Kristy Pedersen


This is the official publication of the Triangle Shetland Sheepdog Club of NC, and is published at least quarterly in the interests of the club members. Articles of interest to sheltie owners will be accepted for publication; views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the club members or the club itself.

Membership information: Annual dues for an individual are $10.00, and $15.00 for family membership. Dues are payable to the Membership Chairman when submitting an application or in December for the following year.

Meetings: Meetings are held on the second Thursday at 7:00 PM, usually in the homes of members. Meeting locations, dates, and directions are published in the newsletter for your convenience.

Advertising is accepted for the publication, at a rate of $5.00 per page. Ads can be sent to the Editor with the appropriate fees.


Because of recent problems with viruses on our e-mail system we disabled the old address. I have a new address just for Club related e-mails: . Tried to make it TSSC, etc. but that was already taken. This is in effect immediately.

Upcoming Meetings:

October 10, 2002:

Barbara Thompson’s home.

Meeting Minutes:

September 12, 2002

President meeting called to order at 7:25 p.m. at Ryan’s Steakhouse in Cary.

Secretary’s report—the minutes of the May meeting were published in the newsletter and were not read. Letter received from ASSA for an ad from the Club for the Handbook. No action taken.

Treasurer’s report—there is a balance of $4,028.89. The Club insurance is now due and the cost is $290. We will not take out a bond, as it is too expensive.

Membership—the following have applied for membership—Terry Alden and Pauline Bolin both of Swansboro. Kristy passed around the new membership application for the Club’s approval.

Old Business:

November Show—all contracts with the judges are now signed. A request will be made with the APS to change the field that will be used, if held outdoors. It is next to the field that we used last November. Barbara Thompson showed glass plates that could be used as judge’s gifts. Ribbons are taken care of and Lynn will order armbands and judge’s books from MB-F. The catalogs will be the same as last year.

New Business:

Web site—Amy Butcher will develop an independent web site for the Club. The name will be or Amy was given permission to use Club funds for development of our web site.

Meetings—the members decided that they prefer to meet in member’s homes rather than in restaurants. Permanent places we rent are hard to find, as we need a commitment for a year. The October meeting will be held at the home of Barbara Thompson.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Program—we had Melanie Schlaginhaufein, a behavior consultant and trainer speak to the members.

Members present:

Eileen Bassett, Cathy Whitaker, Barbara Nelson, Kristy Pedersen, Lynn Michael, Barbara Thompson, Krys Messer, Chris Parkhurst, Dianne Hawes, Tina Komorek, Linda Nicholas, Chuck Dasnoit, Shauna Dasnoit, Amy Butcher and guests Nancy Davis and Sarah Crace.


Nominations for slate of officers. Below is the proposed slate of officers for 2003. Nominations will be taken from the floor at the October 10 meeting. Elections will be held at the November meeting.

President: Kristy Pedersen

Vice President: Barbara Thompson

Secretary: Cathy Whitaker

Treasurer: Lynn Michael

Board of Directors: Dianne Hawes, Krystn Messer, Barbara Nelson

***If you would prefer to receive these newsletters via e-mail, please send me your e-mail address. Also, if anyone changes their current e-mail address, please send the new one to me so you can continue to receive these electronically.

Contact information for Triangle Sheltie Rescue:

Intake Coordinator - Mike Tickle (919) 554-8099

Adoption Coordinator - Sherri Main (919) 554-8099

web site -