December 11, 2014 – 7:00 p.m.
Approved: January 8, 2015
Attendance: Dave DeLaHunt, Russell Johnsrud, Duane Goeden, Dacle Schmid Jr., Gary Nasser, Tina Melott, and Deborah Anderson.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman DeLaHunt at 7:00 p.m. followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
It was announced that the meeting is being recorded for clerk information only to complete minutes. After the minutes are approved the recording will be deleted.
Johnsrud made a motion to approve the Board of Canvas minutes of November 13, 2014. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.
Goeden made a motion to approve the minutes of November 13, 2014. DeLaHunt seconded. Motion called and carried.
Treasurer Melott presented the treasurer’s report. Johnsrud made a motion to approve treasurer’s report as presented and to transfer monies of $100,000 to Road and Bridge Fund, $1,200 to Cemetery Fund, and $2,500 to Planning & Zoning Fund from the General Fund. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.
The MN Association of Township WC Policy was reviewed.
Schmid made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.
Number three on the agenda under New Business “Transfer of funds…” was deleted and “Renewal of Kathy Schmidt liquor license” was added. Nasser made a motion to accept the agenda with these changes. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.
The road report was given by Ralph Sanquist. No snowplowing was needed during this month. Sanding was done several times on various roads as needed.
Gary Korsgaden submitted zoning administrator report by email. Report was reviewed.
No public comment.
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Johnsrud reported there was no new legal information regarding the public access on Long Lake. The Chairman of Hubbard Township has talked with DeLaHunt. Further discussion will be had as more information is available. The items blocking the public access have been moved at this time.
Resolution #2014-08 was reviewed, as prepared by Attorney Troy Gilchrist, regarding the “Petition for a Cartway” from Eric and Jamie Munson. DeLaHunt made a motion to require a $15,000 security deposit. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.
DeLaHunt made a motion to accept the original petition as filed. Johnsrud seconded. After discussion, motion receded. DeLaHunt amended his previous motion to read: A motion made to accept the original petition upon receiving of the $15,000 security deposit as stated in Resolution #2014-08. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.
DeLaHunt talked to Jed Nordin. Copies of communications were made available. Johnsrud made a motion to renew Peterka’s license application contingent that he maintains the screening fence required by the township. Goeden seconded. Discussion included that Peterka needed to be law abiding. It was stated that this business is overseen by the County Solid Waste Department. The clerk was directed to send a cover letter to Roger stressing how important it is to follow legal guidelines, county ordinance, and MPCA requirements. Schmid will deliver letter and signed documents to Peterka. Motion called and carried.
Johnsrud will put up the new bulletin boards for current notices.
Clerk presented information regarding the pricing of new voting booths. Nasser made a motion to table to next meeting. Schmid seconded. Motion called and carried.
Treasurer Melott will download CTAS 8 unto the new computer. CTAS 7 will also be maintained for four months per state recommendation.
New notary stamp has been ordered with an estimated cost of $45.00.
A letter from Mike Sharkey regarding the 2016 valuation of “The Reserve at Dakota Shores” was reviewed and a copy given to the township assessors to follow up on.
Penny Vikre and Mark Peterson (current township assessors) addressed the Board. A short verbal report was given updating their progress. Photos of properties are being taken as they
Henrietta Township Minutes of December 11, 2014 Page 3
visit. They asked if the Board had heard of any issues that should be addressed. None were known at this time in addition to the Sharkey request.
Kathy Schmidt presented her wine license and 3.2 malt liquor license renewals. There were no known issues. Schmid made a motion to approve renewal. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.
The request to review the fee schedule by Gary Korsgaden was tabled to January meeting.
Note was made of the public hearing scheduled for Nathan Turnquist on December 22, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. at the Hubbard County Courthouse in regards to the request of a conditional use permit for a retail shop.
The MN Association of Township’s Financial Statements, years ended June 30, 2014 and 2013, are available for review. The current workmen’s compensation forms are due January 31, 2015. These forms should be completed by Treasurer and presented at the next regular meeting for Board review. All certificates of insurance have been received.
Certificates of Election were distributed to newly elected board members. The Oath of Office for new officers will be made available after meeting.
Communications: Kris Daniels re: building permit (passed Gary K’s email address to her), Dogwood Road Assessment info to Sandy Rittgers, Hubbard County 2015 Proposed Real Estate Taxes, Thank you card to Al Czeczok, Hubbard County Abstract re: Margaret Schmidt, Leer Title re: Holder; Nater; Wilkins/Medellin Trust; and Karl Beck, and Steve Green (forward to supervisors).
Advertisements and Flyers: Kinship, Ford, District 309 flyer, McAfee, GovOffice, Brother International, St. Joseph Health Foundation, Office Depot catalogue, and Ace Flyer.
Billings received from: Thomason Swanson & Zahn Attorney, PO Box Rental, MN Power x 2, and Itasca Mantrap.
Township Association Meeting, January 26, 2015, held at Straight River Township beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Schmid has placed “Drop Box” on the box located outside under the notice board.
Nasser made a motion to adjourn. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Anderson