Cass Elias McCarter Guardian ad Litem Program

For more information, contact at Cherie Walker at (864) 878-0807.

Can you be a Quarterback for Children?

The Quarterback lines up, calls the play, the ball is spiked to him and now is in his hands. He has a decision to make – should he hand the ball off to a running back, should he throw it to a receiver, or keep the ball and run with it?

That Quarterback is a lot like a Volunteer Guardian ad Litem. A volunteer GAL helps make decisions in the life of an abused or neglected child. Just like the Quarterback studies the field to see what the best option is, the volunteer GAL studies the case to help determine the best future for the child.

The Quarterback knows that the best place for the ball is in the end zone and he tries to determine the safest and quickest way to get it there. The volunteer GAL looks for the child’s “end zone” – a permanent place where he is safe from harm. The volunteer also tries to find the safest and quickest way to get the child in that stable, permanent environment.

Currently, there are over 3,250 children in foster care in South Carolina*. These are children who have been abused or neglected in their own homes, and are now in need of a Quarterback who will stand up and say “I am for the child.”

Don’t let the ball drop on these kids. Stand up and say “I am for the child.” If you would like to learn more about becoming a volunteer or want to sign up for the class, visit or call 1-800-277-0113.

The Cass Elias McCarter Guardian ad Litem Program is a division of the S.C. Governor's Office of Executive Policy and Programs and a member of the National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association.

*Total number of Children in Foster Care on July 1, 2013, CAPSS Data
