Jobtitle:Corporate PartnershipsManager
Reports to: Head ofPartnerships
Responsible for:Managing aCorporate PartnershipsExecutive
and an incometarget of £500,000
Hours:37.5 hours/week.
Location:Hammersmith, London
Thepost-holderwillberesponsible for maximisingsupport fromkey existing partners and will alsohelp to develop new relationships.
TheCorporate PartnershipsManager willberesponsible for developing and delivering a strategy to increase income from corporate partnerships for the charity. The post holder willtake the lead on managing and developingtheCharity’s existing corporate partnerships, including itsflag ship partnership with Marks and Spencer. They will also work alongside the Corporate Development Manager to identify and generate newbusiness opportunities across the team, in order to help the Charity achieve its operational objectives and fundraising targets.
Thispost is key to helpingtheCharity growits income basesothat it can supportmore people affected by prostate cancer.
- Team
ThePartnerships Teamisresponsible for generating income throughcorporate partners (companies) andCharitable Trusts. The team is led by the Head of Partnerships and subsequently divided into Trusts and Corporate teams. We have ambitious goals for our growth however we have been conservative with income targets to reflect the current economicclimate.
- Organisation chart
- Duties and key responsibilities
- Develop a strategicplan to establish a successful corporate fundraisingprogramme ensuring it complimentsthePartnerships, Fundraising and Charity’s overallcorporate strategies.
- Deliverplans against agreed targets and key performanceindicators (KPIs), monitoring, evaluating and reporting back asnecessary.
Managing supporter relationships
Itisenvisagedthat this willbearound 75% oftime but this is flexible
- Lead onthemanagement and development ofourkey nationalcorporatepartnerships – including the relationship with Marks and Spencer – to ensure each partnership is maximised and provides long termbenefits to the charity.
- Lead onthe development offullaccountplans across the team ensuringagreed outcomes and measures are in place againsteachpartnership.
- Develop and deliver robustreportingplans, ensuring that donor feedbackmeasurestheimpact and outcomes of eachpartnership.
- Developand managean effective stewardship programme to ensurethat existingpartners feel engaged with theCharity’s work and the part they are playing in its delivery. This will include ensuring that prospective and existing supporters are given opportunities to see the Charity’s work in action viageneral or bespoke cultivation events.
- Develop, foster and maintain excellent relationshipswithall relevant external stakeholders and organisations.
Itisenvisagedthat this willbearound 25% oftime but this is flexible.
- Preparecorporate bidsfor submission ensuringthatthey present an effectivecase for support that is compelling, well-described and provides all relevant information requested by the prospective funder.
- Liaisefully withotherdepartments (eg Operations, Marketing and Communications, Research) to ensure accuracy of information represented in funding bids.
- WorkacrosstheFundraising Team on major activitiessuchasProstate Cancer Awareness Month and Tour of Britain, identifying and securingcorporate support as appropriate.
Managing internalrelationships
- Developgoodworking relationships withAmbassadors, Trustees and Directors in order to access their networks.
- LiaisewiththeFundraising Heads of Department to maximise Community, Trustand Events opportunities throughcorporate partners and cross teamcampaigns e.g. PCAM.
- Developstrongworking relationshipsacrossService Delivery teams and Marketing Communications to ensure that partnerships are integrated into team plans and we are delivering against agreed targets on eachpartnership.
- Ensuretheproper management, reporting and re-forecasting ofbudgets and participate in budgeting and financial management at departmental levelas required.
- Managethe Marks andSpencer accountbudgetsensuring timely and accurate re-forecasts.
- Provide effectivemanagement and leadership, conduct performance and development reviews of Corporate Partnerships Executive, to ensuremotivated performance, high quality service delivery and achievement of thebusinessplan.
- Develop and support effective teamworkinginternally across fundraising and operational teams
Data and Information Management
- Ensureallinformation on Companies andtheiremployeesis recorded on the Supporter Database, working with the Supporter Care team as appropriate.
- To maintain up to date and accurate records on theCharity’s database to ensure data integrity.
- To ensureall retainedinformation is in line withCharity Law and BestPractice
- To maintain donortrust and confidentiality atall times.
- Stayabreast ofdevelopmentsinthe techniques and methodologies of fundraising from the corporate sector.
- Ensure effective representation of theCharity andits aims, both face to face and inwritten communications to supporters of all levels.
- Contribute to team meetings and organisationalpriorities
- Beproactivein keepingup to date with developments affectingthe role
- Carry outother associated duties as may arise, develop or be assigned inline with the broadremit of the post
- Abide by organisationalpolicies and practices, and theCharity’s UNITED values
- Supportdiversity and equality of opportunity intheworkplace
Date Written:Signed:(Line Manager)
Document ref:Signed:(Job holder)