Board of Directors Meeting ∙ Wednesday, September 20, 2017 ∙ 9:00AM-4:00PM

ODEC Conference Room – 4201 Dominion Boulevard ∙ Glen Allen, Virginia

I.  Call to Order, Welcome, Intro of Guests…………………………………….…Steven Meeks, President

II.  Approval of June Association Board Meeting Minutes………………………..….……...Steven Meeks

III.  Review & Approval of Treasurer’s Reports……………………………………………..………..….Don Wells

Decision Points: Review FY17, Revisions FY18, FY19 Proposed Budget, Support Fees, Travel

IV.  Committee Plans & Discussion

a.  Legislative Committee Report

i.  Federal Updates…Steven Meeks, NACD Alternate & Kendall Tyree, Executive Director

-  Attached Report/SENACD Mtg Recap – Greenville, South Carolina August 2017

-  2018 Southeast Mtg & Board Mtg Efforts – Williamsburg Lodge August 3-8, 2018

ii. State Update……………………………………….....Don Wells, Legislative Committee Co-Chair

-  Senate Finance Legislative Retreat October 5-6 and Field Visit at Davis Produce

-  Policy Update – Agency Budget Request, Surplus Funds, Needs Assessment Info, RMP Budget Study Efforts & WQIF Stabilization Budget Study Efforts Update

Decision Point: 2018 Agenda Draft – See Attached Committee Recommendations

b.  Marketing/Public Relations Committee…….…Handout - VASWCD & Derwin Booker, Chair

c.  IT Committee…………Handout - Dr. Kendall Tyree on behalf of Marina Schumacher, Chair

d.  Urban Committee…………………………..……………………………..…Laura Grape, Committee Chair

e.  Forestry Committee…….Dr. Kendall Tyree on behalf of Chairs Todd Kready & Bill Worrell

V.  Area Chair Reports

a.  Area I – Report included in packets…………………...... Linda Campbell

b.  Area II – Area II Equine Letter Included in Packets as FYI……………………….…..…Jim Gehlsen

c.  Area III………………………………………………………………………………………………...…….Frank Johnson

d.  Area IV – Report included in packets ………..………………...... Pete Farmer

Decision Point: Area IV Representative to the SWCB – Handout included in packets

e.  Area V – Report included in packets…….……………………..…….………………..……..Wilkie Chaffin

f.  Area VI – Report included in packets………………..…………………..….….…………..…Margie Davis

VI.  Agency/Partner Reports & Discussion

a.  Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services – Report included in packets

b.  USDA/Farm Service Agency

c.  Department of Forestry – Report included in packets

d.  Chesapeake Bay Commission

e.  Natural Resource Conservation Service

f.  Department of Conservation & Recreation/ Virginia State Soil & Water Board

-  Budget Template Needs Process Update, SWCB Audit Sub Committee Info, etc

-  SWCB Meeting Topics for upcoming Board Meeting, Appointments Area V&VI

VII.  Executive Committee/Executive Director Report: Items for Review & Discussion

a.  Staff Changes – Administrative & Financial Assistant Position – Shannon Mitchum

b.  VCAP Program Report – See Enclosed Report for Detailed Grant Information

c.  Appointment of Chip Jones to LGAC and Dr. Kendall Tyree to CAC for Ches Bay

d.  2017 Annual Meeting – Save the Date: Dec. 3-5, 2017 – See Attached Materials

e.  Nominating Committee for VASWCD Officers – President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Treas/Sec

f.  Review as Needed Terms of Service for Area Elections & SWCB Appointment Needs

VIII.  New Business

IX.  Closing Remarks & Adjournment…………………………………….……Steven Meeks

Next Mtg: December 3, 2017 at Portsmouth Renaissance in conjunction w/ Annual Mtg