Background Information: Requests for Access to PIMS and the SRS Academic Access reports in Business Objects

These services provide information on classes and/or individual students. PIMS would tend to be used when looking up the details for an individual and the SRS Academic Access reports in Business Objects for classes. Applications for access must be authorised by departmental HoDs (or delegated authority).

There are two levels of access to PIMS – limited and full. Full access to PIMS and the SRS Academic Access reports are officially only available to staff (academic and general) in the academic departments of the University (School of Business, Humanities, Health Sciences and Sciences) — not to Service Divisions (such as Student Services, Property Services, Marketing and Communications, Halls of Residence and ITS, etc.).

If the request is from a staff member in an academic department/division and the form is appropriately signed, then for access to:

• PIMS - you can just set that up and notify the person – as per the instructions in the “Enabling Access to PIMS” document on DocuShare (in the Services for Staff -> PIMS -> Access) for how to do this.

• SRS Academic Access (Business Objects) - log the request. See the document “Business Objects - Requests for Access” on DocuShare (in the Services for Staff -> Business Objects -> Access) for how to do this.

Requests from Service Divisions for Access to PIMS/SRS Academic Access reports in Business Objects

Many of the non-academic departments have justification for access to a limited version of PIMS, which allows them to lookup students in the current year only and doesn’t allow them to view academic record information.

Some non-academic departments will justify the need for access to either the full PIMS (to look up past students addresses, etc.) and/or the SRS Academic Access reports in Business Objects. For example, some Halls of Residence staff have been given access so that they can produce certain class lists which allows them to aid their residents by organising tutorials in those subjects at the hall.

The reason that access is needed should be noted on the application form – if not, then contact the applicant and get that information before going any further.

All new requests for access to PIMS and/or the SRS Academic Access reports in Business Objects from non-academic departments of the University need to be approved by David Cross (Manager, Student Administration, Academic Services) before any access is set up by ITS. As the process for this is more time consuming, it’s probably best done by core HelpDesk staff who can then keep track of the request as it is worked through.

The process for getting approval for access is:

• Email David () with a CC to his PA Jenny Officer () with the text along the lines of:

<Person’s first and last name> from <Department name> has requested access to PIMS <and/or SRS Academic Access reports in Business objects>. Access is requested because <of the following reason(s)>.

For PIMS, should full, limited or no access be granted?

For the SRS Academic Access reports in Business Objects, should access be granted?

• Wait to get David’s or Jenny’s reply and then action as appropriate. If access is approved:

- PIMS: see the instructions in the “Enabling Access to PIMS” document on DocuShare (in the Services for Staff -> PIMS -> Access) for how to do this.

- SRS Academic Access: see the document “Business Objects - Requests for Access” on DocuShare (in the Services for Staff -> Business Objects -> Access) for how to log the request for access for Business Objects – if full access to PIMS is granted and access to these reports was requested.

If only limited access to PIMS is granted, then no access to the SRS Academic Access reports in Business Objects is given.

• Note on the application form what approval was given (or not given).