InterZoneTransfer Application-
Transferring from one Tumwater school to another Tumwater school
Separate forms must be submitted for each student requesting a transfer. Accepted transfers are valid for one year only and it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian/student to obtain, complete and submit a new form each year for each student.
Completed forms can be emailed to
Parent/Guardian/Studentreason for requesting a transfer: Click here to enter text.
Student’s Legal Name: Click here to enter text.Student’s Date of Birth: Click here to enter a date.
Grade During CurrentYear: Choose an item.Grade During Transfer Request Year: Choose an item.
New Request ☐(first time completing form)
Renewal Request ☐
(transfer approved during previous school year) / School Year Requested:
Click here to enter a date.
Click here to enter a date. / Is the student currently under expulsion or suspension from another school district?
Yes ☐
No ☐ / Does the student have any history of discipline issues?
Yes ☐
No ☐ / Is there another child in the family requesting a transfer?
Yes ☐
No ☐ / Has the student ever received any of the following services
(check all that apply):
Current: ☐
Previous: ☐ Yr: ______
504 ☐
Resident School: Choose an item. Request Transfer To (schools): Choose an item. 1st
Choose an item. 2nd
Choose an item. 3rd
Please provide parent/guardian mailing address:Parent/Guardian Phone: Click here to enter text.
Name: Click here to enter text.Parent/Guardian Work Phone: Click here to enter text.
House & Street: Click here to enter text.Parent/Guardian E-Mail: Click here to enter text.
City/State/Zip: Click here to enter text.
Parent/Guardian Address (if different from above): Click here to enter text.
By signing this form, I understand that during the process of making a decision as to whether or not the student will be accepted at the school(s) listed above, the above-named student’s disciplinary and attendance records will be reviewed and considered by district officials.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date:______
Superintendent or DesigneeDateSpecial Education DirectorDate
Tumwater School District
Board Policy
Inter-Zone Transfers
Students shall be assigned to schools on the basis of the attendance zone within which they reside. Attendance zones will be reviewed annually to be certain they accurately reflect facilities capabilities of the various schools. Transfer restrictions may be imposed by the district to ensure ample capacity exists for all students residing within each school attendance zone.
The district may grant individual waivers from the attendance zone requirements. The Superintendent will develop procedures to govern consideration of inter-zone transfer requests.
Inter-Zone Transfers must be in compliance with all other district policies.
ADOPTED:June 30, 1983
REVISED:January 28, 2016