28.4.2014 Management Committee

Management Committee

Monday, 28th April 2014 at 7.30 p.m.

in The Mayor’s Parlour, the Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT Councillors Austen Robinson (Chairman), Sylvia Emmott (the Mayor), Mark Deverill, John Veevers, Geoff Cook, Giles Archibald and
John McCreesh.

APOLOGIES Councillors Tom Clare and John Willshaw

OFFICERS Liz Richardson (Town Clerk) and Margaret Graham (Secretary)

Also in attendance was Joanne Golton, SLDC Regeneration Manager, for the item on the Market Place, Kendal.


No interests were declared at this point.


Members considered the minutes of the meeting held on 17th March 2014, the contents of which had been discussed, amended and approved by full Council on 7th April 2014.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 17th March 2014 be accepted as a correct record.


914/13/14 Police Reporting at Council Meetings (Minute 821/13/14)

The Town Clerk confirmed that Inspector Paul Latham would be presenting a further quarterly report to the meeting of full Council on
6th May 2014,

RESOLVED that the situation be noted.

915/13/14 Kendal Futures Board Projects (Minute 822/13/14)

The Town Clerk reported that she had discussed with Paula Scott, Kendal Futures, the updated Kendal Economic Regeneration Action Plan, and advised that the Town Council had awarded £3,000 towards this. Consultants had been appointed to progress the Action Plan (at a cost of £10,000). They were chosen because of their experience and knowledge, and had done a very good presentation. Regarding the website, Paula Scott had said that information was awaited from the Business Improvement District (BiD) Board.

RESOLVED that the situation be noted.

916/13/14 Urban Infrastructure (Minute 823/13/14)

Councillor John McCreesh pointed out that the bullet point for Signage (develop a Kendal APP) should not be in all capitals.

RESOLVED that Minute 823/13/14 be amended to “Kendal App”.

917/13/14 Nominations for Office of Deputy Town Mayor (Minute 833/13/14)

The Town Clerk said that she had now received one nomination for the office of Deputy Town Mayor, and would report this to full Council on
2nd June 2014,

RESOLVED that the situation be noted.

918/13/14 Update on Market Place

Joanne Golton, the SLDC Economic Development Manager, provided an update on the potential regeneration of the Market Place.

A Market Place Task and Finish Group had been set up and first met on 2nd April 2014, with representatives from SLDC, Kendal Town Council, Cumbria County Council, Chamber of Commerce and Kendal Futures in attendance. The Group’s Terms of Reference had been agreed, and the notes of the meeting were circulated.

Ms Golton explained that the Market Place had previously been considered as a regeneration project under the Draft Kendal Public Realm Framework, which was currently being revisited by herself and Paula Scott from Kendal Futures.

Ms Golton outlined the current position and “suggested interventions” to achieve a more appropriate, attractive and better quality setting for markets/events/functions both during the daytime and evenings, and on Sundays. It was thought that some “quick win” solutions could be introduced to the problem facing the Market Place, including a new lighting scheme (led by Cumbria County Council), improvements to the electricity and water supplies, and the entrance to the Westmorland Shopping Centre, plus upgrading of street furniture etc.

The “next steps” were to determine projects within the new Public Realm Framework, delivery times/costs, prioritisation of projects, and seeking sources of funding to deliver schemes.

The Task and Finish Group had felt it would be of benefit to have a “master plan” drawn up, together with some artists’ impressions of what is possible in the space. Joanne Golton is to obtain quotes for commissioning artists’ impressions.

Ms Golton elaborated on some of the proposed steps for improving the Market Place, and possible sources of funding –

·  SLDC has a pot of monies for Public Realm Improvements

·  Funding for Locally Important Projects through the New Homes Bonus

·  Improvements to the lighting are estimated at £30,000

·  Free WiFi

·  Shop front grants

·  Painting of buildings to provide a “less bland” appearance

·  Benches/seating to be replaced/updated

Ms Golton also mentioned that it was hoped to hold a “fun day” supported by independent retailers on 4th July 2014 (Independents Day!).

She indicated that the Working Group will make a fact-finding visit to Wilmslow Artisan Market on Sunday, 15th June. KFB and BiD Board Members will be invited.

In conclusion, Ms Golton reported that a request had been received to hold a Christmas Market in Kendal two weeks after the Christmas Lights Switch-On. She was asked to liaise with the Town Clerk.

The Chairman thanked Ms Golton for her informative update.

RESOLVED that the situation be noted.


Councillor Austen Robinson reported that the latest meeting of the Kendal Futures Board had been held at the former Goodacres site. It had been interesting to see what was happening on the site and the potential for other possibilities. Councillor Robinson confirmed that the minutes of the meeting would be circulated to all Councillors.

RESOLVED that the situation be noted.


The Town Clerk was concerned that the back-up of the KTC computer systems was not good enough and there was a risk of losing information. She had held an initial discussion with the original equipment supplier and sought advice about system recovery software. Councillor McCreesh suggested that disaster recovery and off-site storage needed investigation. The Town Clerk was asked to make further enquiries and report back.

RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be requested to make further enquiries and report back to the Committee.


The Town Clerk had submitted a project update and provided an update on specific projects. The update to employment documentation had been completed and issued. The Environment and Highways Committee had allocated funds for the railings at Prospect Hill, and the Town Council would be asked to take over maintenance.

The Town Clerk was requested to ask her Assistant to provide similar update information for the report for the Allotments, Kendal in Bloom, and Christmas Lights and Festivals Committees.

RESOLVED that the progress report be noted


922/13/14 Glebe Walk, Kendal

The Town Clerk reported a request from Councillor Tom Clare to extend the improvement programme of work on the riverside wall at Glebe Walk by cutting cut back sapling growth in the direction of the Parish Church and Nether Bridge. This would help to stop deterioration of the stonework.

The Town Clerk said that the cost (estimated at £400) could
be met from the KTC contingency.

RESOLVED that the request to extend the improvement programme be approved.

923/131/4 Business Improvement District

The Town Clerk reported that the BiD Board has asked the Chief Executive of SLDC to nominate two representatives. The Mayor and Councillor Giles Archibald (as SLDC Member) had been nominated pro tem. It was agreed that it would be preferable if the appointments could be for the four year Council term, and it was agreed to seek nominees at the meeting of full Council on 2nd June (following the forthcoming elections). It was suggested that the appointment could be added to the Outside Bodies list.

RESOLVED that a nomination to the BiD Board be sought at the full Council meeting on 2nd June 2014.

924/13/14 Town Council Newsletter

The Town Clerk reported that Councillor Tom Clare had met with herself and Councillor Robinson to discuss issues in relation to the Town Council Newsletter. The graphic designer, who had previously taken payment “in kind” through advertising in the newsletter, now wished to be paid for his work at £300 per edition. Councillor Archibald suggested allocating £300 for the summer edition, which included the Kendal in Bloom competition, and this was seconded by Councillor John Veevers.

It was felt that the publication of the Newsletter should be reviewed after the new elected Members are in place. It could then be considered, for example, whether to reduce the number of editions to three per annum, and whether the Newsletter achieves its purpose. Nominations for a Working Group should be sought at the full Council meeting in June 2014.


(1) an additional £300 be allocated to the summer edition of the Newsletter, to meet the costs of the graphic designer; and

(2) the Town Council Newsletter Working Group membership be placed as an item the agenda of the full Council meeting on 2nd June 2014.

925/13/14 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Town Clerk said she had spoken to the Chief Executive of SLDC in terms of monies for projects from the CIL. Councillor McCreesh pointed out that it would be difficult for Kendal Town Council to set up projects because of lack of officer resources. He felt that liaison with the other tiers would be necessary to achieve delivery, in partnership.

There was a concern that Kendal Town Councillors should be aware of the Community Infrastructure Levy, how it operates and which projects would be eligible for CIL funding. There was discussion on adding this item to the already planned presentation on the Vision for Kendal at full Council in July 2014. However, it was decided that it would be better as a stand-alone briefing to all Councillors. The Town Clerk was asked to arrange a date at the end of June 2014.

Councillor McCreesh cautioned that CIL monies from developments within the Kendal boundary could potentially go to other Parish Councils. The Town Council could either request boundary changes, or make a formal application to SLDC to carry out a boundary review.

It was felt that the issues should be discussed with the SLDC Portfolio Holders.

RESOLVED that the Town Clerk arrange a Councillor brief on the Community
Infrastructure Levy and the Vision for Kendal at the end of June 2014.


RESOLVED that the press and public be excluded for the following items of

Part II

In accordance with Section 100(B)(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, the following reports were excluded from inspection by members of the public as they contain exempt information as described in Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as follows:-

Information relating to any individual [Paragraph 1]


927/13/14 Town Treasurer

The Town Clerk reported that the Management Group had met and she had subsequently prepared a Job Description and advertisement. She reported the various costs for publication in three local newspapers. The preferred option was to advertise in the Westmorland Gazette at a cost of £930 for a one-week advertisement in the newspaper and two weeks on its website.

RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be authorised to place the advertisement with the Westmorland Gazette.

928/13/14 Town Treasurer Staff Appraisal

The Town Clerk reported that she had carried out her annual staff appraisal of the work carried out by the Town Treasurer, and had been satisfied with his performance over the period.

RESOLVED that the results of the staff appraisal be noted.

929/13/14 Town Clerk Staff Appraisal

The Chairman of the Committee, Councillor Austen Robinson, reported that he had carried out the annual appraisal of the work of the Town Clerk and had been satisfied with her performance over the period.

RESOLVED that the results of the staff appraisal be noted.

The meeting ended at 9.25 p.m.

Summary of Information, Resolutions and Recommendations to Council

Min / Subject / Information / Resolution / Recommendation to Council
914 / Police Reporting / INFO / Report to be presented to Council on 6th May 2014
915 / Kendal Futures / INFO / Consultants appointed to progress Kendal Economic Regeneration Action Plan. KFB await Website information from Business Improvement District
916 / Urban Infrastructure / INFO / Minute 823/13/14 to be amended
917 / Nominations for Deputy Town Mayor / INFO / Town Clerk to report to Council on 2nd June 2014
918 / Update on Market Place / INFO / Councillor Emmott to update next meeting
919 / Kendal Futures Board Update / INFO / Councillor Robinson to send minutes of KFB meeting to Town Clerk for circulation to all Councillors
920 / Back up of KTC Computers / RES / Town Clerk to make further enquiries and report back
921 / Report on Project Progress / INFO / To note. Town Clerk to ask her Assistant to provide update information for report for Allotments, Kendal in Bloom, and Christmas Lights and Festivals Committees
922 / Glebe Walk, Kendal / RES / Request to extend improvement programme at riverside walk approved
923 / Business Improvement District / INFO / Nominations to BiD Board to be south at Council on 2nd June. Councillor Emmott to update Committee
924 / Town Council Newsletter / RES / Additional £300 allocated for summer edition; Working Group membership nominations to be sought at Council meeting in June 2014
925 / Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) / RES / Town Clerk to arrange Councillor briefing on CIL and Vision for Kendal at end of June
927 / Town Treasurer / RES / Town Clerk authorised to place advertisement in Westmorland Gazette
928 / Town Treasurer Staff Appraisal / INFO / To note results of appraisal
929 / Town Clerk Staff Appraisal / INFO / To note results of appraisal