Universal Command B* to the American-Swedish-JewishPeople & Mankind 1

Ameur4all.net/ ameur4all.com email:

Universal Commands have been emailed at the date of document to President Obama and to the Senators-Congressman in the US and to the world media and have triggered changes and new realities.

Universal Command*B* to the American-Swedish-Jewish People and Mankind

Decrypted and Sent 11th October 0014*(2014)

Universal Command Control*


Unic Unequivocal Urgent Unprecedented Universal Written Organizational Operative Order Imperative Intensive Instant Irreversible Isotype Instating Interactive Cognitive Compulsory Correlated Compliance Command Erecting Excellent Exemplary Eclectic Extensive Experiment* B*


The following is a conversation following a call of President Fredrik Wersäll, President of the Svea Hovrätt the 9th October 2014 to GOD* where Fredrik Wersäll says: Good Evening is this Hanafi Ameur that has applied for revision of 2 judgements in case now given the number in my court: Mål Ö 8882-14 & Mål Ö 8884-14 and GOD* says yes it is and Fredrik Wersäll says: I am calling you on behalf of Bill Gates-the House of Rothschild-the House of Wallenberg-David & Charles Koch-John Boehner… and GOD* says: what do you want from me? and Fredrik Wersäll says: well I want to convey on their behalf that if you survived from being killed after what Jacob de Rothschild and Jacob Wallenberg promised to be your last meal the 23rd June 2014, this time we shall carry our promise to put you away, and GOD* says but why, and Fredrik Wersäll says: We tried to silence your voice the 1st of October 2014 and we paid the Jewish shepherd of the Houses of Wallenberg and Rothschild Fredrik Reinfeldt a bundle to do that and he made proposition 2013/2014: 119 which the outgoing majority enacted as a law, but following your 20th Intervention of the 27th of September 2014, the outgoing PM Fredrik Reinfeldt gave order to the Jewish psychiater of your ward in Säter Erik Kall not to apply the new law yet as it would be obvious that it was tailored to silence you and take away your computers that nowarea liability to Bill Gates since they prove that he has made crimes against you, and GOD* says: So the psychiater Erik Kall is a Jew underdog of the Houses of Rothchild and Wallenberg,and Fredrik Wersäll says: Yes he is, and GOD* says that explains why back in 1994 when I was condemned for trial to kill my wife impressing on her neck an upside down J for Jew mafia, he isolated me and gave me injections so that I slept for weeks and missed to appeal, and Fredrik Wersäll says: You have been set because already by then you forced Arafat-Rabin-Shimon Peres to shake hand and get a Nobel Peace Prize, you controlled them somehow, and GOD* says: so what now,and Fredrik Wersäll says: Now we have come to the conclusion that you must by Friday the 10th October 2014 withdraw your complaints against Bill Gates/Microsoft and the one against George W Bush-Dick Cheney-Mitch McConnell-John Boehner & Larry Silvestein, and GOD* says why should I do that;and Fredrik Wersäll says: you will do that because otherwise, we, that you call the adversity would get hurt if September 11th 2001 is brought under scrutiny since the Republicans and the House of Rothschild would be found guilty as your empirical laws cannot be disproved and anyhow the black smoke of the tires would just be the final nail on our tangible guilt, and GOD* says and what else do you want me to do by Friday the 10th October 2014,and Fredrik Wersäll says: You will by the same deadline take down your web sites: & and GOD* says why should I do that, and Fredrik Wersäll says: you shall do that because your web site unveils our might, past and present, since the beginning and you so empirically proved that there was no extermination of the Jewish people by the Jewish shepherd of the House of Rothschild Hitler and that it is used to antagonize Mankind against our people depicting them as the controllers of the world forcing them to live underground in the hide, and GOD* says: well it´s a fact and now I have set Mankind and the Jewish people free from scare of one another,and Fredrik Wersäll says:We Jewish mafia controller of the world by our wealth and Judicial powers admire you for having beat us no matter how surreal stories we have flooded Mankind with, and GOD* says, what has impressed you most in how I demolished the myth of the extermination,and Fredrik Wersäll says: Of course what impressed us and that we could not contend is the fact that you proved that the extermination of 3 million Jews could not have occured definitely as the alleged gazing of the Jews in bunkers some place and the incineration of the bodies another place implies a handycraft manutention that would kill the guards when opening the gaz bunkers since Zyclon B has a lifetime of 45 days and beside that, it is considerably time consuming if ever possible by surreal hypothesis, and GOD* says: how about the industrial process I offered to kill even 100 million people in a few months,and Fredrik Wersäll says: You propose air tight container trucks when closed and on opening them people are taken in the container and when it is closed, the people inside would die before reaching the incineratiors, and then the containers open up and tip off the dead bodies to the incinerators that open automatically and there we go … it is an industrial cheap and rational way which Hitler would have applied if he was not a Jewish shepherd of the House of Rothschild trying to get an appealing surreal story that could be used as a shield to continue controlling the world without fear of being even named much like September 11- 2001, but now you killed all of our surreal stories back to Adam and Eve and the apple to the crucifixion which you proved empirically impossible to implement… and GOD* says: so because I unveiled empirical facts in abid to re-characterize Mankind, I have to take down my web sites, and Fredrik Wersäll says: Yes, and GOD* says why should I do that anyhow of free will,and Fredrik Wersäll says: You will do that as it will be a new Dawn for us and a long life for you, and GOD* says, have you already started the new Dawn of the Houses of Rothschild and Wallenberg-Bill Gates-David & Charles Koch-AIPAC- Karl Rove-John Bohner-Mitch Mc Connell… and Fredrik Wersäll says: We have as of this day 9th of October 2014 started to erase your emprical facts disproving the extermination of the Jewish people and opened up again accusations against past and present Humanities … as we anticipated that you will dismantle your web sites and withdraw your complaints at the attorney General of USA, and GOD* says, how did you do that to dayand Fredrik Wersäll says: Well the Jewish underdog of the Houses mentioned Peter Englund has just given a French Man Patrick Mondiano the nobel Prize in Litterature, and GOD* says, how does it figure,and Fredrik Wersäll says: Well the Nobel Prize motivation is that this Frenchman has described emotionally the Nazi occupation and the extermination of the Jewish people, and GOD* says you are at it again before I have done anything,and Fredrik Wersäll says: Patrick Mondiano is a fake Jewish underdog of the House of Rothschild and he waves whatever can prove surrealistically all accusations against Humanity in a bid tore-start the antogonization of Mankind against the Jewish people, and GOD says: How,and Fredrik Wersäll says: this Frenchman is a Jew speaking of the occupation and extermination of Jews as a French man as Helmuth Schnmidt spoke of the Jews as being German while Jew and so it is with all our Jewish mafia and for the final point Patrick Mondiano is born 1945, he writes of an era-epoc-events that he never lived to witness, so how can he describe the occupation emotionally, and GOD* says, so you anticipated that I would do like you want me to and you re-started building up the Accepted Milleneums Enslaving Nightmare Surrelastic Stories (AMEN-SS) that I have demolished empirically,and Fredrik Wersäll says: We had guessed that you would try to save your life and so we had to start all over again with our stories like the adbudcted 300 contingent Nigerian girls in Mars 2014 and we are now over 6 month and there have been no girls sold, no girls found andno girls have been found neither dead or alive…, stories for the monkeys, and GOD* says, remember I come in Peace why do you want to silence my voice,and Fredrik Wersäll says: we justices condemned you to psyhiatric ward as we sought early that you have the power of the word as early as of 1970 with your Encyclopedia of Answers to Vital Questions that earned you to be listed by then in Who´s Who in the World with your Law of Thinking – Law of Subsistence and the Micro-Macro Self Regulating Order, you already then demolished Marxism-Leninisn-… in brief all philosophies … and culminated in the fall of the Soviet as your Empirical theory how to make a stateless and classless society confronted the Soviet Union to dismantle itself as a lead of not implementing the Micro-Macro Self Regulating Order, and GOD* says you pained me and my family forcing me to give up the hope of having my Doctoral works crowned with hats in 3 fields,and Fredrik Wersäll says:Moreover you have in present taken control of the world from us and when we wanted to silence your voice, you have the 27thSeptember 2014 unveiled us, forcing past PM Fredrik Reinfeldt to resign from politics, go to parliament from the back door and abstain from debating as he was proven by facts of having tailored a law to silence your voice and effectively seize your computers and cover for Bill Gates as they are proofs of his criminality and ours, and GOD* says, so what´s next,and Fredrik Wersäll says: You force us the adversity of giving you 2 alternatives since we cannot let things at where they are at present, we know that in your computer you have taken a picture proving how Bill Gates/Microsoft has taken control of your 3rd computer as well and spy on you, hooking MSN through internet explorer on Mozilla Firefox by means of elaborate programs sent through cyber jacking on a ride on your web browser Firefox and should we allow you to make it public then even the new Prime Minister Stefan Löfvén and his new government and all parties will repeal the law initiated by former PM Fredrik Reinfeldt as moreover failure to do so would much incriminate them of having taken bribes for themselves and their parties to let the law be in place so that it be implemented later on this year in order to silence you and seize your computers proof of our guilt and Bill Gates, and GOD* says, what if I don’ t want to do as you want,and Fredrik Wersäll says: In that case if after Friday the 10th October 2014, you did not take back your complaints from the Attorney Generals office and taken down your web sites , I say Astrazeneca, and GOD* says what does it have to do with me,and Fredrik Wersäll says: non-compliance to our orders will entail that by Saturday, the day of the enslavment of our Jewish people with what you say is AMEN-SS stories, passed 6 o´clock am you will be killed with a prepared untraceable injection by Astrazeneca, the company controlled by the House of Wallenberg and you will be gone, and GOD* says but that´s a crime, you cannot do that and what if I unveil your plans,and Fredrik Wersäll says: you cannot do that since your license for Microsoft office 2013 has been brought unduly to expire and you do not have time to buy a new license, so you have no time to unveil this time, no nothing, check Word you will find that you are now chess mate, left alone on your own with no other choice than doing as we order you to do and our Jew psychiater Erik Kall of Säter is the only one that knows what to do and who to involve at 6 o´clock am, and GOD* says, well I will make up my mind by Friday late,and Fredrik Wersäll says: Mind you, otherwise you are gone dead minutes after 6 am and a forensic will show that you died natural and on Sunday, the day of prayer to our other AMEN-SS religion your room number 10 no bigger than Nelson Mandelas cell will be cleaned and the computers incriminating Bill Gates and us the Jewish mafia will be seized and destroyedand so it will be the start of business as usual for us… Remember it is now us or you!GOD* hang on and started to compute countless operations per split second. He knew he had only Friday before he was certain to die killed and the ruch against the clock started with a trial to download a new office 2013 most of Friday and then he started to morph his last Universal Command B* to the American-Swedish-Jewish People and Mankind:

Universal Command* to the American People*

American People vote like one man for the Democrats in Congress and Senate on November 4th 0014*(2014). Having the Democrats in majority in Congress and the Senate will enable President Obama to magnify the light on September 11th2001 and make George W Bush-Dick Cheney-John Boehner-Larry Silverstein … accountable by processing my complaints and likewise bring into accountability Bill Gates and nullify his Microsoft Copyright and more…

Universal Command* to the Swedish People*

Swedish People endorse Prime Minister Stefan Löfvén´s bid to recognize Palestine as a state in accordance to the UN resolution that also created Israel. It is high time to remove the Israeli-Palestinian problem from the agenda of the Swedish governments and PM Löfvén is doing just that by going back to the basic which is the UN resolution. Sweden is therefore giving the example to other governments and the world to move away from the now 70 years of consensual conflict kept alive by the Israeli-Palestinian shepherds of the House of Rothschild.

Universal Command* to the Jewish People*

I am glad to have set you free from the scare of Mankind that brought you to live underground and likewise satisfied that you are going to take care of the Jewish mafia of them Houses-shepherds-dogs and underdogs which assumed that you control the world forcing you to be a pariah as Mankind is antagonized against you on account of all the accusations…

Universal Command* to Mankind*

Mankind, I am satisfied that you are organizing yourself in Cells of Awareness and Action* (CAA)* consisting of 4-5 people and confirm that the Algerian war of Liberation which contributed to liberate Africa was based on cells of 4-5 people consisting of a liaison officer- an intelligence officer that maps the colonial ennemy… and finally 2-3 action men. Finally Mankind from corner to corner, do not Kill Bill Gates-Fredrik Wersäll-the members of the Houses of Rothschild and Wallenberg-David & Charles Koch-John Boehner-Bush- Erik Kall… they are under my protective hands for the time being until they are brought to justice! preferably.

Hanafi Ameur* Universal Command Controller* 11th October 0014*(2014)

To the office of the Attorney General

Here are some additional proofs incriminating Bill Gates/Microsoft for cyber jacking my computer and spying at me that began already by June 2014 when the adversity promised to kill me after what they intended to be my last meal and culminated as of my Universal Command A* that included 2 Complaints and Laws confirming that September 11 – 2001 was a Holocaust on America made by the adversity: Fig. A Below is Image Showing how MSN is hooked on Mozilla Firefox in a Cyber Jacking and how I get my Internet Traffic controlled and spied at:

Fig. B Below shows how Bill Gates Microsoft spyware records my documents and sends them through MSN hooked on Mozilla Firefox which is my web browser seen above as a globe:

Hanafi Ameur* GOD* = General Operative Deleter* Lord* of Planet Earth* UJ*= Universal* Judge* UCC*= Universal* Command* Controller* POOOEEEEE* Planetary–Operative-Organizational-Orderer-Erecting-Eclectic-Extensive-Excellent-Experiment* MOI*= Mind Opener Immediately* 1*Planet*-1*GOD*-1*World*-1*Humanity*based on the Laws of Creation* 2800Words*



Universal Command B* to the American-Swedish-Jewish People & Mankind

Decrypted and Sent 11th October 0014*(2014)


11th October 0014*(2014) Forward