Theme: Patterns
Science K.9, Phys Ed K.1, Technology 2.1
Day one of five
The purpose of this lesson is to recognize and identify different types of weather and discuss patterns throughout the seasons. This is the introduction lesson to our week discussing and delving deeper into weather patterns. Students will gain the knowledge of patterns in weather with respect to seasons, daily temperatures, types of weather, and life cycle of the plant.
Science K.9:The student will investigate and understand that there are simple repeating patterns in his/her daily life. Key concepts include a) weather observations; b) the shapes and forms of many common natural objects including seeds, cones, and leaves; and c) animal and plant growth.
Physical Ed. K.1: The student will demonstrate progress toward the mature form of selected locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills. a) Demonstrate the locomotor skills of walking, running, hopping, and jumping and landing. b) Demonstrate the non-locomotor movements of bending, pushing, pulling, stretching, turning, twisting, swinging, swaying, rocking, and balancing.
Technology K.2.1 Demonstrate an operational knowledge of various technologies. A. Use various types of technology devices to perform learning tasks. • Use a keyboard, mouse, touch screen, touchpad, and other input devices to interact with a computer.
The student will be able to identify the five types of weather (rain, sun, snow, wind, cloud) and sort picture cards of characteristics for each season by the pictures (i.e flowers blooming, leaf color, buds present on trees) with 100% accuracy.
●(A/ V) Watch the Magic School Bus Video Kicks up a Storm (
●(A/ V) Read the book Find Out About Weather by Robin Kerrod which identifies the various weather patterns.
●(A) Review different types of weather from movie and book
●(A/ V/ K) Go outside and observe the weather while moving around using different motions according to the teacher
○Jump, skip, walk, run, hop, etc.
○Is it sunny, windy, hot, cold, cloudy?
●(A) Come inside and discuss how weather changes throughout the seasons
○What season are we in?
●Daily weather changes: sun rises, temperature rises, sun sets, temperature drops
- (K) Students will stretch once back inside focusing on balance
- (A) Discuss the weather patterns mentioned in the video and the book
- (V) On the board, make a list and draw examples of each
- Student will copy
- (A) Orally make connections from book to outside with students
- (K/ V) Students will be in groups of four and draw 3 things they observed regarding weather while outside
- For struggling students: examples given, they must draw
- For advanced students: draw examples on own
Students will take turns sorting picture cards as a group of different types of weather learned today on the Promethean Board.
Any patterns students notice? ex: Sun rising/ setting, temp rising/ falling, flowers blooming/ dying? Tomorrows lesson will introduce this… Go home and think about different patterns that change from season to season…
Find Out About Weather by Robin Kerrod
Magic School Bus video
Sorting cards
Promethean Board
Promethean Planet- computer
Evaluation part A:
Students will match picture cards during the summary (sorting pictures of weather types and their characteristics with the weather title) as a group after learning about the six types of weather. Through their observation of the weather outside, students will be able to draw 3 things from nature that relates to the observed weather (sun, cloud, rain, etc.)
Evaluation part B:
Were students able to identify which season we are in?
Were students able to correctly match pictures to the specific seasons?
What went well?
What did I do well?
What could I change?