PCGPSMON - Monitor for the NEXUS GPS Compass
For PCGPSMON Version 2.35
The PCGPSMON program is used to monitor the NEXUS GPS Compass on a PC computer. To run it you need:
- An IBM or compatible PC computer with a 80286 or later processor with at least one serial port (COM1,COM2, COM3 or COM4) and 640K of memory.
- DOS Version 3.0 or later.
- The NEXUS PC-interface FD art no. 21248.
- An external power supply for 6-16 Volt DC to feed the NEXUS interface (and the GPS Compass instrument).
- Allows you to simultaneously watch all GPS data through the NEXUS Network. This includes satellite status.
- Built in Way-Point Editor where Way-Points can be transferred to and from the GPS Compass or to files on the computers disk(s) (both in Lat/Long or in Grid format).
- Positions in Latitude/Longitude or in several different Grid systems.
- Geodetic datum transformations for WayPoints
- Local-Geodetic Datums can be stored and loaded from GPS
- Computer time and date can be set from GPS (or opposite)
- Data logging of all essential GPS data to text files.
- Remote control of the GPS-Compass / XL300 / XL1000
Summary of contents
1 Installation3
1.1 How to start the program.3
1.2 Get GPS Status4
2 Screen Layout5
3 Main Menu6
3.1 Display GPS-Data6
3.2 Edit WayPoints9
3.2.1 HowtoMoveandSearchforWaypoints9
3.2.2 EditaWaypoint10
3.2.3 Blockmode10
3.2.4 DeleteWayPoints10
3.2.5 CopyWaypoints10
3.2.6 MoveWaypoints11
3.2.7 GetWaypointsfromGPS11
3.2.8 PutWaypointstoGPS11
3.2.9 Savetofile11
3.2.10 Loadfromfile12
3.2.11 Dumpfromfile13
3.2.12 SwitchCoordinateType13
3.2.13 ChangeDatum13
3.2.14 LoadWayPointsfromNexus'sNavimap13
3.3 List Devices14
3.4 Get Local-Datums from GPS14
3.5 Put Local-Datums to GPS15
3.6 Synchronise Times16
3.7 Remote Control16
3.7.1 PutGPSinREMOTE-page16
3.7.2 PutGPSON16
3.7.3 PutGPSOFF16
3.7.4 GPS-Selftest16
3.8 dGPS-Interface setup19
3.9 Data logging20
3.9.1 Startloggingtoafile20
3.9.2 Stoplogging21
3.9.3 Viewanoldlogfile21
3.10 Configuration / Setup22
3.10.1 PCConnection22
3.10.2 Gridcoordinates22
3.10.3 DefaultGeodeticalDatum23
3.10.4 DefaultDirectories23
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Copy all files from the installation diskette to your hard disk or run them directly from the diskette. The configuration file "GPSMON.CNF" must be on your working directory (*). If it is not present it will automatically be created with default configuration.
(*) = If you want to run the program from another directory you can specify the path where to find the configuration files in the environment variable "NEXUS". See "How to start the program" below.
Connect the interface cable to the GPS Compass or to the Navimap with the small connector. Use the free cable from the interface to connect the power supply (necessary). Make sure to keep the right colour:
Green / +12V (6-16 V)Yellow / RS-485 (Data-A)
White / RS-485 (Data-B)
Unshielded / Ground (-)
Warning: Never apply voltages above 16 V to the Interface, or you might permanently damage both the interface and your GPS-Compass.
Note: The Yellow and white wires is not used unless connected to other NEXUS units. These wires must be isolated when not used.
Connect the 9-pole D-sub connector to the serial port (COM1 - COM4) on the computer. If you have to make your own cable this is how the pins are used.
25-pole9-poleUsed for
2 3Transmit Data
32Receive Data
47Request To Send
All other pins are unused
1.1How to start the program.
Make sure that the "PCGPSMON.EXE" is in your working directory or in your path-list (see below). Write "PCGPSMON" to start the program.
If you are using COM2-COM4 instead of COM1 you need to tell this to the program. This can be done in two ways:
1)The easiest is to enter the setup (Type "S" in the main menu) and select the right communication port. This needs to be done only once (the setup is stored in the file GPSMON.CNF in your working directory).
2)As an alternative you can override the setup by "switches" on the command line when you start the program: Examples:
"PCGPSMON /1" will start the program using COM1
"PCGPSMON /n" will use COMn, where n = 1,2,3 or 4
This needs to be done every time you start your program.
For a complete list of all ”command line switches” type ”PCGPSMON /?”.
If you wish to run PCGPSMON (or any other NEXUS-Utility program) from any directory and still use the same configuration files you can tell PCGPSMON on what path it will find this files by setting the environment variable "NEXUS" (for example in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file). Use the DOS command:
"SET NEXUS=PATH", Where PATH = Drive and directory
Example: If you have copied all the NEXUS Utility files to the directory C:\NEXUS you should write:
1.2Get GPS Status
The first thing that happens when you start the program is an automatic GPS identification and status report. It is used by the program to identify the type and version of your GPS. It also determines what geodetical datum you have selected on your GPS.
A small box will appear at the centre of your screen:
┌─────────Get GPS Status────────┐
│ Type: GPS-Comp., Ver 2.0 │
│ Datum: "WGS-84 " │
This box is showed for a few seconds and you will then enter the main menu.
If the program can not get in contact with the GPS-Compass within 20 seconds, an error message will be displayed. To abort the automatic GPS identification before this, just type ESCape.
The information retrieved by the program is used to select the right number of WayPoints and to make an automatic selection of geodetical datum for grid coordinates. There is also some more internal differences between different main GPS versions.
The retrieved information is also stored in the configuration file and if a later "GPS identification" fails the stored information will be used.
Note: The PCGPSMON program can be used to Edit and store WayPoint files without connecting it to a GPS-Compass. Just abort the "GET GPS Status" function with ESCape (or ignore the error message). Verify the selected datum in the Setup/Configuration if you want to use grid coordinates.
2Screen Layout
When you start the program your screen is divided into three active areas:
║ ║
║ BOX 1 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ BOX 2 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ BOX 3 ║
║ ║
- In the upper box you will always have the program name to the left and version number to the right. In the middle you find the selected main function. When you start it will be "Main menu".
- The middle (big) box is used as your active screen to display data and show alternatives (as in the main menu).
- The lower box is used as a status window:
To the left is the Unit-ID on the NEXUS network for the PC written (normal 15). You also have Next-Id for the unit that follows (in a daisy chain like order). If your PC can't get write access on the NEXUS network it will read "Next-Id -- "
Then you see the number of sent and received data packets (to and from the NEXUS network). If this numbers are not increasing (fast) your PC doesn't have any contact with the NEXUS network: Please check cables, connections and that the right serial port is selected.
Next column tells you how many checksum errors that is detected.
Note: It's completely normal to have a few errors when you start the program (as it takes some time for the PC to synchronize with the data on the NEXUS network). The same is true if you remove any instrument while the NEXUS network is running.
3Main Menu
The main menu shows all main functions of the program. These are:
1. Display GPS-Data......
2.Edit WayPoints......
3. List Devices......
4. Get Local-datums from GPS...
5. Put Local-Datums to GPS.....
6. Synchronize. Times......
7. Remote Control......
8. dGPS-Interface setup......
9. Data Logging......
S.Setup / Configuration......
ESC:Exit Program......
To enter any of this functions just press the function number (or letter) (1-9 or S).
To return to the main menu (from selected function) you can always press the ESCape-key.
To exit program press the ESCape-key in the main menu. A small box
will then ask you to confirm (Yes or No):
│ Exit program: Yes │
Type "Y" or RETURN to exit or "N" to continue with the PCGPSMON program.
3.1Display GPS-Data
This window shows you simultaneously almost all data that is sent by the GPS-Compass.
On the left part of the screen you find the Mode status-line that contains GPS operation mode. Used abbreviations are:
2D= Two dimensional navigation
3D= Three dimensional navigation
Fn= Figure Of Merit: n = 1 (very good) to 9 (useless)
AQU= Acquisition
For Differential mode (DGPS) the 'F' in figure of merit is changed to "d" in the same way as in the Status window on the GPS Compass.
(Xsat)= Number of satellites used in calculations
Mode: 3D: F1 (5sat)
Below the Mode-line is written (See Note1):
Or if grid coordinates is selected (See Note 2):
East: XXX.XXX km
North: XXXX.XXX km
Note 1: Latitude and Longitude is written in either minutes with 3 decimals or in minutes and seconds with 1 decimal (see ”configuration / setup”, page 22).
Note 2: The representation of grid coordinates is different for some geodetical datums that is associated with a National grid rather than UTM coordinates. The use of "X" and "Y" instead of "East" and "North" (or the opposite) is common. See more in ”grid coordinates”, page 22.
Then the following data is written:
TIME:Local Time (±Time Zone)
DATE:Day-in-week, Month, Day-in-month, Year
SOG:Speed Over Ground
COG:Coarse Over Ground
BTW:Bearing To Waypoint
DTW:Distance To WayPoint
BOD:Bearing Origin to Destination
XTE:Cross Track Error
The right part of the window contains a diagram with the operation for each of the GPS's five channels. Example:
│ │ Sat │ Activity │ S/N │ Flag │
│ Ch1 │ 6 │ Tracking │ 39 │ D │
│ Ch2 │ 22 │ Search │ 0 │ U │
│ Ch3 │ 16 │ Tracking │ 43 │ │
│ Ch4 │ 28 │ Tracking │ 31 │ D │
│ Ch5 │ 23 │ Tracking │ 44 │ D │
U = Utility Channel, D = Differential
Under the "Sat"-column you find the PRN number that identifies which satellite that channel is tracking (or searching for). "S/N" is the signal to noise ratio (in dBHz). The last column, "Flag", contains 'D' if differential corrections is available for that channel. One of the channels can also have a 'U' that indicates that channel is used as "Utility-channel".
Below you find the "Dilution Of Precision" (DOP) values that ranges from 1.00 (no dilution = perfect) up to 327.27
HDOP= Horizontal Dilution Of Precision
VDOP= Vertical Dilution Of Precision
PDOP= Position Dilution Of Precision
TDOP= Time Dilution Of Precision
GDOP= Geometric Dilution Of Precision
Left of the HDOP value is the number of RTCM bytes sent on the NEXUS network (from the dGPS/RTCM-Interface) written.
Below is the sequence number of the last received RTCM-message (0-7) from the GPS receiver.
RTCM: 1247 bytes
SEQ#: 7
This figures can be used to check whether or not the DGPS receiver is working and correctly connected.
Note: The first number (RTCM: ...) is not used for the XL1000 or the GPS-Antenna where the RTCM data goes directly to the GPS (and not trough the NEXUS network).
3.2Edit WayPoints
This editor allows you to define or edit WayPoints in the PC's WayPoint buffer. This buffer can be loaded from any file on the PC's disks, or from the GPS-Compass. When the editing is done they can be stored again in either the GPS-Compass and/or to a file on the PC.
Note: The Waypoint buffer is always cleared when you start the program. No changes is written to the GPS-Compass unless you store the buffer with the "Put to GPS"-command (see below).
All valid commands are single keys and most of them is shown on the right part of the screen as a quick-guide.
Each wayPoint is printed with a number, name and position. Positions can be displayed as either latitude/longitude or with grid coordinates (easting, northing and zone-number). Latitudes and Longitudes are either in thousands of minutes or in tens of seconds. Choose the representation you prefer in the setup (see page ”Error! Reference source not found.”, page Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat.).
To switch between lat/long and grid-coordinates you can use the CTRL-G function (see page 13).
Note: The maximum number of WayPoints can be either 69, 199, 299 or 999 depending on what GPS you are using (see page 4).
3.2.1How to Move and Search for Waypoints
On screen you find 12 Waypoints simultaneously with number, name, and position (lat/long or grid coordinates). To select a specific WayPoint just move the cursor-line (WayPoint written in reverse video) with the Up or Down key. When you pass the screen border the next or previous 12 waypoints will be displayed. Page-Up or Page-Down will directly put you on the next/previous page (of 12 waypoints). The Home-Key brings you back to the first page and the End-Key takes you to the last page.
If you want to move to a specific Waypoint number, use the N-search command (just press "N"). You are then requested to enter the wanted Waypoint number. Confirm with ENTER and the cursor-line is directly moved to that Waypoint (if the number you entered was valid).
To Search for a known name, use the A-Search (Alphabetic-Search) by pressing "A". Give the name or part of the name you want to search for and press ENTER. The program will search through all Waypoints from the cursor-line to the end after the Waypoint that gives the best match with the given name. To search for the next match, just press "A" again and press ENTER. The search is then repeated. If you want to search through all Waypoints use the HOME-command before you start the search.
If you want to move the cursor-line to the center of the screen, just press CTRL-L (Press "L" while the CTRL-key is down). The screen is then rewritten with the cursor line in the middle.
3.2.2Edit a Waypoint
Select right Waypoint number and press ENTER (RETURN). The cursor is then directly moved to the Name filed. Edit name and confirm with ENTER.
Edit the WayPoint location (Lat/Long or grid coordinates) in the same way. If the selected Waypoint wasn't in use the current position will be used as default position in the same way as in the GPS Compass.
Use the Left or Right key to move within the field you are editing. For the latitude,longitude, easting and northing only the numbers can be changed, the special characters (.'") is fixed. Please not that the Up or Down key has no use in edit mode. To select a number just type the right digit on your keyboard!
For the UTM-grid the zone number is followed by a letter "N" or "S" to indicate if the position is in the Northern or Southern hemisphere.
3.2.3Block mode
Both the Move and Copy commands (see below) can work with block of Waypoints. To mark a block move the cursor-line to the start (or the end) of the wanted block and press F10. "Block On" starts to flash in the lower left corner. You can now move the cursor-line to the other end of the block. All waypoints between the first marked point and the cursor-line are marked with BRIGHT RED colour (bright on a black and white screen) and is included in the block. There is no limit of the number of Waypoints within the block, it can cross several pages.
When the right Waypoints are in the block select the wanted command (Move or Copy) that will automatically work with the entire block.
If you want to leave the Block mode just press F10 a second time and the block is removed.
3.2.4Delete WayPoints
Select a Waypoint (or a mark a block) and press DELETE. If a block is selected you are asked to confirm (Delete Yes/No?). If only one WayPoint is selected that WayPoint is deleted without any questions asked.
3.2.5Copy Waypoints
Select a Waypoint or mark a block. Press "C". A box appears with the number of selected Waypoints, the Waypoint number of the original Waypoint(s) (on the From-line). You are then requested to enter the destination Waypoint number for the first of the selected Waypoints (To: WPT000). After this all the selected Waypoints are copied to the new block starting at the given number. You can abort the command if you press ESCape before the destination is selected.
All Waypoints are copied. Any old Waypoint in the selected destination is overwritten and lost.
If a block is selected the destination must be outside the original block.
3.2.6Move Waypoints
The Move Waypoints is identical with Copy command (described above) except for one thing: The original Waypoints are removed after they are copied leaving the original block free.
To use the move command just press "M".
3.2.7Get Waypoints from GPS
This command is used to transfer all Waypoints from the GPS-Compass into the Waypoint buffer in the PC.
Before you can transfer any WayPoints from (or to) the GPS-Compass you must put your GPS in the REMOTE page. This page is found in the last page in the WP UTILity SETUP (for the XL1000 models). You can also enter the REMOTE page from the REMOTE-Control menu (see page 16).