Humboldt Town Board Minutes

The Humboldt Town Board met in regular session on Monday,January 27th, 2014. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ritchy Griepp at 7:00 p.m. Trustees present were Theresa Muth, Allen Schmeichel, Matt Sieverding and Adam Lund.

Others present were Daryl Sieverding, Tom Sieverding, Clair Grant, Gabe Laber, and Jesse Wenzlaff.

The minutes of the January 13th, 2014 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Sieverding and seconded by Muth to approve the minutes. Roll call was held. The motion carried with all present voting yes.

The public hearing for the rezoning request from the Humboldt Elevator was held. The elevator is rezoning all of their property to light industrial. A motion was made by Sieverding and seconded by Schmeichel to approve the rezoning, Roll call was held the motion carried with all present voting yes.

Gabe Laber was present to go over the Sewer Televising done by Infra-Track.

There are several spots where the sewer has shifted of settled. To apply for grants to do a sewer project a new facility plan will need to be completed. The most current plan the Town has is 2002.

Tom Sieverding and Clair Grant were present to discuss the Q125 Celebration with the council. Clair and Tom left at 8:10 p.m.

The Humboldt Journal is no longer considered a legal paper due to the lack of subscriptions. A motion was made by Muth and seconded by Lund to designate the Hartford Area New as Humboldt’s legal paper. Roll call was held. The motion carried with Lund, Schmeichel and Muth voting yes and Sieverding and Griepp opposing.

The HCC Furnaces and using the DOC boys for summer help were discussed.

The Supplemental Budget Ordinance O-01-13-14 was submitted for the second reading. A motion was made by Griepp and seconded by Muth to approve the second reading of the Supplemental Budget Ordinance. Roll call was held. The motion carried with all present voting yes.

A motion was made by Griepp and seconded by Schmeichel to go into executive session in accordance with SDCL 1-25-2 at 8:25 p.m. The motion carried.

Griepp reconvened the meeting at 9:08 p.m. A motion was made by Griepp and seconded by Schmeichel to give the utility manager a $1.00 raise and a $350.00 a year clothing allowance. Roll call was held. The motion carried with, Muth, Lund, Schmeichel and Griepp voting yes and Sieverding abstaining.

The applications for the Finance Officer position were reviewed. Six individuals have been selected to interview on Monday February 3rd and Tuesday February 4th, 2014.

With no further business, a motion was made by Griepp and seconded by Muth to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. The motion carried.