SBDM Agenda

July 17, 2017


Bellevue Middle/High School

Bellevue MS/HS/Library

Members in attendance: John Darnell, Bruce Mullins, Jaclyn Meyers, Charlsie Wheatley, Kristen Koeninger

Absent: Brandon Cooper

1.Opening Business /
  1. Approval of the agenda – Mr. Mullins made a motion to approve the agenda and it was seconded by Ms. Koeninger. The council agreed to approve the agenda by consensus.
  2. Ms. Meyers made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting and Ms. Wheatley seconded. The council approved by consensus.
  3. There was no public input.
  4. Ms. Wheatley made a motion to table 1(d) until the entire council is in attendance. Ms. Koeninger seconded and the council agreed by consensus.

2. Student Achievement reports / Mr. Darnell updated the council on recent ACT scores that have come in. At this point, 32% of seniors are currently CCR and 16% of juniors are CCR.
3. School improvement planning / Mr. Darnell reminded members to make sure they receive their SBDM training. When test scores come out the School Improvement Team will be called together to meet.
4 Budget Report /
  1. The council was presented with the EOY 2016-2017 budget due to there being no June SBDM meeting.
  2. The current budget is down roughly $6,000 in Section 6 money due to enrolments. This budget was previously adopted in May of 2017.

5. Bylaw and Policy Review / Mr. Darnell presented the current bylaws to all members and discussed several revisions that he would like to debate formally. Those include SBDM elections, quorum, and committees. He suggested that members go home and read the bylaws so we can start the discussion at the September meeting if needed.
6. Old Business / There was no old business.
7. New Business /
  1. Meetings will take place at 6:00pm in the BHS library on the following dates for the 2017-2018 school year: August 21st, September 11th, October 16th, November 13th, December 11th, January 8th, February 12th, March 12th, April 9th, May 14th, and June 11th.
  2. MS. Koeninger presented a school schedule for the Middle School that incorporates a 20 minute RTI block after 1st bell. On early release days they will not meet in RTI groups. Ms. Wheatley made a motion to accept and it was seconded by Mr. Mullins. The council adopted by consensus.
  3. Form to receive email notices was reviewed and the council members signed.
  4. Form on Managing Public Records was reviewed and the council members signed it.
  5. Mr. Darnell reminded the council members that he shared an email that had the Freedom of Speech and Religious Freedom Laws and Your Duty Under the Law information.

  1. Adjournment
/ Ms. Koeninger made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Ms. Wheatley. The council agreed by consensus and the meeting was adjourned at 6:38pm.