Lakeview Community Schools

Board of Education

Record of Minutes: Page 1 of 4

Date: November 8, 2010 Attachments: No

The regular meeting was called to order by Vice President Reed at 7:00 p.m., Bright Start Elementary School

Media Center.

Present: Tim Reed, Jack Jeppesen, Jeff Davis, Tim Rasmussen

Absent: Dave England, Edward Jonaitis, Daryl Johnson

Pledge of Allegiance

Moved by Rasmussen and supported by Davis to approve the agenda as amended. All yes, motion carried 4-0.

Welcome/Public Communication/Recognition of Visitors

·  Gordon Beckman, Community Member, asked about the Ad Hoc Committee members and how they were chosen. Vice President Reed indicated they were appointed by President Jonaitis. Mr. Beckman also asked if it would be possible to have the track unlocked at certain times so the community could use the facility to walk or run.

Tim Reed commended the LHS Marching Band on their First Division Rating at MSBOA. Band Director, Dean Gilbert acknowledged several thank yous to many individuals who helped make the MSBOA event successful. This is the second year Lakeview has hosted the event. He thanked his band students for the positive and great things they are doing.

Tim Erspamer, Lakeview Elementary Principal, acknowledge the Tamarack District Library who trained the following volunteers to work in school library: Sheryl Housen, Karen Blazo, Kathy Kok, Cheryl Lucas, Katie Bursley, Katina Kosinski, Julie Camp, Kim Lund, Michelle Baker. Their help is very beneficial for the students.

Kyle Hamlin, Lakeview Middle School Principal, spoke on the “Make a Difference Day”, giving credit to Holly Poll and Roger Bachman as well as the students who raked lawns for the community on October 23, 2010.

Timothy Erspamer, Lakeview Elementary Principal, acknowledged ExxonMobile Grant and the $750.00 grant that has been received by the Elementary School.

Dave Albert, Industrial Arts Instructor, presented the Santa’s Workshop program he is working on with the Industrial Arts students. This is a program that is good for small kids, students, and community members.

Jack Jeppesen reported on the Personnel/Finance Committee. The Committee recommends approval of the payment of the bills and personnel. The Committee discussed doing the Request for Proposal for Audit Services. The Committee also discussed the feasibility of a Bond Issue for needed buses, technology, and other equipment and developing a Bond Steering Committee. The Committee discussed the Daycare and subsidizing the funding of the program. They reviewed the Middle School Science position that is needed this year.

Dr. Pope reported for the Building & Grounds/Transportation Committee. The committee discussed the busing and technology needs. She outlined three types of bond issues. She would like to have a Bond Steering Committee developed for a feasibility study this year pending the results of the study, possibly going out for a bond in 2011-12. The district’s transportation was discussed in regards to turnover, training, and incentives. The Committee talked about the football field use. The committee decided that the new superintendent and athletic director would meet with the youth football group in the Spring of 2012, due to the fact killing the grass on the field in 2011, it won’t be used in the Fall of 2011,except by high school teams.

Lakeview Community Schools

Board of Education

Record of Minutes: Page 2 of 4

Date: November 8, 2010 Attachments: No

Tim Reed noted that President Jonaitis has included information from MASB in the board packet. Mr. Reed and Mr. Jonaitis attended the MASB legislative meeting where Superintendent Flanagan talked about the 92 PLA. Mr. Reed challenged the board to see that at least 30 minutes at each board meeting be committed to student achievement, he also encouraged the board members to take a conference or board class each year.

Administrative Reports: No additional reports or questions.

Dr. Pope updated the status of the District’s process of 92 PLA Plan submission. The district plans to submit the final plan on Friday, November 12, 2010. The 92 PLA Committee has been meeting every Wednesday since August. The committee has received feedback from the draft plan submitted to the State. There are six areas that needed clarification. These areas have been tweaked, pulled together, and will be ready for submission. The District is currently working on the last 2.

Moved by Jeppesen and supported by Rasmussen to approve the consent items as presented. All yes, motion carried 4-0.

Approval of Minutes

September 13, 2010, Regular Meeting

October 11, 2010, Special Meeting

October 11, 2010, Regular Meeting

Approval of General Fund Claims

General Fund Check Numbers #68303-68416 in the amount of $331,853.49

Food Service Check Numbers # 10018-10025 in the amount of $78,685.13

Athletic Check Numbers #6609-6671 in the amount of $6,494.44

Approval of Personnel

Teaching Positions

Delaina Ramsey, Full Time Spanish Position starting second trimester

Deb Flynn, High School Homebound Teacher, new to the position

Dave Abberger, ELL Translator, new to the position

Michael Mihelich, Middle School Science Teacher, new to the position

Coaches/Advisor Positions

Colin Skinner, Middle School Wrestling, continuing from last year

Ryan Vellanti, Varsity Baseball Coach, continuing from last year

Tammy Dey, 8th Grade Volleyball Coach, continuing from last year

Nancy Nielsen, Middle School Talent Show Advisor, continuing from last year

Carolyn Lovelace, 9th Grade Advisor, new to the position

Chris Bayne, 9th Grade Advisor, new to the position

Jania Lund, 10th Grade Advisor, continuing from last year

Rachel Figert, 10th Grade Advisor, continuing from last year

Cindy Fettig, 11th Grade Advisor, continuing from last year

Kristi Schreiber, 11th Grade Advisor, continuing from last year

Kristina Kirshman, 12 Grade Advisor, continuing from last year

Vernon Smith, 12th Grade Advisor, continuing from last year

Katharine Andersen, Student Government Advisor

Cindy Fettig, Detention Room, First Lunch, new to the position

Kristi Schreiber, Detention Room, Second Lunch, continuing from last year

Susan Olson, National Honor Society, continuing from last year

Delaina Ramsey, Spanish Club, continuing from last year

Delaina Friedman, Drama Club Advisor, continuing from last year

Michael Schreiber, Yearbook Advisor, continuing from last year

Lakeview Community Schools

Board of Education

Record of Minutes: Page 3 of 4

Date: November 8, 2010 Attachments: No

Marsha Gregory, Visual Arts Club, continuing from last year

Verna Carr, Language Arts Club, new to the position

Dan Willison, Model U.N. Advisor, continuing from last year

Brenda Thompson, Quiz Bowl Advisor, continuing from last year

Dean Gilbert, High School Talent Show Advisor, continuing from last year

Verna Carr, High School Talent Show Advisor, continuing from previous years

Carolyn Lovelace, Forensics Advisor, continuing from last year

Chris Bayne, Forensics Advisor, continuing from last year

Dean Gilbert, High School Band Extra Events, continuing from last year

Dean Gilbert, Middle School Band Extra Events, continuing from last year

Vernon Smith, Science Olympiad, continuing from last year

Susan Olson, e2020 Facilitator, new to the position


Michael Maxfield, BSE Paraprofessional, resignation effective October 22, 2010

Tim Reed discussed the formation of Superintendent Search Committee. There is a Superintendent Search Committee meeting scheduled for November 17, 2010, at 7:30 p.m., which is open to the public for the purpose of receiving input from the public on what qualifications and skills they want in the next Superintendent.

Dr. Pope discussed the RFP for Audit Services. There is a draft audit in the board packet, which she hopes to release in February. The revenues/expenditures on the budget will be updated to reflect any budget revisions before February.

Dr. Pope reviewed the Day Care Program, which was discussed in the Board Committee meetings. The Daycare is open fewer hours making the cost of program approximately $35,000. At this time, the program is projected to generate approximately $10,000 - $12,000. Because this is a first year program, the district will continue to advertise and give parents a choice for Daycare. Dr. Pope asked the board to approve general fund subsidizing for the remainder of the year. The program will then be analyzed. The board was in agreement that this is a service provided for families of the district and wanted to continue with the initial planned program for this year.

Dr. Pope explained the recommendation for a Bright Start Elementary Lead Teacher Position. This allows the Bright Start Elementary Principal to transition other outlined duties to the appropriate staff members. This position is for the remainder of the 2010-11 only and is contingent on receiving additional State funding.

David Saap, Lakeview High School student, presented a Ski and Snowboarding Club Proposal to the Board of Education. He asked permission for the high school to have a Ski and Snowboarding Club and use the district’s transportation to travel to Caberfae. The program will be no cost to the district. David indicated Mr. Dan Willison has agreed to be the advisor for the Club. Gary Jensen, Lakeview High School Principal, added David Saap did a great job putting this information together.

Moved by Rasmussen and supported by Jeppesen to approve the formation of a Committee for Superintendent Search. All yes, motion carried 4-0.

Moved by Jeppesen and supported by Davis to move forward, as recommended by the Finance Committee and Dr. Pope, and approve the process for an Audit Services Request for Proposal. All yes, motion carried 4-0.

Moved by Davis and supported by Jeppesen to approve subsidizing the funding for the Day Care Program as presented. All yes, motion carried 4-0.

Moved by Jeppesen and supported by Davis to move forward with the Bright Start Elementary .5 Lead Teacher Position as presented. All yes, motion carried 4-0.

Lakeview Community Schools

Board of Education

Record of Minutes: Page 4 of 4

Date: November 8, 2010 Attachments: No

Moved by Rasmussen and supported by Jeppesen to approve the Ski and Snowboarding Club and provide transportation, with no cost to the district, as presented. All yes, motion carried 4-0. Mr. Rasmussen asked David Saap to consider if buses are not filled by high school students to allow others to attend.

Moved by Jeppesen and supported by Davis to table the Election Date decision. All yes, motion carried 4-0.

Vice President Reed read the following announcements:

November 12 Staff Follow up Professional Development on William Daggett

15 Fall Break

17 Special Meeting for Bid Award 7:00 p.m.

17 Special Meeting for Superintendent Search Public Input 7:30 p.m.

19 PTO Family Movie Night at 6:30 at LES

25 Thanksgiving Day – No School

26 Thanksgiving Break – No School

29 Consolidation Committee at the ISD

Moved by Jeppesen and supported by Rasmussen to adjourn at 7:48 p.m. All yes, motion carried 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Timothy Rasmussen, Secretary

Minutes recorded by Pam Main
