Hosting organization: Mladinski center Krško (mc-krsko.si)

Arrival in Krško: 24. 6. 2016
Departure from Krško: 1. 8. 2016
Number of free days (holidays for the project): 4 days
Working hours/week: (morning, afternoon, evening/depends on a program)
Working days/week: 5
Free days: 2 (in one piece)

Allowance: 123 €/person
Food money: 210 €/39 days/person; will be given in 2 halfs (toilet paper, washing maschine powder (clothes), cleaning stuff (for washing the dishes,… will be provided)

Volunteers from Bulgaria, Finland, Italy, Macedonia, Spain and Turkey. We are looking for 2 volunteers from Bulgaria.

Travel costs – up to 275 Euro return ticket.

Participants will live in Youth hostel Krško (new and old part). There will be 4 persons/room. They will share bathrooms, kitchens and living room. Towels and linen will be provided. Also there is a free wi-fi.

Participants profile:
Applicants should be 18 to 25 years old. Priorities will be given to youngsters with fewer opportunities: immigrants, low education, weak social/economical background, rural area, weak level of English, no experience in international work, first time they leave home,…).

Main activities:

- on arrival training in Krško (3 days)

- debate evening for local visitors about important question that young people have nowadays in Europe (also EVS impact); there will come a few EVS volunteers from Slovenia from last 20 years

- organizing 7 cultural evenings opened for everyone (each country; national food, music, values,…)

- weekly language course; learning Slovenian basic expressions (1h/week)

- EVS boat trip (only for EVS volunteers)

- visiting Youth center in our region

- training about organizing sports events (1 day)

- organizing events for celebrating 20 years of EVS (EVS pool party, EVS stand up comedy evening, EVS water games for groups, meeting 20 EVS volunteers from Slovenia)

- organizing sports activities in different locations (swimming pool, basketball, football, dancing classes, nordic walk, joga in the park,…)

- preparing sports activities for disabled people and youngsters with special needs/fewer opportunities (correctional home,…)

- weekly evaluation; mentor meetings

- filling in Youthpass, CV

If you wish to apply, please send your CV and short motivation letter in Englisht to by 20.05.2016.