SEPTEMBER 18, 2014
The September Cambridge Place meeting was called to order by President Sam Viola at 7:05 p.m. A roll call was done. President Sam Viola, Bernadette Miller, Suzanne Donovan, and Cathie Stevanovich were present. Board Member Gail Purcell was absent and her absence was excused. Steve Elmore was present for EPI.
The minutes of the May meeting were read and motion was made, seconded, andcarried to accept the May meeting minutes as read.
Steve Elmore went over the Cambridge financials and the Management report in detail.
President Viola updated everyone on the foundation repairs on 2 units that had to be done. One was completely finished and the other was half done. Questions as to why the foundations were repaired were answered. There wasno politics over who had repairs done. The units were sinking and experiencingcracking walls. The total costs of the 2 repairs will be about $40,000 which comes out of the Association’s Reserves.
The Newsletter was sent out and everyone should have received a copy.
The Landscaping and Snow Plow contracts were put out to bid. Costs ranged from $124,000 to $67,000. There was a real concern among the unit owners that the work last year was not done in a timely fashion and that we were not properly taken care of. President Viola said that we would have our own contract on that and that whomever we hired they would have to perform as to contract or we would have a clause that we could cancel our contracts if our standards were not kept and the work was unsatisfactory. A special meeting will be held in October for theBoard to go over the contracts. Shrubs and grass are covered in our landscaping contracts, trees are not. President Viola moved to approve the Noga contract using the EPI contract in the amount of $71,940.00. Seconded and unanimously approved.
The next discussion was regarding the flooding problems of some driveways. Adding a
concrete pad in front of the garage would not necessarily alleviate this problem.A “grate/drain” could be installed, and repaving the driveways to correct the pitch would add slope to the driveways so they would drain out to the storm sewers. This type ofrepair should last 5 years. The new asphalt will not be sealed for a year. The Boardreviewed the bids for the repaving and a motion was made, seconded and carried that Black Diamond get the contract for $38,470. This work would be done this fall.
The discussion on rain barrels would be that they need an exterior modification form.
Concern was having stagnant water that could cause mosquito problems.
There were 5 sales in the complex: $139,000, $148,000, $165,000, $162,900, and$163,000. There was 1 foreclosure set for October 5th, and 3 pending.
Steve Elmore discussed the coupon books for the monthly assessment. The books are expensiveand most people are doing ACH payments.
President Viola commented that the fire in our complex was the first fire in 28 years. Reconstructionof the inside of the unit was progressing. No one was home at the time of the fire.
President Viola also moved to retain Ryan, LLC to appeal the real estate taxes for the triennial starting in 2014 and going through 2016. The cost for the appeal would be 33% of any tax savings for the first year only. Motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting, seconded by B. Miller, motion was carried and the meeting was adjourned at8:14 P.M. Any rule violations would be discussed after the meeting.
Cathie Stevanovich, Secretary