Faculty available to sponsor internships

Just a few brief suggestions when looking for a faculty sponsor:

When you are making your inquiry with a potential faculty sponsor please send them a formal email containing the following information:

(1)  Your major and year in college.

(2) A brief description of what agency you will be working with and what you will be doing for the internship.

(3) Let the faculty member know whether it is a 2-unit, 5-unit, or senior internship and how many quarters you plan on working on this internship.

(4) Offer a brief description of your coursework or other experience that qualify you for the internship.

(5) And finally, a sentence or two about why you think this particular faculty sponsor might be right for your project.

Please note that if the faculty member decides to sponsor your internship you will need to come by their office hours to discuss your respective expectations, and for the faculty member to sign the paperwork. If you have a specific class or work conflict with faculty office hours let them know and they may be able to work out another time. However, they probably will not schedule another time if you have left your internship planning to the last minute and have missed the scheduled weekly office hours.

PLEASE NOTE: Faculty members generally receive many inquiries regarding internships. They often choose to focus their efforts where they feel like there is a good fit between their expertise and the work the student intern will be engaged in. It is always a good idea to google search the faculty member’s professional work before writing to them or visiting their office hours.

A note about receiving credit for the internship:

ENVS 184 is a 2-unit internship---60 field hours, journal, 5-page paper, mid-term report

ENVS 83 is a 5-unit, lower div.—120 field hours, journal 10-page paper, mid-term report

ENVS 183 is a 5 unit upper div.—120 field hours, journal, 10-page paper, midterm, & PROJECT

ENVS 183A & 183B constitute the SENIOR INTERNSHIP, 2 quarters, (Big Project)



Jeff Bury--Geography
428 ISB, 459-3685,
Political ecology; sustainable development; Latin American studies; international relations; institutional dimensions of natural resource conservation in the global south
Research Interests: Climate change, conservation, extractive industries, sustainable development in Latin America
Web Page: http://people.ucsc.edu/~jbury/
Gregory Gilbert—Ecology/Conservation Biology
439 ISB, 459-5002,
Research interests: Forest ecology, plant disease ecology, conservation biology, tropical ecology, microbial ecology, science education, role of science in decision making
Web Site: http://people.ucsc.edu/~ggilbert/
Weixin Cheng—Ecology/Soil Science
416 ISB, 459-5317,
Research interests: Soil Ecology, agroecology, ecosystems, biogeochemistry, global change ecology
Web Page: http://people.ucsc.edu/~wxcheng/
Karen Holl—Restoration Ecology, Dept. Chair
461 Nat. Sciences 2, 459-3668,
Research interests: Ecosystem succession, tropical ecology, plant ecology, conservation biology, land-use management http://people.ucsc.edu/~kholl/
Deborah K. Letourneau—Ecology& Entomology
423 Nat. Sciences 2, 459-2860,
Research interests: Agroecology, tropical biology/ conservation, genetically engineered organisms, biological control of insect pests
Web Page: http://www.ic.ucsc.edu/~dletour/lab/ /
Adam Millard-Ball—Geography and Environmental Policy 459 ISB
Research Interests: environmental policy and transportation, environmental economics, urban planning. His current research is on city-level climate change policy
Katie Monsen—
Office: Nat Sci II, 471
Katie will be the faculty sponsor this quarter for ALL 2-unit interns.
Stacy Philpott—Agroecology
Nat Sci 473 459-2183
Research Interests: Insect community ecology, ecosystem services, urban ecology, interactions between agriculture, conservation and livelihoods.
Daniel Press— Applied Environmental Policy Analysis
429 ISB, 459-3263,
Research interests: U.S. environmental politics and policy, democratic theory, environmental ethics, land conservation, regional environmental management and institutions
Andrew Szasz--Environmental Sociology

Research Interests: Environmental Movements, Regulation, Environmental Justice, Consumption, Politics Climate Change, Environmental Sociology.
Carol Shennan—Agroecology & Sustainable Ag. 459-4181, Research interests: sustainable agriculture and environment interactions, issues of gender & environment in ag. & dev.
Zdravka Tzankova—Environmental science, policy, and management
477 ISB, 459-4561,
Research Interests: U.S. and comparative environmental policy and politics, esp. the politics of ecological risk and the politics of scientific advice; market-based governance in fisheries & aquaculture; coastal and marine policy; bio invasions policy; the definition and management of environmental and social impacts of marine aquaculture