Minutes of meeting2.2.2015.
Meeting Chair Jacqueline Glasser (JG) (Chair),
1. Present: Moosa Bhayat (MB), Robert Eddison (RE), Jeanette Creaser(JC), Charmian Bollinger, Judith Morris (JUM), Jim McGeehan (JMcG), Dr Goodstone(DrAG), Drew Hyman (DH),Susan Sel (SSel)
2. Apologies Hayley McHugh, Bernard Davis, Judy O’Heney-Sibley,Pat Green, Brenda Josephs
3. Minutes of last meeting approved (November and December Minutes)
4. GP Update
Staffing matters: The two new doctors Dr Katie Moey and Dr Lisa Drew have settled in well, have had a full induction and supervised and mentored by partners. Feedback from patients has been very good. Saiqa is doing very well as the HCA in post and is about to undergo further training so she can increase her clinical duties.
Premises update: no progress about the Church premises development on site. Dr AG and JC will meet with the rector 18.2.2014.
Extended Hours-Practice requested a change from Thursday evening
to 7am start. More requests for early morning surgeries from patients and audit
indicated fewer DNA’s in the mornings. PPG agreed that moving from Thursday PM to am preferable-Action JC to ask NHS England.
DNA-audit showed 595 appointments were wasted in December and
291 in January. PPG reminded JC that they would like the DNA rule of patients who DNA two or more appointments are at risk of being removed from practice registers. Poster explaining wastage in hours to be made available at Reception in the hope that this has some impact. SS concerned she had received DNA messages when she had cancelled appointments. Action JC to place posters and investigate texting systems. Does A&E attendance reflect poor access-discussion.
New Paediatric clinic-consultants from Imperial are running clinics rotating around the village practices each month and will work alongside GPs to ensure primary care access and support for patients referred to Paediatric teams. The clinic started at Marylebone in January.
New Psychiatrist Clinic- Primary Care Plus have introduced a clinic in the Village which will support patients and the PCP staff. This clinic started at Marylebone in January.
5. Ask the expert event
Next Event-23rd Feb 2015 to be planned by Cavendish. All agreed Whole Systems work should be introduced and patients have the opportunity to influence the model of care.. Action Cavendish.
6. Virtual PPG
Much discussion about what virtual means. Agreed that perhaps this should be a blog type discussion forum. JC will investigate. Until then perhaps patients just invited to participate by commenting on agenda items which can be discussed at the meeting and have chairs feedback. Action JC
7. Electronic systems
EPS: Patients can collect their medication from the pharmacy without having to collect their prescriptions from the surgery-This is known as the electronic prescription service-EPS. Patient should ask their pharmacy to set this up for them. Information is available at reception and on the website. JC is sending a text to all patients about this new service.
On line and looking at results and medical records-Patients can book and cancel appointments on line and request medication through systemone. Few people have used the service.
Test results-3 patients have tested the online results system and given comments on its usability. Once set up patients will be able to look at test results and part of their medical records. PPG welcome these services. To enable patients to use these services they do need to provide ID which is noted and scanned into S1. This is resource heavy but important work.
Summary Care Record- JC explained processes and that it is a contractual requirement for practices to release data for SCR and systems. 1600 patients had opted out of sharing notes. JC gave PPG information to enable them to read and consider . JC described the Statement of Intent which was released at the surgery in October 2014. to participate in this system, even though it's mandatory and a contractual requirement, and shared latest information about the process.
Action JC to confirm opt out coding.
8. Workplan
Discussion around surveys and work to do 2015.
Newsletter- JC to include data sharing, DNAs and JC’s clinics in newsletter and publish next week.
Locality Planning:Next meeting 18.2.2015.
TOR-Action JC to resend Terms of reference for consideration.
Telephone system- To be discussed at next meeting.
9. Commissioning Intentions/consortia Update-Nil to note.
10. AOB
Elections- Chairman ship for re-election-JG nominated by DH and seconded by CB. JG re-elected as Chair. All congratulated her on her sterling work.
Complaints and Comments: discussion about how complaints are managed at the surgery.
Discussion about recent incident when a patient sent inappropriate emails and make inappropriate contact with a staff member. Despite requests to stop patient continued and JC intervened. PT unhappy with outcome and left the surgery.
Discussion about boundaries and need to protect staff and patients alike in such circumstances.
Raising a Concern- Discussion about how patients can raise a clinical concern which does not always mean they wish to complaint. Consideration of how to do this will be discussed at the next meeting under item Questions for Drs Consideration.
Action JC
Future Meetings– 16th March,27th April, June 8th, July 20th,7th Sept,19th October, 30th November, Jan 11th 2016.
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