Ilex Business Plan 2014/15



Contents Page

Executive summary 3

1.0 Who we are and what we do 6

2.0 Ebrington 9

3.0 Strategy and Regeneration 12

4.0 Our corporate objectives 14

4.1 Delivery orientated approach 14

4.2 Corporate objectives, measurements and targets 16

4.3 Operational activity 21

5.0 Financial resources 23

5.1 Forecast of income and expenditure 23

5.2 Summary of funding requirements 2014/15 24


Appendix 1 Ilex Board and subcommittees

Appendix 2 Proposed staff structure

Appendix 3 Managing Public Money Northern Ireland

Appendix 4 Detailed forecast to year end 2014/15

Appendix 5 Signature events 2014/15

Appendix 6 Job targets for Ebrington 2014/15

Executive summary

Ilex is the urban regeneration company for Derry ~ Londonderry, the principal city for the North West region[i][1]. The company’s mission is “to champion sustainable economic, physical and social transformation in Derry~Londonderry”.

Ilex’s primary objective is the physical, economic and social regeneration of the 26-acre Ebrington site. For Derry ~ Londonderry, this means progressing Ebrington as a driver for growth. In 2014/15 we will build on momentum generated by Ilex developments on the site, including the development the Cultural/Digital Hub, Ebrington Square public realm of the One Plan, the award-winning Peace Bridge and other infrastructure projects at Ebrington. We will also build on Ebrington’s success as the centre for civic activities in the city with over 500,000 people visiting Ebrington to participate in and enjoy events on site leading up to and during UK City of Culture 2013. Ebrington is already a destination in its own right, a focal point for community activity/events. Throughout the life span of the Corporate Plan Ebrington will be developed as a mixed use site encompassing creative, educational and commercial uses.

Derry ~ Londonderry, designated the first ever UK City of Culture in 2013,has a ‘can do’ attitude, engendered by its single vision and regeneration plan to 2020 – One City, One Plan, One Voice (2011). Endorsed by the Northern Ireland Executive, the One Plan is a commitment in the NI Programme for Government. Like many cities, however, Derry ~ Londonderry faces many challenges in terms of developing, expanding and growing the skills of citizens, creating jobs, and addressing unacceptable levels of deprivation.For Ilex, the growing profile of the Peace Bridge and Ebrington Square has demonstrated the ability of regeneration to positively impact on the daily life of citizens and to help generate sustained growth.

With a young population, a vibrant creative and cultural sector, and a number of world leading companies based in Derry ~ Londonderry, the city is well placed to build on the success of 2013.

Ebrington is an opportunity site with the potential to be the economic and creative driver for the city attracting new investment, growing businesses and creating jobs It needs to become a sustainable urban development, and a key catalyst for the further regeneration of Derry ~ Londonderry. It needs to reflect long term thinking and represent best practice in urban design and development at both national and international level.

To succeed, Ilex must attract public and private investment and ensure that Ebrington continues to yield a variety of economic, social and cultural benefits to both the city and wider region over the short, medium and long term.

In line with the Ebrington Development Framework – and the needs and potential of the city – there will be provision and support for FE/HE expansion and for a cluster of creative industries, culture and tourism on Ebrington. This will be the core focus of Ebrington. Delivering on this will require enabling investment through Ilex, and the approach in relation to these named sectors will form the core of attracting additional private sector investment and job creation.

The development of Ebrington is designed to support city centre investment of a mix and scale, which complements the existing offering – minimising displacement and prioritising new and expanding businesses.

This approach – of focused supports, clustering and the promotion of city centre investment which strengthens the city’s core – is essential if we are to bolster the city’s capacity as the driver for the region, in line with the Economic Strategy for Northern Ireland. In a global market, this approach is essential if we are to compete with other cities and move forward.

Ilex will work with all willing statutory and non-statutory partners, to deliver economic, physical and social renewal in ways which ensure that opportunities and benefits from regeneration are targeted towards the most deprived in our communities.

Who we are and what we do

Ilex Urban Regeneration Company was established in 2003 by the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister (OFMDFM) and the Department for Social Development (DSD) to promote the physical, economic and social regeneration of the Derry City Council area. OFMDFM became the single sponsor department for Ilex on April 1 2013. DSD assumed responsibility for the physical development of Fort George from that date, supported by Ilex. Ilex is responsible for the development of former military base Ebrington.

Our vision for Ebrington is to develop a sustainable, mixed use site, a destination for culture and creative industries, tourism and learning, and other commercial uses.

One City, One Plan, One Voice, the city’s regeneration plan provides the framework to transform thecity and deliver the mission for Ebrington in line with PfG16, the regeneration of Ebrington:

“to deliver renewal – economic, physical and social - building a stronger and more vibrant economy with increased prosperity for our city and region in ways which ensure that opportunities and benefits from regeneration are targeted towards the most deprived groups in our communities”.

The One Plan’s ten year vision for Derry ~ Londonderry is as ‘a competitive, connected, creative and caring city’. Adding value through leadership and partnership, Ilex will contribute to the delivery ofthe five transformational themes and 11catalyst programmes in the Plan, particularly through the regeneration of Ebrington.

In 2013/14 Ilex committed to temporarily transfer its strategic objective to create, promote and implement the regeneration of the Derry City Council area including the co-ordination and implementation of the One Plan to Derry City Council in advance of the Review of Public Administration Reform. The temporary transfer is planned for September 1st2014.

Ilex is committed to the Asset Management Strategy, the objectives of which are:

·  to reduce the net cost of service delivery through the efficient use of public assets; and

·  to promote effective asset management processes that unlock value.

How we will help transform Derry~Londonderry

To deliver our transformational agenda we proactively engage with partners in the private, public and community sectors and particularly with our sponsor department OFMDFM.

We will:

·  Deliver our priorities,

·  Work effectively with our multiple partners to secure the economic, social and physical regeneration of the Ebrington site, and

·  Contribute to the co-ordinated regeneration of the Derry City Council area in co-operation with OFMDFM, other relevant government departments, Derry City Council, the private sector and other interested parties.

At a time of pressure on public sector expenditure, it is particularly important for Ilex to set a clear strategy to re-develop Ebrington in line with OFMDFM’s commitment to progress the site.

In 2014/15 Ilex will adapt to prevailing market conditions to secure private sector and commercial opportunities to maximise the benefit for Ebrington and the city.

1.0 Who we are and what we do

Ilex Urban Regeneration Company is a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) established in July 2003 by the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister (OFMDFM) and the Department for Social Development (DSD) to promote the social, physical and economic regeneration of the Derry City Council (DCC) area. It is a company limited by guarantee incorporated under the Companies (NI) Order 1986.

1.1 Our mission

Our mission is ‘to champion sustainable economic, physical and social transformation in Derry~Londonderry’, particularly at Ebrington.

1.2 Our aims

·  To secure the physical, economic and social regeneration of the Ebrington site.
·  To contribute to the co-ordinated regeneration of the Derry City Council area in co-operation with OFMDFM, other relevant government departments, Derry City Council, the private sector and other interested parties.

The Company is now making significant progresson its mission and aims as illustrated by Ebrington Square, the Peace Bridge, City of Culture 2013 and One City, One Plan, One Voice, the regeneration plan which provides the framework to transform our city and deliver the One Plan’s mission:

“to deliver renewal – economic, physical and social - building a stronger and more vibrant economy with increased prosperity for our city and region in ways which ensure that opportunities and benefits from regeneration are targeted towards the most deprived groups in our communities”.

With the Ebrington Development Framework (EDF) in place, significant progress will be achieved in the physical regeneration of the site. In 2014/15 the car park will be in place, the Creative Hub will be operational, and commercial operations will provide café and allied retail in Buildings 57 and 59. Tenants will occupy Buildings 70 and 71 and the Ilex office will be located in Building 83. Buildings 4 and 11 will also be brought to market.

Ebrington will continue to be animated and will host a growing number of events for visitors and residents alike. This will support a sustainable urban community promoting culture, tourism, creative industries, shared learning entrepreneurship and employment.

1.3 Our vision

Our vision for Ebrington is to develop a sustainable, mixed use site, a destination for culture and creative industries, tourism and learning, and other commercial uses. This links to the vision of One City, One Plan, One Voice - ‘a competitive, connected, creative and caring city’.

1.4 Our milestones and targets 2014/15

Our main targets for 2014/15 are to:

•  Complete the car park by August 2014

•  Generate 80 jobs at Ebrington (1200 jobs Programme for Government)

•  Maintain progress towards an investment ratio of 3:1

•  Secure outline planning permission for Ebrington site by December 2014

•  Achieve investment of £3.1m in capital development at Ebrington

•  Make Building 80/81 operational as a Creative Hub August 2014

•  Secure tenants for Buildings 57 and 59 for café/allied retail by June 2014

•  Secure tenants for Buildings 70 and 71 by July 2014

•  Bring Building 30 into use as a heritage assetby March 2015

•  Locate Ilex offices at Ebrington by February 2015

•  Promote three longer term market opportunities for Ebrington by December 2014 (including hotel)

•  Develop proposal for community/cultural hub at Ebrington.

•  Ensure Ilex’s internal systems and procedures are fully functional

•  Temporarily transfer Strategy and Regeneration function to Derry City Council by September 2014

•  Attract 80,000 visitors to 25 events at Ebrington

•  Host four signature events at Ebrington

2014/15 300 day targets

100 days by June 2014:

•  Award Creative Hub operator contract

•  Award contract for Buildings 57/59 as café/allied retail

•  Announce Buildings 4 and 11 going to market

•  Announce signature event at Ebrington

•  Host Clipper concert

200 days by October 2014:

•  Secure tenant for Building 70

•  Secure tenant for Building 71

•  Complete Ebrington car park

•  Maintain audit position/opinion with internal audit

•  Finalise annual accounts and publish Annual Report by September 30th 2014

•  Secure heritage tenant for Building 30

•  Secure approval for fibre optic network at Ebrington

•  Transfer the Peace Bridge to DRD

•  Host two further signature events at Ebrington

•  Temporarily transfer Strategy and Regeneration team (including One Plan) to Council

300 days by March 2015:

•  Locate Ilex offices at Ebrington, February 2015

•  Deliver 80 jobs at Ebrington

•  Support civic and City of Culture legacy events

•  Infrastructure design in place for Ebrington and secure approval for site wide infrastructure, subject to planning approval

•  Align organisational structure to deliver Corporate Plan

•  Secure outline planning permission for Ebrington

•  Develop proposal for Community/Cultural Hub at Ebrington

1.5 Our values

Ilex’s staff and Board have jointly identified our values. We recognise that in order to implement our mission effectively and deliver our aims and objectives, we must work well internally and externally with our multiple stakeholders and partners.

·  We are open,accountable, transparent and realistic, demonstrating honesty and integrity in our dealings with others;

·  We create an environment that nurtures and sustains learning and growth and optimises the potential of our people and partners;

·  We lead through partnership and partner through leadership, respecting and adding value to the work of others;

·  We think, plan and act creatively to deliver shared success that makes a real difference; and

·  We are ambitious in what we do and innovative in how we do it.

1.6 Our principles

As we increasingly focus on delivery and embedding good corporate governance in the organisation, the core guiding principles of Mainstreaming Equality and Embedding Sustainability provide the bedrock to our practice. Our principles also reflect the Nolan Principles of Public Life (Appendix 3).

2.0 Ebrington

Situated on the east bank of the River Foyle directly opposite the Guildhall and Walled City, the Ebrington site comprises of 26 acres (11 hectares). Built in 1841 as a star fort, the key buildings are laid out on three sides and overlook the city and the River Foyle. The centrepiece is Ebrington Square, the former parade ground which was completed in February 2012. The star fort is a scheduled ancient monument and Ebrington has 14 listed buildings which will be restored for contemporary use.

To date, Ilex’s programme of work has included extensive demolition and a range of infrastructure, access and utility improvements that have been instrumental in opening up the space, making it accessible to all. The Peace Bridge was opened to the public on June 25th 2011, connecting Ebrington directly with the city side. Ebrington Square and Cunningham Square were subsequently opened on February 14th 2012. Buildings 80 and 81 were re-developed as a creative hub with interim use as the gallery for Turner Prize 2013. The completion of the Ebrington Development Framework (EDF) will set out the roadmap for the Ebrington site.