Stage 2: Requirements SpecificationsKhan 1

Stage 2: Requirements Specification

IFSM 461 6380 Systems Analysis and Design (2172)


Shahzeb Khan


The main purpose of this projectis to identify clear and concise requirement specifications and incorporating the use of data and process models for a system that will facilitate a productive change in the way PEP’s business is conducted. The proposed system will replace the limitations PEP employees currently faceusing the current billing and payment system, with a window of opportunity for company growth. As discussed more thoroughly throughout this document, some of the advantages of the new and improved system are as follows:

  • Automated management of the innovative system
  • Data consistency to help PEP make better strategic decisions
  • Maintaining security of the new and improved system
  • Automated calculation of bills
  • Automated generation of reports

The new system will also be able to implement automatic calculations wherever applicable and apply automatic discounts for entitiessuch as bulk purchases.

Functional Requirements

Functional requirements are a comprehensive breakdown that will explain how the outcome of a project will functionto meet the specified business requirements.The table below will assess and explain the functional requirements for the new billing and payment systemand its correlated process.

Input / Process / Output
Billing and Payment System / Input of information into the new system /
  • Easily and precisely calculated invoices.
  • System will provide secure payment system forPEP.
  • Automated calculation of Bills/invoice generation.
  • Automatically applied discounts if applicable.

Payment / Financial data entered to cover cost, can be entered via a secure system online by end users or system administrator. /
  • Payment processed securely online
  • Payment processing & invoice processing
  • System Admin can generate reports.

Customer Information / Have an automated system for customer data/information /
  • Customer information saved on server for easy billing, outreach, promotional matters, and even record keeping.
  • Access to contact information, including phone numbers, email addresses and other sales related information, such as, items and commission percentages and account balance.
  • Clients detailed goods data which comprises of, the number of products, settlement price percentage, and contract details.
  • Records related to customer accounts

Customer Feedback Information / Get customer feedback /
  • Customer feedback for improving the business, to make better strategic decisions.

End Users Order / End users order online /
  • Easy, user friendly online order platform that can be accessed at any time.

Inventory Management / Check product availability and quantity /
  • A list of available products and quantity.
  • All items would be identified by a unique item number with respect to the item category, description, and date in which it is in the store, in addition to the price and quantity.
  • The price details such as, original price, and lowest/highest price.
  • Items sold status, date sold, price item was sold, invoice number and consignor details.

This table includes all the functional requirements that PEP requires to develop an ideal billing system and will respectively help PEP to make overall better strategic decisions.

Technical Requirements

Technical requirements can be utilized by PEP to create a solution for the billing system issues the electronics company is facing. The technical requirements canadditionally be utilized to validate the specifications for software and hardware requirements. In more detail, a technical requirement affects the technical aspects ofPEP’s system that it must achieve, such as performance-related, reliability, and availability issues.

In conclusion, the quality of service requirements/technical requirements, are described as follow:

  1. Security Requirements
  • User Authentication: to ensure that the system is secure, only allowing required individuals to access company information.
  • Encryption of Private Information: encrypting private information protects information from getting into the hands of hackers and other criminals.
  • System Monitoring: by monitoring the system, the IT team ensures that it is up and running securely.
  • Increasing ofSecurity and Data Backup: this step is important because online security is essential currently. Additionally, backing up data can prevent the loss of time and money.
  • Preventing Unauthorized Access: unauthorized access can cause PEP numerous clients in addition to legal trouble and the loss of thousands and thousands of dollars.
  1. System Control Requirements
  2. Ensuring Proper Operation: proper operations are required to keep the electronics company up and running.
  3. Routine Auditing: auditing is an important part of any business, as it safeguards a company against fraud.
  4. Consistency and Maintainability to Reduce Fraud: consistently keeping up with audits and compliance with the law reduces the chances of a company committing fraud.
  5. Performance Requirements
  6. Running Time: the system should be available 24/7 for 365days in a calendar year, with at least 99.5% running time for any 24-hour period.
  7. New User Profile: upon submitting a request to create a new user profile, the profile shall be created within a few seconds with little to no room for error.
  8. Energy Efficiency: as PEP is dealing with current process demand levels, the replacement system will be at least 40% more energy efficient than the existing systems.
  9. Business Growth: excellent performance will stimulate and accommodate the growth of PEP.
  10. Business Continuity Requirements (backup, restart, recovery)
  11. Recover Data: identify, document, and implement, to recover critical business functions and processes.
  • Business Continuity Team: organize a business continuity team and compile a business continuity plan to manage business disruptions.
  • Training: conduct training for the business continuity team and testing, in addition to exercises, in order to evaluate recovery strategies and the plan.
  • Management Involvement: have a recovery strategy with management back up and approval.

System Scope Diagrams

The respected context diagram dates from the structured analysis transformation of the 1970s. Also, despite its relic nature, the context diagram remains a valuable way to illustrate the environment in which a software system exists. The context diagram is an effective representation of scope. Additionally, it operates as a tool to help the project stakeholders interconnect what lies outside the system periphery. On the other hand, the use case diagram is a method utilized in system analysis to identify, clarify, and organize system requirements.Furthermore, use case diagrams are active in Unified Modeling Language, a standard notation for the modeling of real-world entities and systems.

Context Diagram

The context diagram below, illustrates the billing and payment system for PEP. The context diagram below pronounces interaction of external entities with the recommended system. It simplifies the function of the innovative system in relationship with its external entities.

Use Case Diagram

The Use Case Diagram below incorporates, The CFO, Accounts Receivable and Invoicing, in order to streamline the process of the real-world entities.

Data Flow Diagram

The Data Flow Diagram is examined to determine how well the system is performing and whether it will meet the organization’s demands or not. Additionally, it illustrates the system’s key processes, interactions with the numerous external entities, and the countless data stores required to store data. For example, accounts receivable isutilized to manage customer payments.

The data flow diagram below fundamentally represents the flow of information, from login to the end of the diagram.

Process Models

TheProcess Model Diagram below symbolizes the roles/responsibilities in independent swim tracks. Furthermore, the circlessymbolize the beginning and end of a task, and rectangles characterize the activities implemented by a user rolealongside which the undertakings are composed. In conclusion, the diagram characterizes the responsibilities of each external user and the functions performed by the system.

Business Process Diagram for the Updated System

Quantity ≥ 5 / T / F / F / F
Quantity ≥ 10 / F / T / F / F
Quantity ≥ 25 / F / F / T / F
Accounts that are 30 days, 60 days, or more overdue / F / F / F / T
Discount of 2 % for whole sum amount / X
Discount of 5% for whole sum amount / X
Discount of 10% for whole sum amount / X
Add 2% fee to invoice / X

Decision Table & Tree


As discussed throughout the document, some of the advantages of the new and improved system are: automated management of the updated system, data consistency to help PEP make better strategic decisions, security maintenance of the new and improved system, automated calculation of bills, and automated generation of reports. The report and diagrams rationalize the updated billing system. In conclusion, the new system will similarly be able to implement automatic calculations wherever applicable, and apply automatic discounts for entities such as bulk purchases.


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