Please read the Standard Conditions of Hire before completing this form.

Please do not use this form for more than one date unless booking for a continuous period of time. Fill in separate forms or use the Regular Bookings Form.

Please return the completed booking form and payment to:

Jennie Barber,The Painswick Centre, Bisley Street, Painswick, Stroud GL6 6QQ

Hirer’s Full Name
Contact tel. no.


Day and Date / Times needed (include set up time) / number of persons / Fee payable
(see hire rates)
Beacon Hall
Cotswold room
Green room
Skittle alley
Type of event

If this is a public event and you would like us to put it on our website please send an appropriate summary and photo (if available) to


Charge / Tick if applicable
Do you intend to use kitchen for preparation of food? / N/C
Do you want us to provide tea and coffee? / Per head
Do you need a bar? Please state times needed.
*Skittle Alley Bar £25 Flat Rate for 4 hour Session* / £25 for 1st 2 hours then; £10 per hour there after
*£25* Skittle Alley / From:
Do you intend to serve your own alcohol? (see condition 4of Standard Conditions of Hire) / Corkage £4/£3
Will you be playing live or recorded music?
(see condition 5 of Standard Conditions of Hire) / N/C
Do you intend to serve alcohol after 11.00pm or play music after 12 midnight? If so, we will need to apply for a Special Event Licence. / £25
Do you need use of the sound and PA system? (Full instructions will be given prior to event) / £15
Would you like use of the mirror ball and lighting? / £10
Will the activity include the supervision of children under 18? (see condition 18 of Standard Conditions of Hire) / N/C
Do you want us to set out chairs and tables? / £12.50 per hour
Do you want to pay for cleaning?
(£10 fee for left Rubbish) / £12.50 per hour
Do you need someone to put up skittles for you?
*To be paid direct to the sticker on the night* / £20*

•A security bond of £100 may be payable at the time of booking (at the managers’ discretion) and

this will only be refundable (via bank transfer or Cheque) on satisfied inspection of the area used after the event.

•Cheque or Bank details;Acc Name…………………………………………………

Acc Number………………………………………………

Acc Sort Code…………………………………………….

•A deposit/reservation fee must be paid by cheque on return of the booking form.

•All bookings under £100. The full fee is payable.

•Bookings over £100. A deposit of £75 is payable.

•All other amounts due are payable within 14 days of receipt of an invoice.

By signing this form I confirm that I have read the Standard Conditions of Hire and agree that these shall form part of the agreement for hire. I hereby accept responsibility for the premises for the period of my hire and for ensuring that all conditions are met. I am over 18 years of age.

I enclose a cheque for £ …………..



Signed on behalf of the Painswick CentreDate

February 2016

Checklists for users

Checklist before arrival

Have you made arrangements for the collection and return of keys with the Centre Manager Jennie Barber? Keep her number handy in case of problems –01452 814567 or in an emergency 07769 182229.

Have you asked us to obtain any necessary licences – if you are serving alcohol after 11.00pm or playing music after 12 midnight?

Have you read the Standard Conditions of Hire and the Fire Safety Information sheet? Do you know what you are meant to do?

Do you need to bring hand towels, tea towels and bin liners? (NOT PROVIDED)

Checklist on arrival

Have you identified all fire exits, illuminated exit signs, assembly point, fire extinguishersand fire blankets?

Have you checked all fire exits are unlocked, all escape routes are free of obstruction, that no fire doors are wedged open and that all exit signs are clear?

Have you checked that there are no unmanaged fire hazards or other hazards such as obstructions and tripping or slipping hazards?

Do you know where to find the First Aid Kit and the Accident Report Books?

Do you have a mobile phone to telephone in any emergency? Best reception is received in the car park.

Do you know where to find the Painswick Centre Information file which contains copies of policies and other useful information?

Checklist on leaving

Check that the building is empty of users

Have you returned the keys? – Either to a key safe or the Centre Manager.

Have all lights and ceiling fans been turned off?

Are all windows closed? Are all internal doors closed (the doors at the top of the main stairs must be shut for the alarm to set), all external doors locked and alarms put on?

Have you left the room as you found it? Are tables and chairs cleared and stacked properly?

Have you cleaned the kitchen if used? Have you emptied fridges and ovens and ensured all ovens and hobs are turned off? Are all electric appliances turned off and unplugged?

Have you taken away your rubbish to main bin area at top of car park? (A £10 fee is charged for left rubbish in room)

Please try not to disturb our neighbours as you leave.February 2016

HIRE FEES 2015 – 2016

Room / Hourly / 4 hour session / Seating capacity
Beacon Hall / £20.00 / £60.00 / Max 200
Cotswold Room / £10.00 / £30.00 / Max 50
Green Room / £6.00 / £20.00 / Max 20
Cotswold & Green Room Together / £15.00 / £45.00 / Max 70
Cotswold or Green Room for Art Exhibitions / £10.00 Per day or £60.00 for full Week
Skittle Alley / £25.00 Per 4 hour session (approx.)

Hire Period -Please note that the time required for setting up and clearing the rooms, must be included in the hire times, in order to avoid Clashing with other users.

Kitchen -There is no extra charge for the use of the kitchens (There may be a fuel surcharge if professional caterers are used and a £10 fee for left rubbish).

Bar -The Centre is fully licenced and can provide a full bar service in both the Beacon hall and the Skittle alley at very competitive rates. Our licence allows the sale of alcohol between the hours of 10am and 11pm Monday to Saturday and 12pm to 10.30pm on Sundays.

Bar 1st 2 hours £25

Charge for bar£10 per hour there after

SDC Extension £25

Corkage -In The Beacon Hall & Skittle Alley - £4 per bottle of wine

In all other rooms - £3 per bottle of wine

Cancellation - One month + prior to event in Beacon Hall only No Charge

2-4 Weeks prior to event in Beacon Hall only 50% of Hire Fee

Less than 2 weeks prior to event in any room Full Hire Fee

*Cancellation charges may be waived in exceptional circumstances.*

Chairs/Tables -No extra charge unless you require the centre to set up/clear down for you.

Special Lighting-Theatre lighting is available at an extra cost of £30 if you are planning to use the stage.

Deposits -Bookings of less than £100 must be paid in full and in advance. All other bookings require a £75 Deposit.


TheBookingFormconstitutestheHiringAgreement.Bysigning theBookingForm youare acceptingallthefollowingstandardconditionsof hire.

1. Age

All hirersmustbe18yearsof ageorover.

2. Supervision

TheHirershall accept theresponsibilityforbeingin charge ofandonthe premises atalltimes when thepublicare presentandensuring thatall theseconditions aremet. TheHirerwillduring the periodofthehiring, beresponsible forthesupervisionof thepremises,thesafetyofthe fabric andthecontents ofthebuildingandthebehaviourofall personsusingthepremises. TheHirer shall ensuretherearesufficient competent representativesonthepremisesto ensurefull compliancewith theseconditionsof hire.Toensurepropercontrolof numbersandtodealwith anyfire risksthe Hirermustappoint2stewards (if100or lessattendees)or3stewards (if101to


3. Use of Premises

TheHirershall notusethepremisesfor anypurposeother thanthatdescribed inthe Hiring Agreementandshall notsub-hire or usethepremisesor allowthe premisestobeused forany unlawful purposeor inany unlawful waynor doanythingor bringonto the premisesanything whichmayendangerthefabric orthe reputationofthepremises,orrenderinvalidanyinsurance policiesinrespectthereof.

4. AlcoholandDrugs

Alcoholmayonlybesold or consumedontheonthe premiseswith written permissionin theform of acompleted andsignedHiringAgreement. Anyalcohol broughtonto thepremisesfor consumptionmustbedeclared. TheHirermustensurethat goodorderismaintained atalltimes, that alcohol is notserved toanypersonundertheageof18ortoanypersonsuspectedof being drunk orbehavingin amannerlikelytodisturbotherusersorour neighbours.Noillegal drugs may bebroughtonto thepremises.

5. LicensableActivities

ThePainswickCentreholdsaPerformingSocietyRightsLicencewhichpermitstheuseof copyright music in anyform, e.g. record, compactdisc, tapes,radio, television,IPodor byperformersin person for alloneofforcharitableevents. Regularmusic usersmayneed other licences. Ifother licencesarerequired in respectof anyactivityin thevillagehall theHirershould ensurethatthey holdtherelevantlicence. Thepremiseslicenceallowsthe playingofmusic andliveperformance between thehoursof10.00amand12.00midnight.

6. Bettingandgaming

TheHirershall ensurethat nothingisdoneonorinrelationtothe premisesincontraventionof the law relatingtogaming, bettingandlotteries.

7. Public SafetyCompliance

TheHirershall comply with all conditions andregulationsmadeinrespectof thepremisesbythe LocalAuthority,theLicensingAuthority,andthePainswickCentre’s FireRisk Assessmentor otherwise,particularlyin connectionwith anyeventwhichconstitutesregulatedentertainment at which alcohol issoldorprovidedor whichis attendedbychildren.Thehirershall alsocomplywith the PainswickCentre’sHealth and SafetyPolicy. Prior toanypublicentertainmentthe Hirermust -

 Satisfy themselvestheyknowwhereall fireequipmentis locatedandhowtousethis.

 Checkall fireexitsareunlockedandpanic bolts ingoodworkingorder

 Check thatallexitsandescaperoutesarefreeofobstructionandcanbesafelyused.

 Check thatanyfire doors arenotwedged openandallexitsigns areclear.

 Check thattherearenounmanaged firehazardsonthepremises.

8. Meansof Escape

TheHirermustensureallmeansofexitfromthe premisesarekeptfreefrom obstructionand immediatelyavailable for instant publicexitatall times.

9. Outbreaksof Fire

TheFireBrigadeshall becalled to anyoutbreakof fire,howeverslight,anddetailsgiven tothe PainswickManagerassoonaspossible. Thereis nopublictelephoneonthepremisesso theHirer musthaveamobilephoneavailable fortheir event.

10. HealthandHygiene

TheHirershall, if preparing, servingorsellingfood,observeall relevantfoodhealth andhygiene

Legislationandregulations.Inparticulardairyproducts, vegetablesand meatonthepremisesmust berefrigeratedandstoredincompliancewith theFoodTemperatureRegulations.Thepremises areprovidedwith refrigerators.

11. ElectricalAppliance Safety

TheHirershall ensurethatany electricalappliancesbroughtbythemto thepremisesandused thereshall besafe,ingoodworkingorder,andusedin a safemanner inaccordancewith the ElectricityatWorkRegulations 1989.Wherearesidualcircuit breaker is providedthe hirermust makeuseof itintheinterestsof publicsafety.

12. InsuranceandIndemnity

ThePainswickCentrehasPublic LiabilityInsurancewhichcoversinjury,lossor damagecaused to ThirdPartiesasaresultofnegligenceof theTrusteesandtheir staff.Thiscoversmembersofthe publicattendingactivitiesorganised bytheTrusteesandfor liabilities arisingfrom theconditionof the property.ThePainswickCentrealsohas insurancecoverforthe buildings andfor allcontents owned by theCentre.

N.B.The Painswick Centre’s insurance does notinclude Hirer’sPublicLiabilitycover.Regular hirersare expectedtoholdtheirownpublicliabilitycoverandare stronglyadvisedtoseek insurancecoverfor theirownproperty,whetherbroughtonto or storedat thepremises.Ifthe hirerisasportorfitnessinstructor/coach,he/shemustholdtheirownpublicliabilitycoverand, ideally,professionalindemnity.

13. AccidentsandDangerous occurrences

TheHirermustreportallaccidentsinvolvinginjurytothepublictotheCentre Manageras soonas possible andcompletetherelevantsection in oneof the PainswickCentre’s Accident Books located intheMainHall andupstairs onthe halllanding.

14. Equipment

Anyfailureofor damagetoequipmentbelongingtothe Centreor broughtin bytheHirermust be entered and detailed in the maintenance record book and reported as soon as possible to the centre manager.

15. ExplosivesandFlammableSubstances

TheHirermustensurethatnohighlyflammablesubstancesarebroughtinto,usedor stored inany part ofthepremisesandthat nointernal decorationsof acombustiblenature(e.g. polystyrene, cottonwool)areerectedwithoutconsent. Nodecorations aretobeputupnearlightfittings or heaters. Nonaked lightsincludingcandles (excepttealights)arepermitted.Fireworksmustnotbe letoff fromanypartof thePainswickCentreincludingthe car park.

16. Heating

TheHirershall ensurethat nounauthorised heatingappliancesareused onthepremiseswhen open tothe public,withouttheconsentoftheCentre Manager.PortableLiquefiedPropaneGas (LPG)heatingappliancesarestrictly prohibited.All hirerswillbeinformedwhether to turnoff anyheating providedwhentheyleavethepremises.Anyhirerwhochangestheheatingcontrolsmustensure theyarechanged backbeforedeparture.Failure todosocouldincur a penaltycharge.

17. Animals

TheHirershall ensurethat noanimals (includingbirds)except guidedogs arebroughtintothe premises,otherthanfor aspecial eventagreedtobythe PainswickCentre. Noanimalswhatsoever are to enterthe kitchen atany time.

18. Compliance withtheChildrenAct1989

TheHirershall ensurethatanyactivities for children undereightyearsof agecomplywith the provisionsof TheChildrenAct of1989andthatonlyfitandproperpersons who havepassed the appropriateCriminalRecords Bureaucheckshaveaccessto thechildren.Checksmayalsoapply wherechildren overeightandvulnerable adultsaretakingpart inactivities.TheHirershall provide the CentreManagerwithacopyoftheir CRB checkandChildProtectionPolicy onrequest.

19. FlyPosting

TheHirershall notcarryout orpermit flypostingor anyother formof unauthorised advertisementsforanyeventtakingplaceatthe premises,andshall indemnifyandkeep indemnified eachmemberof thePainswickCentre’sManagementCommitteeaccordinglyagainst all actions, claims andproceedings arisingfromanybreach of thiscondition.Failuretoobserve this conditionmayleadto prosecutionbythelocal authority.

20. Sale of Goods

TheHirershall, if sellinggoodsonthepremises,complywithFairTrading Lawsandanycodeofpracticeused inconnectionwith suchsales.TheHirer shall ensurethatthereisa prominent display ofthetotal prices ofall goods andservicesandtheorganiser’snameandaddressand that anydiscountsofferedarebased onlyon Manufacturers’ Recommended RetailPrices.

21. FilmShows

Children shall berestrictedfromviewingage-restrictedfilms classified accordingtothe recommendationsof theBritishBoardof FilmClassification.Hirersshouldensurethattheyhave theappropriatecopyrightlicencesforfilm.

22. Cancellation

Ifthe Hirerwishes tocancel thebookingbeforethedateof theeventandtheCentreis unable to concludeareplacement booking, thequestionof the paymentor therepaymentofthe feeshall be atthediscretionof thePainswickCentre.Applicablecancellationchargesareset outin the publishedHireFees.ThePainswickCentrereservestherighttocancelanyhiringby writtennotice to the Hirerin theeventofanyoverridingor exceptional circumstances.In anysuch casethe Hirershall beentitled toarefundof anyfeesor deposit alreadypaid, butthePainswickCentreshall not beliable to theHirerforanyresultingdirector indirectlossordamageswhatsoever.

23. End of hire

TheHirershall beresponsible for leavingthe premises andsurroundingareainacleanandtidy conditionand properlylocked andsecured. Anycontentstemporarilyremoved fromtheir usual positionsmustbereplaced. All kitchenequipmentmustbethoroughlycleaned andreplaced in cupboards provided andallrubbishremoved fromthesite.If not,thePainswickCentreshall beat liberty to makeanadditional charge.All breakagesmustbereported to theCentre Manager.

24. Damage toPremises

As directed bythe TrusteestheHirershallmakegoodor payforall damage(includingaccidental damage)tothepremises or tothefixtures,fittingsorcontentsor for thelossofanycontents.The Trusteesmay,attheir discretion,askforthe paymentof asecuritydepositwhichmaybeused to makegoodanydamage.

25. Noise

TheHirershall ensurethattheminimumof noiseismade onarrivalanddeparture,particularlylateat nightandearlyinthemorningandthatpeople standingoutsidedosoquietly.TheHirershall

respondpositivelytoany andall complaintsfromneighbours aboutexcessivenoiseor unacceptable behaviour.TheHirer shall, if usingsoundamplificationequipment,comply withthetermsofany TemporaryEventNotice(TEN)andthefollowingrequirements

 The Hall’s swingdoorsmustbeintheclosed positionatalltimesandnotinthefixed open positionandtheBeaconHall kitchenwindowsshouldalsobeshut

 Amplifiedmusicmustnotbeplayedoutside.

 All musicmust reduce at 11pm andceaseat12.00pmunlessalatertimehas been specifiedinaTEN.

26. Storedequipment

ThePainswickCentreacceptsnoresponsibilityfor anystoredequipmentor otherpropertybrought ontoor leftatthepremises, andall liabilityforlossordamageisherebyexcluded. All equipment andotherproperty(other thanstored equipment)mustberemoved attheendof eachhiringor additional feesmaybecharged.If theHirerfailsto removeequipmentwithin7daysof theendof the hiringthePainswickCentrereservestherightto sell orotherwisedisposeofsuchequipment.

27. Noalterations

Noalterations oradditionsmaybemadetothepremisesnoranyfixturesinstalledor placards, decorationsorotherarticles attached inanywaytoanypartofthe premiseswithouttheprior approvalofthe CentreManager. Nosticky tapeor bluetack maybeusedonthewallsordoors and damage caused by this will be charged.

28. Smoking

Nopersonmaysmokewithinthebuildings.TheHirershall ensurethat theHirer’s inviteescomplywith theprohibitionof smokinginpublicplaces provisionsoftheHealth Act2006 and subsequentregulations. Anypersonwhobreaches this provisionshall beasked to leave.

29. CarParking

ParkingspacesatthePainswickCentreareforthe benefitof all usersandpermitholdersandno userhas priority overany other user. Spacesareavailable onafirstcomefirstserved basis.The Hireris responsible forensuringthatall persons attendingtheir eventonlypark indesignated spacesanddonotblockinother usersor fireexits.

Revised1st January 2015