6th Grade English/Literature and Pre-AP English/Literature

2015-2016 School Year

Welcome to 6thGrade English/Literature! This is certain to be a busy and challenging year for us all. Your child will be taking the STAAR Reading test later on this school year. Please know the following information to help your child be successful.


Students will have ELAR for 90 minutes each day, during which they will be actively engaged in lessons designed to increase your student’s success. This year we will focus on:

  • Critical ReadingStrategies
  • Increased rigor
  • Study and analyze various multiple forms of literature: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama and expository
  • Vocabulary
  • Unit Projects
  • Skills specific to the STAAR test
  • Writing various types of paper (narratives, research, expository, etc.)
  • Enhancing and learning new grammar skills
  • Apply various mechanics to writing


It is imperative that students avoid being absent, come to class prepared and have all the necessary supplies. Daily supplies include:

  • Folders/Binder
  • Paper, pens, crayons, markers, scissors and glue
  • Two composition books
  • Book to read during class

Grading Policy:

Minor Grades (daily class work, homework) ---40% of the six weeks

Major Grades (tests, projects, essay’s) ---60%of the six weeks

Make-up work policy:

  • Students shall be given one day for each day missed due to an absence in order to turn in make-up work within the prescribed time. Tests shall be made up within the prescribed timelines and at a specific time designated by the teacher.
  • No points will be deducted for the absence if the work is turned in within the prescribed time.

Late Work Policy:

  • Late work is when a student has been provided adequate time and instruction to complete student work and has not completed it by the due date.
  • Late work may be accepted without a penalty due to extenuating circumstances.
  • Late work may be accepted until the material has been tested as a summative assessment or within a three-week grading period for a maximum 20% penalty.

Academic Integrity

Please refer to the student handbook for integrity policies.


To maintain a positive learning environment, each student is expected to follow the five Universal Expectations of Prairie Vista MS and follow C.H.A.M.P.S. classroom expectations. To promote and reward appropriate behaviors, each teacher will present and maintain an incentive system which includes rewards such as: music in the classroom time, positive notes home, game time, extra reading time, and other various incentives. The school will also provide incentives for students making positive choices, coyote cash, school dances and other incentives that students can earn.


You may refer to each teacher’s website for detailed information about class assignments, projects, teacher schedules, and other classroom information. Please refer to the individual teacher’s website for their tutorial schedule.

Thank you for your help and cooperation!

We look forward to a great year!

6th Grade ELAR

Polly Burkhead –
Brad Dodson -
Lakisha Thompson –
Lisa West –

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PVMS Syllabus Receipt of Acknowledgement 15/16

I have received a copy of the 6th grade Literature and English Syllabus. I understand that the students of this course will be held to the expectations presented. I also understand that this syllabus is available on my teacher’s webpage.

Student name ______

(Please print)Date

Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian name ______

(Please print)Date

Parent Signature ______

Parent Phone Number:______

Parent Email:______