Health and Social Care Delivery Partnership
Wednesday 12th March 2014 - MINUTES

Mike Robinson, Director of Wellbeing, Care and Learning, Middlesbrough Council (CHAIR)

Edward Kunonga, Director of Public Health, Middlesbrough Council

Martin Booth, Healthwatch Middlesbrough

Dinah Lane, Chief Executive, MVDA

Ben Clark, NHS Commissioning Board

Julie Stevens, Commissioning and Delivery Manager, South Tees CCG

Kathryn Warnock, Principal Corporate Development Officer, Middlesbrough Council

Amanda Hume, Chief Officer, South Tees CCG

Susan Watson, Director of Operational Services, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Tina Jenks, Tees Esk & Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust

Tom Boyd, Service Manager, Middlesbrough Council

Louise Grabham, Service Manager, Middlesbrough Council

Louise Dunn, NECS/South Tees CCG

Julie Stevens, South Tees CCG


Bev Reilly, Director of Nursing and Quality, NHS Commissioning Board

Jo McNally, Middlesbrough Partnership

Craig Blair. Commissioning, Development & Delivery Manager, South Tees CCG

Chris Smith, Managing Director, Erimus Housing

Agenda Item 1: Welcome & Apologies

MR opened the meeting and welcomed all present.

Agenda Item 2: Minutes from Health & Social Care Delivery Partnership 18.12.13

The minutes were agreed as a true record.

Matters arising –All actions picked up within the agenda.

Ben Clarke informed the group that there is no update available from NHS England. Mike Robinson requested an update be provided at the June or July meeting.

Agenda Item 3: IMPROVE

Amanda Hume provided an update on IMPROVE, AH stated the need to manage the political aspects of IMPROVE, it is not a cost saving exercise but about seeking better outcomes in elderly care.

AH informed the group that she has met with TEWV and the Trust to ensure they are all working to the same agenda. AH reported that they are all committed to IMPROVE and early intervention.

A discussion took place around the potential political risk and the timing of potentially contentious decisions around hospital closures etc. Work is currently being carried out to mitigate the perception that buildings and services are being taken away from communities. AH has met to discuss this with Gill Rollings and is due to meet Andy McDonald (MP) on Friday.

Consultation on a single model of care will be carried out with a phased implementation over 2-3 years, work is being carried out on the detail with the 2 local authorities before it is signed off. There will be a public consultation on 30th April, conversations are also taking place with the Executive, Health & Wellbeing Board, MP’s and GP Practises there will be an event for GP’s on 1st April. Options need to be in place before they go out into the public domain.

AH stated that Stroke Services is a potential area to focus on, there should be a rehabilitation pathway in one pace and there is a need to implement early supported discharge. This is currently not happening and we are not meeting best practise.

Agenda Item 4: Better Care Fund

Louise Grabham presented a paper updating on the Better Care Fund.

Louise went through the latest iteration of the Better Care Fund submission.

There were a number of comments which need to be reflected in the final submission, which included:

  • More explicit link to the achievement of the JHWB Strategy
  • Stronger emphasis on early intervention schemes from year 2
  • Prevention agenda to be included as an additional scheme
  • What is the evidence base for the schemes?
  • What would an evaluation of success look like?
  • Potential workstream around data sharing via the Programme Office

The Better Care Fund bid will be presented to Middlesbrough Council Executive on 18th March prior to final sign off by the Health & Social Care Delivery Partnership.

Agenda Item 5: CCG Workstreams

This item was deferred to the next meeting

Agenda Item 6: Care Bill Implementation

Mike Robinson provided an update on the Care Bill Implementation.

As reported to the Middlesbrough Council Executive on 14th January 2014, the Health & Social Care Delivery Partnership, under the governance of the Health & Wellbeing Board agreed to establish a multi-agency workstream to monitor the progress of the Bill and to manage risks and develop appropriate actions.

An initial meeting was held on 17thFebruary 2014 and a Steering Group was established to comprise:

Tom Boyd, Middlesbrough Council

Louise Grabham, Middlesbrough Council

Craig Blair, South Tees CCG

Mark Davis, MVDA

The existing project group in Adult Social Care will report to the above Steering Group and a first meeting of the Steering
Group will take place on Thursday 20th March 2014.

Agenda Item 7: Demand Management

Following on from the presentation by Mike Robinson regarding the potential additional £4m pressure on adult social care a number of workstreams are being developing to mitigate against this growth. A lead for the workstreams needs to be identified and a further report will be brought to a future meeting.

Agenda Item 8: Workstream Monitoring

The Health & Social Care Delivery Partnership agreed to the Workstream Monitoring template this will be circulated in advance of future meetings for completion by appropriate leads.

Agenda Item 9: CCG Five Year Plan

An update was provided by Louise Dunn on the CCG’s Five Year Plan, which needs to be submitted to NHS England by 30th June.

Progress to date and next steps

  • CCG are working towards the second submission of the plan
  • Feedback has not been received relating to the first submission but was due to be provided on 7th March
  • Second submission requires a refresh of all initial documents submitted incorporating Area Team feedback
  • Two need documents required at this stage
  • Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE) strategy template
  • Checklist template

The process will incorporate documentation presented at this group and the group were reminded of their delegated authority of approval on behalf of the Health and Wellbeing Board.

Agenda Item 10: Healthwatch Update

Martin Booth gave a brief summary of progress.

Martin informed the group that the work programme has been agreed. The work plan themes are:

  • Children & Young People’s Mental Health Services
  • Access to GP services for vulnerable groups
  • Weight management in the BME Community
  • The C Card Service
  • Talking Therapies (IAPT services)

A written progress report will be provided at future meetings.

Agenda Item 11: Joint Health & Social Care Self-Assessment – Learning Disabilities

This item was deferred to the next meeting

Agenda Item 12: Health & Social Care Delivery Partnership Performance Framework

It was agreed that KW will map the proposed indicators against the objectives of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy; members of the group were asked to identify any gaps and look to have a completed draft framework for the next meeting

Agenda Item 13: Forward Plan

The Forward Work Plan was agreed by the group. Amendments will be made following discussions from today’s meeting.

Agenda item 14: Any Other Business


Date & Time of Next Meeting

Friday 4th April 2014,2-3.30pm, BCF Sign Off

Monday 28th April 2014, 9.30-11.00am

Oberhausen Room, Middlesbrough Town Hall