Biology 2401: Anatomy and Physiology I

Lecture, Room PIN 710 & Lab Room PIN 701 Schedule (Wayne: Summer, 2017, Section 27244-003)

Wk /

Lecture Topic Completed at Home



Readings /

Lecture Assignments


Laboratory Topic


Lab Assignments*

1 / May30
Jun2 / At Home Review:
Syllabus and Bb in preparation for first meeting on Friday! / Unit1 / Intro to Chem. Powerpoint1 / Introduction to Course, Course Expectations
L1: Safety, Anatomical Terminology
L2: pH / Review Anatomical Terminology (Bb, course documents, selected_internet_videos)
Lab Assignment 1, Metric System
2 / Jun5
Jun9 / Biochemistry I
Biochemistry II / Unit2 / Review, Unit 1Chemistry (Bb, course documents, selected_internet_videos) / L4: Passive Diffusion (Osmosis & Diffusion)
L5: The Microscope / Google Drive Link for Pictures and Videos (Bb, course documents, Links, Labs_for_wayne)
Turn in Lab Assignment 1
3 / Jun12
Jun16 / Cell Structure and Function
Membrane Potentials
Lecture Exam I (chemistry, cell structure & function, cell physiology, membrane potentials) Take the test at any ACC testing center. / Unit3 / L6: Tissues I
L7: Tissues II
L8: Integumentary System (Skin) / Google Drive Link for Pictures and Videos (Bb, course documents, Links, Labs_for_wayne)
4 / Jun19
Jun23 / Tissues 1 (Epithelial)
Tissues 1 (Connective)
Integumentary System / Unit4
Unit5 / Review Tissues (online lecture)
Review Skin (online lecture) / Lab Exam I (L1, L2, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8)
L9,10,11: Bones and Joints
L9,10,11: Bones and Joints / Google Drive Link for Pictures and Videos (Bb, course documents, Links, Labs_for_wayne)
5 / Jun26
Jun30 / Lecture Exam II(tissues and integumentary system)
Skeletal System Lecture Notes / Unit6
Unit8 / Skeletal System (online lecture) / L14: Muscle Physiology I
L15: Muscle Physiology II / Google Drive Link for Pictures and Videos (Bb, course documents, Links, Labs_for_wayne)
6 / July3
July7 / Lecture Exam III (skeletal system)
Muscular System Anatomy
Muscular System Physiology / Unit9
Unit10 / Review all Muscle Contraction Animations (available on Bb, course documents, movies_and_animations) / Lab Exam II: L8, L9, L10, L11
L12: Human Muscles I
L13: Human Muscles II
L16: Cat Muscle Dissection I / Google Drive Link for Pictures and Videos (Bb, course documents, Links, Labs_for_wayne)
7 / July10
July14 / Muscular System Physiology
Nervous Tissue, Action Potentials
Lecture Exam IV / Unit10 / Review Nervous System Part I (online lecture) / L17: Cat Muscle Dissection II
L18: Cat Muscle Dissection III / Google Drive Link for Pictures and Videos (Bb, course documents, Links, Labs_for_wayne)
8 / July17
July21 / Spinal Nerves
Spinal Cord and Reflexes, Spinal Cord Tracts / Unit11
Unit13 / L19: Human Reflexes
L20: Sensory Physiology / Google Drive Link for Pictures and Videos (Bb, course documents, Links, Labs_for_wayne)
9 / Jul24
July28 / Autonomic Nervous System / Unit14 / Lab Exam III: Labs 14, 15, 16,17,18
L23: Human Brain Models
L24: Sheep Brain Dissection / Google Drive Link for Pictures and Videos (Bb, course documents, Links, Labs_for_wayne)
10 / July31
Aug4 / Central Nervous System Brain Function & Physiology / Unit12 / Review, eye, ear animations (Bb, course documents,) / L25: Special Senses Vision, L26: Cow Eye Dissection
L27: Special Senses Hearing / Google Drive Link for Pictures and Videos (Bb, course documents, Links, Labs_for_wayne)
11 / Aug7
Aug11 / Special Senses
Lecture Exam V (Final Exam) / Unit15 / Review Special Senses (online lecture)
Review Muscle Contraction
Animations (available on Bb, course documents) / Lab Review, Hand in lab Notebooks
Lab Exam IV: L19 -L27 / Google Drive Link for Pictures and Videos (Bb, course documents, Links, Labs_for_wayne)

L – Lab Exercise that needs to be downloaded from

*Lab Assignments are handed out in class. They are done at home and handed in one week after assigned.

#Available online.

1Located on Blackboard. The online lectures are considered the equivalent of in class lectures. Test questions will be taken from the lectures and included in the appropriate tests indicated in the schedule.