Sacred Heart Schools Middle School (Grade 7) Dance Policy Permission Slip

The Academy and Hardey Student Government will be hosting the fall social for all seventh and eighth graders on Ocober 23in the foyer and gym. The social will begin at 7:00pm and the DJ starts spinning tunes on time and ends promptly at 9:00pm. Students should be dropped off and picked up in the Sheridan Rd. parking lot. The gates leading to the playground will be open and students will enter school through the foyer doors.

The following is a list of requirements and expectations for attending dances at Sacred Heart Schools. Attendance at school dances requires that this form be signed by both the student and the student’s parent or legal guardian including which parent or guardian, or his or her designee, will pick up the student. Remember: We want you to attend, but the dance is a privilege, not a right!

I. Prior to the Dance

A. This form must be signed and returned to Dr. Sharp or Mr. Manley by noon on the day of the dance.

B. The $10.00 fee must accompany this form. Payment may be in the form of cash or check.

C. Students will not be able to attend the dance without prior permission and payment.

D. Should a student be serving a one or three-day suspension on the day of the dance, or need to serve a detention the Tuesday following the dance, he or she will not be allowed to attend.

II. Requirements and Expectations During and After the Dance

A. Dances are open only to Sacred Heart Students.

B. Students must enter all dances within 30 minutes of the start time of 7:00 pm. [with the exception being for 7th grade students coming from ballroom dance or SHS sporting event]. Students must remain at the dance until the ending time of the dance at 9:00 pm.

C. All students must be picked up by the parent or guardian, or his or her designee,listed on the permission slip, promptly at 9:00 pm.

D. Supervision (chaperoning) is the responsibility of the middle school faculty.

E. While students are permitted to bring phones to the dances, the expectation is that students will dance and not text or talk on phones during the dance.

G. “Freaking” or inappropriate dancing is not allowed, no exceptions. Respectful and polite behavior is expected. If any chaperone witnesses inappropriate dancing or behavior, he or she will be escorted from the dance floor and we will call a parent or guardian for an early pick-up.

III. Dress code – All school rules apply

Student’s Name (Please Print) ______

I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the Sacred Heart Dance Policy as stated above.

Student Signature ______Date______

Parent (Guardian) Signature______Date______

In my absence, I designate ______to pick-up my child from the dance.