2010 Rules Test - 1




Based on the 2010 USL Official Rules for Girls and Women’s Lacrosse


1.  To be “within a stick’s length” a defense player must have some part of the opponent’s body inside a crosses’ length. (Pg. 62 Definitions)

2.  Both offensive and defensive players are responsible for not causing crosse to body or body to crosse contact. (Rule 6 Section 1)

3.  Blue Team #20 is issued a yellow card for a check to the head. No substitute may take her place and she must leave the field for 3 minutes of elapsed playing time.

(Rule 6 Section 1b) (Rule 7 Section 28)

4.  The home team has provided bright orange balls as the game balls for today’s game. At some point during the game a yellow ball is put into play. This is illegal. (Rule 2 Section 5)

5.  Blue #3 drops a pass and it inadvertently bounces off her knee to her teammate. The umpire should allow play to continue. (Rule 6 Section 2 AR 6-6)

6.  All players must properly wear a professionally manufactured intra-oral mouthpiece that fully covers the upper jaw teeth and may be any color except clear or white. (Rule 2 Section 8)

7.  When the score of the game is 12-2 both players draw illegally. The umpire should whistle, stop the clock, and signal redraw. (Rule 5 Section 3 Exception)

8.  It is illegal during the draw for one of the centers to hold any portion of her crosse below hip level. (Rule 5 Section 2)

9.  It is minor foul for a team to request more than two timeouts during a game. (Rule 6 Section 2)

10.  The Blue attack rolls the goal circle and completes a shot on goal and breaks the plane of the goal circle with her stick during the shot. The umpire should whistle and give a FP to the White goalie. (Rule 6 Section 3)

11.  Blue #20 is on a breakaway and makes a pass to Blue #10 at the top right of the 8m arc. Blue #10 does not catch the ball and it heads toward the end line and there are no players below the level of the goal line. As the ball crosses the end line the umpire should whistle and award the ball to the White Team goalie who is in the goal circle when the ball goes out. (Rule 5 Section 11)

12.  A coach may approach the umpire for clarification of rules during pre-game, during half time, and during timeouts. (Rule 3 Section 4)

13.  It is a major foul for a player to attempt a check when one or both of her feet are positioned out of bounds. (Rule 6 Section 2)

14.  A player may be listed on the roster and/or in the score book by name and two different numbers --- a goalkeeper shirt number and a field player shirt number. (Rule 2 Section 13, AR 2-13)

15.  If a violation of jewelry, eye protection or mouth guard is discovered on the Blue team immediately after a goal, the Blue team goal counts and a draw is taken at the center circle.

(Rule 4 Section 8)

16.  The “Coaching Area” is defined as the area on the bench/table side of the field extending from a team’s side of the substitution area to their end line and behind the level of the scorer’s table extended. (Rule 8 Definitions)

17.  During a slow whistle (raised flag) the attacking team chooses to end the scoring play by dropping the ball. The official shall whistle and set up a free position for the attacker nearest to the spot of the foul. (Rule 7 Section 21)

18.  The defender who is marking an otherwise unmarked opponent who is “directly behind the goal circle”, is exempt from 3 seconds but not obstruction of the “free space to goal”.

(Rule 6 Section 1)

19.  During a dead ball situation the officials shall permit a time out to be called by the team in possession. (Rule 4 Section 4)

20.  All players must wear numbers on the front and back of the uniform. The numbers must be a solid color clearly contrasting with the rest of the uniform top. If there are numbers on the shorts or kilt/skirt, they must match the number on the jersey. (Rule 2 Section 13)

MULTIPLE CHOICE – There is one correct response.

21.  Goalkeepers at the high school level and below must wear which of the following items.

(Rule 2 Section 6 and 12, and Pg 79)

A.  She must wear a helmet with a facemask that meets NOCSAE standards for lacrosse.

B.  She must wear a shirt of the same color as teammates over any chest and shoulder protective equipment.

C.  She must wear a mouth piece, padded gloves, a separate throat protector and a chest protector.

D.  She must wear padding on the shins and thighs, and in addition at the youth level must wear pelvic and abdominal protection.

E.  All of the Above

22.  During a draw which of the following is true? (Rule 5 Section 1 and 2)

A.  If a team has 12 eligible players they must have 12 players on the field at the draw.

B.  A maximum of 5 players from each team may be positioned between the two restraining lines.

C.  The crosses (head and shaft combined) of both centers must be entirely above hip level and the entire length of both crosses must be contained within the vertical plane of the center line.

D.  Players outside the center circle and below the restraining lines may not enter the center circle or cross the restraining line prior to the whistle for the draw.

E.  All of the above.

23. Which of the following is incorrect about the playing field? (Rule 1 Sec.1 Diagram Pg. 10)

A.  There must be a minimum of 5 yards of space behind each goal line.

B.  The goals shall be no more than 100 yards and no less than 90 yards apart.

C.  There must be 4M of space between the scorer’s table and the sideline.

D.  Substitution area in front of scorer’s table centered at the midfield and sectioned off by two hash marks 2M-4M in length, perpendicular to and touching the sideline, each 5 yards from centerline.

E.  There should be 2M of space beyond each end line.

24. Which of the following is considered a “Misconduct Foul”? (Rule 6 Section 8)

A.  Excessively rough, dangerous or unsportsmanlike play.

B.  Deliberately endangering the safety of opposing players.

C.  Excessive dissent or abusive language.

D.  Re-entering the game before the yellow or green /red card penalty time has elapsed.

E.  All of the Above

25.  One White attack player is offside against the Blue defense. Before the trail official can make the call, the Blue defense has gained possession but is closely marked by the White team and having difficulty clearing the ball from their defensive end. What is the correct penalty administration? (Rule 7 Section 6 Notes 1 and 2)

A.  “Raise arm” signaling that you see the offside but wait and see if Blue defense can get the ball out of their defensive end.

B.  Whistle immediately. Give the ball to a Blue defense player who is closest to, but below the restraining line, 4M ahead of the restraining line at the center of the field. Place a White Player from below the restraining line on the restraining line at the center of the field, 4M behind the free position.

C.  Give the “hold for advantage” signal to see if the Blue team can get the ball out of their defensive end.

D.  Whistle immediately. Give the ball to the Blue defensive player at the center of the field on the restraining line and place a White player 4M behind her.

E.  Whistle immediately. Correct the offside. Set up a major foul free position at the spot of the ball.

26.  The Blue Goalkeeper, who is the only dressed goalkeeper for her team, is given a yellow card for a foul committed within the 8M arc. What procedures must the umpires follow? (Rule 5 Section 22; Rule 7 Section 28)

A. The Blue goalkeeper must leave the field for 3 minutes and award a free position at

center hash mark to the attack.

B. Blue goalkeeper must leave the field for 3 minutes and the Blue Team must play without
a goalkeeper for 3 minutes.

C. The Blue goalkeeper may remain in the game and the Blue Team Coach will select a field player to leave the game for 3 minutes of elapsed playing time. Blue Goalkeeper will be placed 4M behind the free position.

D. The Blue goalkeeper must leave the game for 3 minutes of elapsed playing time and a Blue field player must assume the role of goalkeeper after sufficient time is allowed for her to put on the required goalkeeper protective equipment.

E. None of the above.

27. The White Goalkeeper is injured and is not able to continue playing. The White Team wishes
to replace the goalkeeper with a field player who is on the field. Which of the following

procedures should the umpires follow? (Rule 5 Section 22; AR 5-19)

A.  Allow time for the White field player to change into her goalkeeper equipment

B.  Allow the “substitute” goalkeeper to move from her field position to the goal circle.

C.  Allow a substitute from the White team bench to take the place of the field player

D.  If a free position is to be taken and the White team has no substitute available, umpire may move the next nearest player to assume the position of player who left the field.

E.  All of the Above.

28.  In which of the following situations does the umpire award a throw? (Rule 5 Section 20)

A.  To restart after any incident not related to the ball when neither team has possession, and 2 players are equally near the ball, unless a foul has occurred.

B.  Ball goes into the goal off a non-player.

C.  Ball lodges in clothing of field player or umpire.

D.  Game is stopped for any reason not specified in the rules.

E.  All of the Above.

29. A major foul set up should occur for which of the following goal circle fouls? (Rule 6 Section 4; Rule 7 Section 15)

A.  Defense players are repeatedly cutting through the goal circle.

B.  The shooter initiates her shooting motion from within the goal circle.

C.  The shooter physically steps on or into the goal circle before, during or after shooting.

D.  Defender directly marking the ball carrier steps into the goal circle.

E.  All of the Above

30. Which of the following criteria must be considered before calling obstruction of the free space to goal? (Rule 6 Section 1)

A. Was the defense player drawn into free space to goal by the attack player she is marking?

B. Does the player with the ball have the “opportunity to shoot”?

C. Are all defensive players who are in the “free space to goal” legally marking an opponent “within a stick's length”?

D. Is the player with the ball “looking to shoot”?

E. All of the Above

31.  As time expires in the first half White #20 checks Blue #30 in the head. Which of the following procedures must the umpires follow? (Rule 5 Section 1 AR 5-3)

A.  Whistle. Card White #20. Start second half with a minor foul free position set up at center.

B.  Whistle. Card White #20. Start second half by allowing the players to assume positions for draw. Then whistle and have all players stand. Administer a free position at center with opposing center 4M ahead on a 45 degree angle. No player is positioned 4M behind.

C.  Whistle. Card White #20. Start second half with a draw at center.

D.  Whistle. Card White #20. Administer a free position at center for the Blue team at center and place the nearest White player 4M behind.

E.  None of the above.

32. A major foul shall be called when a player commits which of the following? (Rule 6 Section 1)

A. Reach across the body: reach across an opponent to check the crosse when she is level with or behind the opponent.

B.  Illegal Cradle: hold the head of her crosse, with or without cradling, in front of her face or her teammates face, within the sphere, or close to the body or teammates body, making a legal safe check impossible.

C.  Forcing Through: While in possession of the ball, try to force her crosse through an opposing crosse(s) in such a manner as to cause her own crosse to contact her body.

D.  Illegal Pick: Set a moving or stationary pick out of the visual field of an opposing player which does not allow her enough time or space to stop or change direction and contact occurs.

E.  All of the above.

33. Which of the following is an illegal action for the goalkeeper? (Rule 6 Section 5)

A. Raking the ball into the goal circle when no players are within playing distance

B.  Carrying the ball from inside the goal circle into the 8M arc.

C. Carrying the ball from outside the goal circle into the goal circle.

D.  Clearing the ball from the goal circle within 10 seconds from when the ball enters the goal circle.

E.  All of the Above

34. Goalkeeper stops a shot and it deflects off her body into the 8M arc directly in front of the goal.

The goalkeeper steps out of the goal circle and covers the ball. There is an opponent within playing distance attempting to pick up the ball. The umpire whistles. What is the proper placement for the

goalkeeper when she commits a minor foul while she is outside the goal circle and within the

12M fan? (Rule 7 Section 15)

A.  The goalkeeper remains outside the goal circle at the spot of the foul.