SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2 SP1

Server Installation Guide

Microsoft Windows Server 2000

Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (including R2)

Released May 2011

Copyright © "SuccessMaker Enterprise" is a trademark owned by Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates and licensed toRM Education plc. All rights reserved.

SuccessMaker is a registered trademark of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates.

Sybase is a registered trademark of Sybase, Inc.

The data and names used to illustrate the screen images may include names of individuals, schools, companies, brands and products. All of the data and names are fictitious; any similarities to actual names are entirely coincidental.

This version of the SuccessMaker software was adapted for use within the United Kingdom by RM Education plc under licence from Pearson Education, Inc.

United Kingdom Localised Content: Copyright © 2009 RM Education plc. All rights reserved.

Text from Pearson Education Installation guides has been localised with permission from Pearson Education, Inc.

All other rights, including copyright and trade secret rights, in this software product, owned and reserved by Pearson Education Inc. and its licensors. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

This software product may only be used under licence as expressly authorised by RM Education plc.



Basic Requirements

Microsoft Windows Servers

Microsoft Windows Workstations

Installation Checklist………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Additional information required

Installing SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2 SP1…………………………………………………………………………

Creating a Shared Folder for Windows Workstations

Setting access permissions for the SME folder on the server

Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 9 on Windows 2008 R2 64bit

Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 3850 EBF on Windows 2008 R2 64bit

Installing the SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2 Management System

Modifying User File Rights

Configuring the SuccessMaker Enterprise SQL Service

Installing SME Courseware to the Server...... 11

Installing SME 1.7.2 SP1 on Microsoft Windows clients……………………………………………………………

Adding the course license code…………………………………………………………………………………………

Running the UK Localisation CD………………………………………………………………………………………..

Installing Service Pack 1………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Creating a test pupil user…………………………………………………………………………………………………

Testing SuccessMaker Enterprise……………………………………………………………………………………

Backing up your SME Database…………………………………………………………………………………………

Troubleshooting your installation………………………………………………………………………………………

SME SQL Service start issues

JZ006 errors when launching SuccessMaker Enterprise client

“Unable to load the program. Please check your network connection and try again.”

“Please insert SuccessMaker DVD 1 in to the CD-ROM drive.” when launching courses


SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2 includes support for Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows 7 computers.

This guide tells you how to install SuccessMaker Enterprise1.7.2 SP1 on a local server running:

  • Microsoft® Windows® Server 2000 SP4
  • Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 SP2
  • Microsoft® Windows® Server 2008 (32bit or R2)

Basic Requirements

Microsoft Windows Servers

  • TCP/IP is installed and configured with a static IP address on your server
  • 8 GB of free disk space to install the SuccessMaker Enterprise management system and course content
  • 300 MB of free disk space on the server’s system drive to install Sybase SQL Anywhere 9 software.
  • A DVD drive in the server (or client).

Microsoft Windows Workstations

  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2
  • Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate
  • Microsoft Windows Vista Business
  • Microsoft Windows 7
  • Screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or above (widescreen resolutions are supported)
  • 220MB free disk space
  • A DVD drive to install course SuccessMaker Enterprise if server does not have a DVD drive
  • Adobe® Reader® software installed to view the PDF documentation. You can download this free from
  • QuickTime® Player version 7.2.x or later installed to view lessons. You can download QuickTime free from

Installation Checklist

To complete the installation successfully, it is essential that you have the following resources and information on hand. Please complete the checklist below before starting installation.

Important: This SME installation process requires a server reboot. Bear this is mind when carrying out the installation.


You will require the following installation disks

  • SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.7.2 Installation DVD
  • SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.7.2 Content DVD
  • SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.7.2 Service Pack 1 Installation CD
  • SuccessMaker Enterprise v1.7.2 UK Localisation CD

Additional information required

An appropriate administrative user name and password for the server:


Password: ______

IP address of server: ______

Courseware licence key. If you can’t locate this key please contact RM Support who can issue a new one. Call us on 0845 404 0000 or email

Licence Key: ______

Installing SuccessMaker Enterprise1.7.2 SP1

Note: These instructions assume that you are creating a specific folder/share to host SuccessMaker Enterprise. However you can install to an existing folder/share on your network as long as the default permissions are set.

The folders created by the installation must be in the root of the mapped drive to allow the program to be run correctly.

Creating a Shared Folder for Windows Workstations

Before you install SME 1.7.2 SP1, you must create a shared folder on your server for your network users.

  1. Create a new folder on a physical drive called SME
  2. Right-click the new SMEfolder...... click Properties
  3. Click the Sharing tab
  4. Click the Share this folder radio button
  • Enter SME as the share name
  • Enter SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2SP1 as a comment...... click Permissions
  1. Highlight the Everyone group
  • tick the Full Control box in the Allow column...... Click OK, OK

Setting access permissions for the SME folder on the server

NTFS file permissions for to the files and folders in the new/existing share used for SuccessMaker Enterprise must be set as following. Note that non-administrative users only require RX permissions.

Administrators / Full Control
System Account / Full Control
Staff users / RX (Read/Execute)
Pupil users / RX (Read/Execute)

If you already have standard groups for Pupils and Staff, you can allocate the permissions to these existing groups.

Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 9on Windows 2008 R2 64bit

Note: On Windows Server 2008 R2 Sybase ASA 9 has to be installed before SuccessMaker Enterprise. This is due to it using the 32bit version, which cannot be ‘silently’ installed on a 64bit platform.

Insert the SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2 Installation DVD in to the servers DVD drive

  1. Click the Start button and then click Run.
  • EnterX:\Sybase\anywhere\Win32\setup.exe (where ‘X:’ is the drive letter for your CD ROM drive). click OK
  1. Setup has detected that you are running on a 64-bit computer. To install the 64-bit version of SQL Anywhere, terminate this install, insert the Windows 64bit CD, and run Setup. Do you want to terminate now? click No
  2. Welcome...... click Next
  3. License Agreement
  • Select United Kingdom
  • Select I accept the terms of this agreementoption...... click Next
  1. Choose Location...... click Next
  2. Choose Shared Components Location...... clickNext
  3. Select Components...... click Next
  4. Server License
  • Enter your school name in the Name and Company fields
  • Enter 1000 in the Licensed Units field
  • SelectNetworked Seat (per-seat) model...... click Next
  1. Select Program Folder...... click Next
  2. StartCopying Files...... click Next
  3. Setup Complete
  • Deselect Yes I want to view the iAnywhere Online Resources...... click Finish
  1. InstallShield Wizard Complete
  • Select No, I will restart my computer later...... click Finish

Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 3850 EBFon Windows 2008 R2 64bit

Note: Sybase ASA 3850 EBF is a service pack and has to be manually installed due to the same requirement above.

Insert the SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2 Installation DVD in to the servers DVD drive.

  1. Click the Start button and then click Run.
  • EnterX:\Sybase\EBF\Win32\setup.exe (where ‘X:’ is the drive letter for your CD ROM drive). click OK
  1. Choose Setup Language...... click Next
  2. Setup has detected that you are running on a 64-bit computer. To install the 64-bit version of SQL Anywhere, terminate this install, insert the Windows 64bit CD, and run Setup. Do you want to terminate now? click No
  3. Setup has detected that this system does not support short file names (8.3). This will prevent some of the sample databases from being generated during the install click No
  4. SQL Anywhere 9 EBF...... click Next
  5. License Agreement
  • Select United Kingdom
  • Select I accept the terms of this agreementoption...... click Next
  1. Choose Location...... click Next
  2. Choose Shared Component Location...... click Next
  3. Choose Samples Location...... click Next
  4. Select Components...... click Next
  5. Start Copying Files...... click Next
  6. Setup Complete
  • Deselect Yes, I want to view the ReadMe file...... click Finish

Installing the SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2 Management System

Note: This Management System installation will only installed to a mapped drive letter. Ensure that the SME folder is mapped on the server before running the installer.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. On the Tools menu, select Map Network Drive
  • In the Drive select the drive you will be mapping on the client computers
  • In the Folder box type \\ServerName\SME...... click Finish

Insert the SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2 Installation DVD into the servers DVD drive

  1. Click the Start button and then click Run. EnterX:\School\setup.exe (where ‘X:’ is the drive letter for your CD ROM drive). click OK
  2. Welcome to Pearson ...... click Next
  3. Pearson Setup Instructions...... click Yes
  4. Installation Type, Select Local Server Installation...... click Next
  5. Select Drive
  • Select the drive you have mapped...... click Next
  1. Database Server Information
  • IP Address – This servers fixed IP address
  • Port #- Leave the default 2638 TCP port...... click Next
  1. Server Information...... click Next
  2. Information Summary...... click Next
  3. Product Registration
  • Lab Name – Enter your school name (the text entered here is displayed on the login screen for SuccessMaker Enterprise)
  • Lab Number – Enter your RM Customer ID
  • Database ID – Leave default...... click Next
  1. Product Registration Summary...... click Next
  2. Do you want to install Sybase 9?
  • You should have installed Sybasealready if you are on a Windows 2008 R2 server Click No, then Finish
  • If you have not installed Sybase already...... click Yes, continue to step12
  1. Setup Type,
  • Select Windows...... click Next
  1. Select the Path to Install Sybase 9 ...... click Next
  2. Select the Path to Install Sybase 9 Shared Folder...... click Next
  3. Please Restart your system, select No, I will restart my computer later...... click Finish

Modifying User File Rights

After you install SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2 on your server, you must set additional rights to one of the SuccessMaker folders.

To modify user file rights:

  1. Log on to your server as a user with administrative rights.
  2. Open the RMPublic\ResultsManager\SuccessMaker\SupportS folder.
  3. Right-click the Doc folder, click Properties.
  4. Click the Security tab.
  5. Highlight the Everyone group.
  6. Tick the Modify access permission.
  7. Click Advanced then tick Replace permission entries on all child objects with entries shown here that apply to child objects.
  8. Click Apply, Yes, OK and OK.

Configuring the SuccessMaker Enterprise SQL Service

This section details how to create the SQL Database service for SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2 SP1

1.From the Windows Task bar click StartProgramsSQL Anywhere 9Sybase Central

2.Highlight Adaptive Server Anywhere 9 from the folder list

3.Choose the Services tab

4.Click the New Service icon in the toolbar.

5.The Create a New Service wizard is displayed

6.Type SME as the new Sybase service name...... click Next

7.Which type of service do you wish to create?

  • Select Network Database Server...... click Next

8.What executable do you want to use for this service?

  • Leave default...... click Next

9.What Parameters do you want to use for this service?

-n SME -qp -ti 0 -xtcpip X:\SME\ResultsManager\SuccessMaker\database\SME.db

...... click Next

Important: In the parameters above, X: is the physical drive letter to where you installed the SuccessMaker Enterprise Management System. Ensure that you do not enter the mapped drive letter in the command line.

10.Under which account do you want this service to run?

  • Select Local system account
  • Deselect Allow service to interact with desktop...... click Next

11.Which startup type do you want to use for this server?

  • Select Automatic...... click Next

12.Select the Start the service now box...... click Finish

13.In Sybase Central services, check that the service is running, and then close the program.

Installing SME Courseware to the Server

IMPORTANT: SuccessMaker Enterprise courseware can be installed to the server at the server itself. If the server does not have a DVD drive, the courseware can be installed from any workstation which has a DVD drive.

Insert the SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2 Content DVD into the servers DVD drive

  1. Click Start, then Run. Type X:\setup.exe (where X: is the drive letter of your DVD drive)click OK
  2. Introduction...... click Next
  3. Install Location
  • Select your SME mapped drive...... click Next
  1. Choose Install Set, ensure only the following 12 courses are ticked. The other courses are not activated and will not run, so installing them will waste 3.5 GB of disk space.
  • Discover English
  • First Adventure Bookshelf
  • Initial Reading
  • Maths Concepts and Skills
  • Math Investigations
  • Math Processor
  • Reading Adventures
  • Reading Investigations
  • Reading Readiness
  • Reader’s Workshop
  • Spelling Skills
  • Writer’s Studio...... click Next
  1. Pre-Installation Summary...... click Install
  2. Install Complete...... click Done
  3. Remove the DVD from the drive.

Installing SME 1.7.2 SP1 on Microsoft Windows clients

This section tells you how to set up SME 1.7.2 SP1 on your Microsoft Windows clients.

The SuccessMaker Enterprise program runs through a mapped drive, and it is essential that this drive is available to all users of the program on logon to the computer.

Some SuccessMaker Enterprise courses require QuickTime 7.2 or later installed. Ensure you have installed this before proceeding.

  1. Click the Start button and then Run. Enter M:\ResultsManager\SuccessMaker\WorkSt\Setup.exe (where M: is your mapped drive letter) click OK
  1. Introduction...... click Next

Note: On Windows Vista and Windows 7 computers it may ask which drive letter you are installing the client program from. See screen shot below. Windows 2000/XP will skip this stage.

Note: Before you can setup.exe on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 workstation, you must turn off User Account Control (UAC). If this feature is not turned off you will not be able to install to a mapped drive.

  1. Pre-Installation Summary...... click Install
  2. Install Complete...... click Done
  3. System Restart Required...... click Yes

A shortcut to SuccessMaker Enterprise is created on the Desktop and also within the Programs structure off the Start menu. You will need to make sure that this shortcut is distributed to your pupil and staff desktops for the required users.

Adding the course license code

  1. Logon to your test workstation as a standard pupil user.
  2. Click Start, All Programs, Core Programs and then select the RM SuccessMaker Enterprise shortcut. The SuccessMaker Enterprise login screen should now load.
  3. Login using

User = sysman

Password = smelearn

  1. Click on the Teacher Standard interface.
  2. From the Resource menu, select License Manager.
  3. From the License Key menu, select Add a License Key.
  4. Enter the course license key exactly as it is shown on your paperwork and click OK.

NOTE: If you can’t locate your course license code, please contact RM Support who will be able to supply you with one.

  1. From the View menu, select License Keys and ensure that you have the correct number of licenses for courses you have purchased.
  2. From the Licence Key menu, select Exit.
  3. From the File menu, select Exit
  4. Press Escape to close SuccessMaker Enterprise

Running the UK Localisation CD

The UK Localisation CD sets the correct regional settings for the courses which support it, and copies on the UK specific course reports.

Insert the SuccessMaker Enterprise 1.7.2 UK Localisation CD into the servers DVD drive

  1. If the program does not automatically start, click Start, and then click Run. TypeX:\Setup.exe (where X: is the drive letter of your CD drive) click OK
  2. Introduction...... click Next
    If prompted for the location of SME.db, browse to X:\SME\ResultsManager\SuccessMaker\Database\SME.db (where X is your mapped drive)
    If prompted for the location of dbisql.exe, browse to C:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 9\win32\dbisql.exe
  3. Choose your report type

Select the correct region for your schools location.

National Curriculum Levels

Displays National Curriculum levels for students in the following course reports:

  • Maths Concepts and Skills
  • Reading Readiness
  • Initial Reading
  • Reader’s Workshop

Scottish 5–14 Levels

Displays Scottish 5–14 levels for students in the following course report:

  • Maths Concepts and Skills

...... click Next

  1. Pre-Installation Summary...... click Install
  2. Install Complete...... click Done

Installing Service Pack 1

NOTE: Service Pack 1 can only be installed after the SuccessMaker Enterprise client program has been launched and logged in to for the first time.