Events, Announcements
A Native Planting at Mike Tidwell's - Sat, Dec. 13
Board Member Replacements Needed
County Board Vacancies: Water Quality Advisory Council, S.S. Citizens Advisory Board
New Items on the Web
The next general meeting will be Jan. 20, 2004.
Berlage's Report on Trash Barrels, Sat. Dec. 13, 9 pm, Channel 6
The Bay and Funding
Get Ready for FrogWatch in January
Deer Exclosure
Porcelain Berry: Can You Top This for Size?
A New "Night Before Christmas" Poem
Events and Annoucements
Takoma Park
Holiday Work-and-Fun Event
This Saturday, Dec. 13
10am - Noon
The Chesapeake Climate Action Network, in cooperation with Sara Tangren’s Chesapeake Native Nursery, will landscape Mike Tidwell’s home at 7125 Willow Avenue in Takoma Park to demonstrate the use of native plants. Natives create habitat for birds, butterflies and other useful and beautiful creatures as well as help ameliorate stormwater damage. Anyone is invited to come help prepare the soil and plant natives. Stay for a tour of Mike’s energy efficient home, boasting solar collectors and a corn furnace. For directions or more information, contact Ann Hoffnar at 301 585 8891, .
Nominations Welcome
The Board of Directors of Friends of Sligo Creek is currently welcoming nominations for service on the Board. If you're interested in learning more about this, or if you have a name to suggest, please contact Jim Baird, Vice-President at 301-587-3249; or Sally Gagne, President, 301-588-2071;
County Board Vacancies
Water Quality Advisory Council, S.S. Citizens Advisory Board
Friends of Sligo has a strong need for two to three members who are interested in water quality. We could use someone to organize the water monitors, and we also need someone to look at the bigger picture: How clean is the water in Sligo? We need a thoughtful person for this, preferably someone who knows a bit of chemistry, and who has a strong interest in seeing improvement in the Creek's water. It isn't necessary for a volunteer to know anything aboutwater quality before signing up, if the person is willing to develop a new interest. This water quality chair might want to work alongside any member of Friends who applies for the vacancy below. Please contact Sally for more information.
County Executive Douglas M. Duncan is seeking applicants to fill a vacancy on the Water Quality Advisory Group, designated for a representative of the academic/scientific community. The term expires in may 2006.
The 18-member committee makes recommendations to the County Executive and County Council each year on issues related to the County's goals. Members servewithout compensation. Meetings are usually held the second Monday evening of the month at DEP, 255 rockville Pike, Suite 140, Rockville.
Applicants should write by Dec. 19 to County Executive Douglas M. Duncan at the Executive Office Building, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850. A resume, including work and home telephone numbers, should be included. Members of County boards, committees and commissions may not serve on more than one such group at a time. Applications of those selected for appointment are made public as part of the confirmation process.
Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board
For information on this, see
New Web Pages
Clair's website changes all the time. Here are new pages you may want to visit.
Forum article, Mongomery County Environmental Policy. Submitted by Ed Murtagh.
North Central Freeway - 1965-70. "Proposed project to pave Sligo Creek defeated by local opposition".
Update to Kemp Mill Action Log
Natural History Committee - a new page about the committee.
Stormwater Committee - about the work of the committee. m
Berlage's Report on Trash Barrels
will be repeated on Cable, Channel 6
Sat. Dec. 13, 9 pm
Last Monday, Dec. 8, Derick Berlage, Director of Park and Planning, made a report to a County Council committee on trash policy. The session was televised, and will be repeated Saturday night. In short, trash barrels will be removed. Pete Boettinger, in Park Maintenance, will keep records on the amount of money saved over the next year.
Most members of Friends are of course disappointed. Before deciding on the next step, we will probably stand to the side and watch the results of having no barrels. The Litter Committee is expected to meet in January to discuss any further action. Would someone please chair this meeting?! (Our previous chair, Ed Murtagh, has taken over the Stormwater Committee.) Contact Sally.
The Bay and Funding
The Post reported this week that state governors requested a large amount of federal help for the Bay. Environmentalists wonder if this funding will come, and some are doubtful. It seems to this observer that all residents should let Gov. Ehrlich know we support, "demand?!", that our state do all it can to keep the Bay alive. If anyone wishes to report more fully to us, or give contact information for e-mail to the Governor, this input will be included in the next News Items. Information on the Cheapeake Bay Foundation is at:
in January!
Karen Nelson, who works at the University of Maryland, has volunteered to direct our investigation of frogs and amphibians in Sligo this spring. Hopefully we'll achieve a complete inventory, observations on vernal pools, and photos. Thanks, Karen!
Deer Exclosure
We know of one new member who may be willing to work with Rob Gibbs in the Parks' Division of Natural Resources to set up an exclosure. The purpose is to keep deer out of a given space, so as to compare the plants both inside and out after a growing season. One or two helpers would be welcome now, and a work crew will be needed on the day an exclosure is erected. Contact Sally.
Porcelain Berry
Can You Top This for Size?
Here's the outline of a cut stem of some porcelain berry,growing slightly below Colesville Road. It was found by Weed Warrior Jack Gilbert, who calls it to our attention. From the stem of his previous record plant, Jack made a paperweight.
The drawing should show as actual size on the screen.
A NewNight Before ChristmasPoem
With thanks to Matt Logan
'Twas The Night Before Christmas, and All Through the Watershed, by Rebecca Buerkett, editor, F. X. Browne, Inc.'s Lake and Watershed News, December 2003 (with apologies to Clement C. Moore)
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the watershed
Not a creature was stirring, they'd all gone to bed
The river was nestled all snug in her banks
Not a sign of erosion, for this we give thanks
To the citizens who spent their time planting the trees
And the native wildflowers that attracted the bees
When out near the lake there arose such a clatter
A deer raised its head to see what was the matter
It was merely a dog who barked to get loose
Chasing away another pesky Canada goose.
The lake, how it shimmered.
The water, how clean.
Its hypolimnion well-aerated
Its IBI value a dream.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But signs all around me of people who care.
Shoreline homeowners who'd come to their senses
Farmers ensuring their stream banks have fences.
Well maintained buffers all planted with trees
Townships installing their own BMPs.
Infiltration! Bioretention!
Sand filters and more,
To keep dirty storm water
From reaching the shore!
With a staff gage in place at the monitoring station,
And the permits acquired for wetland restoration.
I marveled to myself, as I surveyed the scene
Thank goodness for all who keep my watershed clean!
This issue of Sligo News Items was edited by Sally Gagne and distributed Dec. 11, 2003. Contact information: 301-588-2071