Heat Treating
FEBRUARY 18-22, 2013
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
18 FEB, 2013 – 21 FEB, 2013
1.0 OPENING COMMENTS – Code of Ethics and Anti-Trust briefing
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check
The Heat Treating Task Group (HT) was called to order at 8:00a.m., 18-Feb-13
It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMEPedro / Aranda / Eaton Aerospace
* / Silvia / Baeza / Triumph Aerostructures - VAD
* / Bruce / Brownfield / Lockheed Martin Corporation
* / Frank / Brungs / MTU Aero Engines GmbH
Manuel / Cabrera Jr. / The Boeing Company
Cedric / Colas / SAFRAN Group
* / Michael / Corsino / Hamilton Sundstrand
* / David / Damasauskas / Spirit Aerosystems Inc
Chris / Davison / Spirit AeroSystems Inc
* / Martin / Day / Honeywell Aerospace
Debashi / Dutta / Goodrich Corporation
Mihamed / El Haquari / Bombardier Aerospace Montreal - STL
* / Mark / Emerson / Rolls-Royce Corp
Amie / Emerson / Spirit AeroSystems Inc
* / Sergio / Esposito / Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A.
* / Bob / Faticanti / Textron Systems
Harold / Finch / Spirit AeroSystems Inc
* / Peter / Hammarbo / Volvo Aero Corp
Mohammed / Haq / Bell Helicopter Textron
Peter / Harmon / Hawker Beechcraft Corporation
* / Andrew / Hopkins / BAE Systems Air & Information (MAI)
Tommy / Howland / Spirit AeroSystems Inc
* / Billy / Hulse / Spirit AeroSystems Inc
* / Dave / Isenberg / Parker Aerospace Group
Stephen / Johnson / Triumph Aerostructures - VAD
Karen / Kim / Pratt & Whitney
* / Jeff / Koss / The Boeing Company
* / Serge / Labbe / Heroux Devtek Inc.
* / Marc-André / Lefebvre / Heroux Devtek Inc.
* / Weitao / Ma / Commercial Aircraft Company of China (COMAC)
* / Will / Macias / Goodrich Corporation
Steven / Mackenzie / Pratt & Whitney
* / Doug / Matson / The Boeing Company
John / Merritt / Sikorsky Aircraft
Frank / Minden / Bell Helicopter Textron
Lynda / Morris / Lockheed Martin Corporation
Winston / Mullen / Spirit AeroSystems Inc
Peter / Newton / UTC
* / Tom / Norris / Goodrich Corporation / Chairperson
Phil / Perry / Hawker Beechcraft Corporation
* / Eddy / Pham / Northrop Grumman Corporation
Fabrizio / Quadrini / AgustaWestland
* / Sunder / Rajan / Raytheon Co
Ajay / Reddy / Bell Helicopter Textron
Thomas / Ruglic / Bell Helicopter Textron
Richard / Shain / General Dynamics/Gulfstream Aerospace
Sally / Soliman / Goodrich Corporation
David / Soong / Pratt & Whitney
* / William / Stewart / Bombardier, Inc.
* / Marc / Taillandier / Eurocopter
* / Jeffrey / Thyssen / GE Aviation
Stanley / Trull / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Cyril / Vernault / SAFRAN Group / Vice Chairperson
* / Grzegorz / Wryk / Rolls-Royce PLC
* / Ji / Yuan / Commercial Aircraft Company of China (COMAC)
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMERoy / Adkins / Specialty Steel Treating
Eric / Anthos / GeoCorp, Inc.
Amy / Azzano / Arrow Gear
Andrew / Bassett / Aerospace Testing & Pyrometry, Inc.
Thomas / Bauer / Paulo - Kansas City
Jared / Bednar / RTI International Metals Inc.
* / Griff / Braddock / Braddock Metallurgical Inc
* / Michael / Brandt / Alcoa Inc.
Ginny / Brock / MMS Thermal Processing
Christopher / Bryant / Carpenter Technology Corp
Donald / Camus / Talley Metals
Brian / Costello / MTC Controls Inc.
Buster / Crossley / Texas Heat Treating Inc
Robert / Cvetichan / American Brazing Corp
William / Duarte / Scarrott Metallurgical
Ed / Engelhard / Solar Atmospheres Inc
Nick / Fajerson / Denison Industries
Jay / Ford / Curtiss Wright Controls Inc Eng Systems
Roy / Franklin / Braddock Metallurgical Inc
Dennis / Fried / Carpenter Technology Corp
Chad / Funderburk / MMS Thermal Processing
George / Gieger / Braddock Metallurgical Inc
Tom / Glosser / Astro Aluminum Treating
Jonathan / Gonzalez / Firth Rixson Rings / Schlosser Forge Co.
Lisa / Goodwin / Jorgensen Forge Corp
Darron / Harris / Exotic Metals Forming Co
Hirohiko / Hattori / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd
Ninan / Idiculla / Paulo - Kansas City
Joseph / Jenks / Bodycote Ida
Kurt / Jungheim / Modern Drop Forge Co
Chris / Kerr / Metal Treaters Inc
John / Kocka / Arrow Gear
Ryan / Kollmorgen / Specialty Steel Treating
Ron / Kramer / Gulfstream Aerospace
* / John / Kunkle / Howmet Castings and Services, Inc. Dover Casting (AHDC)
James / LaFollette / GeoCorp, Inc.
Jeremy / Leetz / MMS Thermal Processing
* / Bob / Lehnen / Bodycote Thermal Processing
Richard / Lewis / PCC Structurals Carson City
* / Johanna / Lisa / Continental Heat Treating / Quality Heat Treating
Patrick / Mahony / Praxair Surface Technologies
David / Mailes / American Brazing Corp
Jim / Maloney / Timken Aerospace
Tim / Mohr / Paulo - Kansas City
Jimmy / Morris / Conrad Kacsik Instrument Systems
Tom / Morrison / Metal Treating Institute
Tom / Murphy / Cladic Consulting (eQuaLearn)
Oveis / Nayeri / Lisi Aerospace
Ken / Nelson / Continental Heat Treating
Michael / Niedzinski / Constellium France
Jesse / Norris / Stack Metallurgical Services
Carrell / Owen / Denison Industries
Paul / Pfeifer / Northstar Aerospace Chicago Inc
Dante / Phakathi / Turbomeca Africa
Paul / Ramirez / Haynes International
Bob / Ray / Ducommun AeroStructures
Chris / Reed / Ducommun AeroStructures Parsons
Guy / Saenz / Hi-Tech Metal Finishing
Mike / Sanders / Metal Treaters Inc
Carol / Schmidt / ATI-Ladish Forging
David / Shonts / Diversified Services, Inc.
Jeffrey / Sipf / Haynes International
Adil / Slimani / Metatherm SAS
Dave / Smith / Conrad Kacsik Instrument Systems
Mike / Smith / Pryer Machine and Tool
Doug / Smith / Pryer Machine and Tool
Ron / Stewart / Ellison Surface Technologies
Steve / Sykes / Conrad Kacsik Instument Systems
Tom / Valenti / Specialty Steel Treating, Inc.
Kevin / Vecchiarelli / Yankee Casting Co Inc
Nelslihan / Walker / Ducommun AeroStructures Gardena
Wilfried / Weber / PFW Aerospace AG
Brian / Yazumbek / Modern Drop Forge Co
Thomas / Zimmerman / Aerospace Testing & Pyrometry, Inc.
PRI Staff Present
Jerry / AstonMarcel / Cuperman
Robert / Hoeth
Stan / Revers
Motion made by Jeff Thyssen and seconded by Mark Emerson to accept October 2012 meeting minutes, as amended to include Mark Emerson as a meeting attendee. Motion passed. The minutes from October 2012 were approved as amended.
The minutes will be presented again during the OPEN meeting.
The Task Group reviewed the agenda for the week to highlight agenda items.
Marcel Cuperman presented the Task Group Tutorial.
A microphone is available for anyone who would like to use it. Speak clearly, do not dismiss people’s opinions, emotional and off topics should be avoided.
One point brought to the attention of the Task Group was that any comment made in the ballot needs to be addressed by the Staff Engineer before closing the ballots. The Task Group was asked only to include comments when action is required before the audit can be closed.
Motion made by Jeff Thyssen and seconded by Sunder Rajan to continue to delegate Jerry Aston. Motion passed.
Motion made by Jeff Thyssen and seconded by Sunder Rajan to continue to delegate Rob Hoeth. Motion Passed.
Motion made by Sunder Rajan and seconded by Jeff Thyssen to continue to delegate Marcel Cuperman. Motion passed.
Motion made by Jeff Thyssen and seconded by Cyril Vernault to continue to delegate Anne Allen. Motion passed.
One company in 2013 lapsed accreditation. No extension was granted due to 20 days late on response from supplier. The accreditation lapsed in Jan 31 2013. The current audit has now been closed and the current accreditation is through Jan 2014.
In 2012 there were 10 appeals. Five of the appeals were accepted and 5 were denied. For 2013 there have been 2 appeals presented to date. Both appeals were denied.
Supplier appeal held during the closed meeting against audit failure.
There was a motion to sustain the failure.
Motion made by Mark Emerson and second by Jeff Thyssen to sustain the failure. Motion passed.
Staff Engineers provided data on audits where there had been +/- 5 NCR swing between audits. This information is provided to allow Auditors to be highlighted, allowing the Task Group to follow up with these Auditors. The spreadsheet with the number of audits with a change of greater than +/- 5 NCR’s become smaller. Continue to monitor +/- NCRs. The Task Group requested that +/- 4 NCR data be presented for comparison to +/- 5 NCR’s. Item added to Rail.
ACTION ITEM: Staff Engineer to supply +/- 4 and 5 NCR data for June Nadcap meeting. (Due Date: 15-Jun-13)
Auditor Variation Data (between auditors): Presentation given by Doug Matson. The presentation included the average number of NCRs for each auditor and the min/max and total number of audits for the year.
NCR Analysis presented by Bob Faticanti: AC7102 Section 3 through 10 was covered by the analysis.
The Task Group suggested that the Supplier Support Committee be asked to review the “Top 10” questions and provide some help to Suppliers in understanding the requirements in an effort to reduce the number of NCRs written against these questions.
The Task Group recommended that Bob Faticanti presentation be sent to the Sub-Team for review (RAIL#328) and propose some tailored training plans for Auditors to be used in the October Auditors Conference. Additionally, the Sub-Team is requested to determine if the data should continue to be collected.
The Task Group recommended that section 7 be a topic of training/discussion at the October 2013 Auditors conference.
ACTION ITEM: Sub-team to work with Bob Faticanti’s data and use it for Auditor conference (Due Date: 15-Jun-13)
When a Subscriber carries out an oversight audit of a Supplier, Nadcap is requesting that they complete the oversight form, and return it to Jamie Ayers at PRI. This allows the forms to be reviewed and discussed at the Task Group meetings.
The number of Heat Treat observation audits is disappointing.
Since the October 2012 meeting, there were 5 observation audits performed. The oversight audit forms that have been returned and their summaries were reviewed by the Task Group. In general, the feedback on the Auditors was positive, but it does show areas that can be improved. These improvements will be addressed with those Auditors by the Staff Engineers.
The Task Group requested that the observation audits be tracked in a spreadsheet. Who observed, who was observed, the dates of the observation, etc.
ACTION ITEM: Staff Engineer to create spreadsheet (Due Date: 15-Jun-13)
Audit observation reports will be reviewed each subsequent meeting.
The Staff Engineers presented to the Task Group the number of Verification of Corrective Action (VCA) audits being carried out. In 2012 there were 38 VCA’s. There were 10 suppliers that lost Merit before VCA being conducted in 2012.
The Task Group requested that data for the number of VCA’s requested that failed to gain the 2/3 majority vote, and how many would have been approved if the ballot criteria were a simple majority, be presented at the June meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Staff Engineer to supply information where a VCA would have been required if a simple majority was used. (Due Date: 15-Jun-13)
The Staff Engineers presented to the Task Group a chart showing Subscriber Voting Member meeting attendance from October 2010 and Task Group ballots covering the last three Nadcap meetings. There were two Subscriber Voting Members not meeting NTGOP-001 requirements for meeting attendance.
The Chair has been in contact with one Subscriber from EADS CASA and determined there are extenuation circumstances and will remain a Subscriber Voting Member. The chair will contact the Subscriber Voting Members from 309th Maintenance Wing- Hill AFB and make a determination.
New Members
Sergio Esposito of Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A. was voted in as a UVM.
Hongping Li of COMAC was voted in as an ALT/UVM.
Ji Yuan of COMAC was voted in as an ALT/ UVM.