Patton Jr. High


Math 7th Grade
Mr. Ragan
Mr. Ragan email:
CourseObjective and Description:
In Grade 7, instructional time focuses on four critical areas:
- Developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships.
- Developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations.
- Solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume.
- Drawing inferences about populations based on samples.
Classroom Expectations

Patton Jr. High


  • Care – work hard and do your best. Take responsibility for your learning.
  • Be focused and attentive. Studentsthat want to learn can learn just about anything.
  • You can do anything you want to do in this classroom as long as it doesn’t interfere with your learning or the learning of others.

Patton Jr. High


Course Materials:
  • Course book
  • Assignment
  • Math Journal (Composition Book)
  • Dry-Erase Marker
  • Pencils
  • Calculator
  • Loose leaf paper and Graph Paper

Grading Policy:
Grading Breakdown: / Grading Scale:
Tests / 20%
50% / 90%-100% = A
80%-89% = B
70%-79% = C
60%-69% = D
59% = U
Incomplete, Late Work and Retesting Policy:
Incomplete Work:
If the teacher deems an assignment incomplete, it will be returned to the student. The student will have until the end of the following school day to complete the assignment. If the assignment is not completed and returned by the end of the following day the student will be assigned to Academic Recovery afterschool from 3:00–3:30.
Late Work:
If extenuating circumstances exits, students will have until the end of the unit of study to turn in missing assignments. Assignments turned in before the end of the unit will receive credit, a failing grade will be entered on all missing assignments, and will remain a failing grade if not turned in prior to the end of the unit of study.
Students who score below mastery may be required to retake assessments during advisory, before school or after school. Retakes are to be completed within one week of the original test and may require extra practice and unit assignment completion as a prerequisite.
Assignment Grading Policy
Homework assignments are worth 10 points each. A student will be awarded 5 points if the assignment is complete and supporting work is shown. In addition, 5 questions identified by the teacher will be graded and points awarded based on accuracy.
  • Online Textbook:Go Math Middle School Grade 7. Once you log in to the above website, enter your following user name and password that was provided.
Some online resources for your use: