Purchase Requisition Training
Login to Colleague Page 2
Start your Requisition 3
Approvals 6
Requisition Line Items 8
Finishing your Requisition 12
Logout from Colleague 14
Datatel/Colleague Purchase Requisition Training
Login to Colleague Menus:
- Click on Datatel User Interface (UI) icon.
The system responds with the following Datatel Login prompt:
- User ID: Type your User ID in lower-case letters.
- Password: Type your password in lower-case letters.
- Database: Select “clive_ui” for the Live account, or
Select “sandbxui” for the Sandbox test account.
Note: You can move between the three fields above by using the keyboard TAB key or by simply clicking on the field.
- Click on “OK”.
Datatel/Colleague Purchase Requisition Training
After logging in Colleague takes you to the main menu below:
In the Quick Access box (top left), key in “REQM” and click on “GO”.
Note: If the first item displayed on the left side is NOT “CF” (for Colleague Financials), click “Apps” on the tool bar and from the drop-down menu select CF.
You are now ready to begin your requisition…
REQM Requisition Maintenance will prompt as follows:
On the screen below, type “A” to add a new requisition, then click OK.
Colleague responds with the following: Click OK.
Colleague confirms that the requisition number will be assigned automatically. Click OK.
After June 30 every year, the following screen may appear. Check “Y” to continue.
Complete the following fields, starting at the upper left of the REQM screen:
Requisition Date: Colleague completes this field with today’s date. Press ENTER.
Initiator: Enter your last name and press ENTER. Select your name from the resolution list and press ENTER.
Desired Date (optional field): Type in a date or click on the next field to continue.
Vendor ID: Type in the complete name or partial name of the vendor to check if it is on the vendor file.
If yes, then click on the appropriate sequence number.
If no, then complete the Name, Address and CSZ (city, state, zip) fields. After completing each field, press ENTER.
The above screen shows the information you have entered so far. Click on the Approvals field to continue.
Approvals: Click on the detail icon or press the F2 keyboard function key to detail on this field. The following screen appears.
Approvals (continued):
Click on the Next Approvals field, key in “…” and press ENTER. Select the appropriate next approver.
Press ENTER, the following screen is displayed:
Click on Update.
You are now done with requisition approvals!
You are now ready to enter information about the items you are ordering.
Click on the Line Items field (lower right side).
Line Items: Click on the detail icon or press the F2 keyboard function key to detail on this field. The following screen appears.
Detail Again: Click on the detail icon or press the F2 keyboard function key to detail on this field. The following screen appears (see next page).
You are now ordering your first item.
Description: Type a brief description of what you are ordering. Try to limit your description to three lines of input because only the first three lines will appear on the printed requisition. Use model and manufacturer numbers whenever possible to insure proper identification. Press ENTER.
Est. Price: Key in the estimated price. Press ENTER.
Quantity: Key in the quantity being ordered. Press ENTER.
Unit of Issue: Key in “EA” for each, or key in “…” and press ENTER to select a different unit of issue from a list.
GL Account No: Select GL accounts by keying “…” before and after your department code (example- …6101…). This will display your accounts. Select the appropriate account.
On the right side of the screen, your budget status is now displayed.
GL General Ledger
PU Purchasing
Bgt Budget
Exp Expenditures or Expenses
Enc Encumbrances or Outstanding orders
Req Requisitions
Bal Available Balance
If you have more items to enter on your order:
Press F10 and then ENTER. Continue with entering the next item.
If this is the only item (or final item) that you are ordering:
Press F9 and then ENTER. The screen on the next page appears.
This screen displays in summary all the items you have entered.
If you wish to make a change:
Click on the appropriate detail icon of the item you wish to change.
If you with to add another item:
Click on the detail icon on the first blank line.
If you are finished entering items:
Press F9 and then ENTER.
The line items field (lower right side) now shows the number of items you have entered.
Printed Comments (optional field): Click on the detail icon if you wish to make comments that will appear on the printed requisition. F9 and press ENTER after entering the printed comments.
Comments (optional field): Click on the detail icon if you wish to make comments that will NOT appear on the printed requisition. The comments will only display on your screen for future reference. F9 and press ENTER after entering the comments.
Requisition Done: Type “Y” for Yes, and press enter three times.
Congratulations. The requisition entry process is completed!
Please note the assigned requisition number (above) for future reference.
You can check the status of the requisition with the menu item RINQ.
Logout from Colleague
1. Click on “File” on the left side of the toolbar…
2. Click on “Exit” to Logout from Colleague.
Note: Do not exit by clicking on the top-right-corner Red X.
(This exit may not be immediately recognized as the end of your session).
Revision Date: November 2007