YOU be the reviewer!

Read the proposal. Decide how it meets each of the criteria. Would you recommend it to be accepted: Yes, Maybe, Neutral, No

The following items are some of those being shared in the proposal.

  1. Title


  1. Summary

50-Word summary of your presentation for the program. Use 2nd or 3rd person grammar—do not use "I" or "we" in your description. This is the only information that will be printed in the program book to describe your presentation, so be descriptive but concise. Use complete sentences. Do not exceed 50 words

  1. Goals

List the goals or outcomes for your presentation.

  1. Usefulness to other faculty

How can the information in your presentation help or be used by mathematics faculty? (Do not exceed 100 words.)

  1. Style and Use of Time

Brief Description of Presentation (style and use of time):

  • AMATYC encourages presentations that model a variety of instructional strategies (e.g. group learning, discovery methods, active learning), interactive uses of technology, or other methods that actively involve the audience.
  • When requesting a workshop, share how the full two hours will be used.
  • When requesting equipment such as a whiteboard, audio connection, or Internet (for the presenter only), explain why it is needed and how it will be used.
  1. Time

TIME FORMAT: Select the most appropriate time format for your presentation:



Would attendees at your presentation or workshop benefit during the session by having brought a tablet, smartphone, or laptop although the device would not be needed? If yes, we will indicate this in the program. Please specify how attendees would benefit in the "Brief Description of Presentation" above.

REMEMBER: Internet access can not be guaranteed for participants in any session or workshop.

  1. Equipment

Equipment—Choose at most two (2) of the options that are essential to your presentation.
In the "Brief Description of Presentation" above, include details explaining how your equipment choice(s) is essential to your presentation.
Note that AMATYC can not supply computers–the speaker must supply the computer.

No Yes / Computer Projector + Audio Interface for your computer for the amplification of sound from videos or other apps
No Yes / Computer Projector only
No Yes / Active Internet Connection / •This connection is for the Presenter only.
•If you you will be viewing a limited number of pages that will not be changing, consider archiving them on you computer and viewing without an internet connection. Here is one way to do this.
No Yes / Whiteboard
  • AMATYC will try to provide presenters with equipment that is required to ensure the integrity of your presentation.
    All equipment must be ordered when proposals are selected and scheduled; there will be no equipment in the room or provided on the day of your presentation if it is not preordered.

AMATYC can not provide laptop computers, calculators, calculator view screens, software, or smart boards.

  1. Resume

Brief resume for presenter (to be used by the presider to introduce the presenter). Resume should be written in narrative form. Please limit to 100 words.

  1. Additional comments

Additional presenter comments or information.