The Clatsop County Beekeeping Association is going to take on the task of data collection so we try to find if there is any pattern to colony loss here in our climate. Results will be tabulated by state total and by locality.
If you have been experimenting by treating some of your hives differently, please make a photocopy of this form and submit the experimental group separately. You may be on to something that we should know about.
Please take a few moments to answer the questions. We will try to get the results of this poll published in the Capital Press, the Bee Line, Bee Kind and other publications of local beekeeping associations. We will also post the results at We will send the results to you via e-mail if you include your e-mail address. The information provided will be handled confidentially. Only the data as a whole will be distributed.
How many hives (including nucs) did you have as of August 2002? ______
How many colonies died during the winter? ______
What part of the state are your hives located? ______
How much surplus honey did your colonies produce last summer? ___Lbs or ___Gallons
If you could determine the cause of colony death, how many colonies did you lose to the following?
______Starvation ______Varroa Mites _____Tracheal Mites
______Foul Brood ______Bears ______Other pests ______Unknown
______Other (please describe)______
Did you medicate your bees in the fall? ______Y/N
Did you medicate your hives this spring? ______Y/N
Powdered sugar & Terramycin (for foul brood)
If yes, when did you treat? Months______Did you follow the instructions?______
Grease patties with Terramycin
If yes, when did you treat? Months______Did you follow the instructions?______
Apistan (For Varroa mites)
If yes, when did you treat? Months______Did you follow the instructions?______
Checkmite+ (For Varoa mites)
If yes, when did you treat? Months______Did you follow the instructions?______
Fumidil-B (for Nosema disease)
If yes, when did you treat? Months______Did you follow the instructions?______
If you used another method, please describe which one:______
Did you over or under medicate your hives? ______
Did you use any of the following for treatment of Tracheal mites?
Grease patties ______Canola Oil on paper towels ______Menthol_____
Essential oils _____ is so which ones______Other______
How many of your hives are ventilated? _____ Hole in hive body____ Top Vent___
How many of your hive have screened bottom boards?______
When did you stop the fall feeding 2 parts sugar 1 part water? Month______
What type of feeder do you use? ______
Did you use a commercial syrup? _____Y/N
When did you start the spring feeding? Month______
For the spring feeding, did you start with 1 part sugar to 2 parts water or 1 to 1?____
Did you use a pollen substitute for feeding? _____Y/N
Results will be published late May or Early June.
Please include your e-mail address if you want to receive the results from this poll via e-mail. ______
Results will be posted at
Please feel free to write additional comments and observations below.
Thank you for your time.
Please completed surveys to:
Thom Trusewicz
90041 Logan Rd
Astoria Or 97103
Or fax to: 503-325-7966
Or send as an e-mail attachment to