General Meeting

Phoenix House

14:00- 17.00

30 September 2013


Ann Baxter (AB) – Chair / Independent Chair
George Marshman (GM) / Divisional Director, Adults Social Care, LB Lambeth
Bruce Grain (BG) / London Fire Brigade
Ann Corbett (AC) / Assistant Director, Lambeth Community Safety
Ashok Soni (AS) / Clinical Network Lead, Lambeth NHS
Cllr Daphne Marchant (Cllr DM) / Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Adult and Community Services, LB Lambeth
Michael English (ME) / Lambeth Healthwatch
Lucy Canning (LC) / Service Director, Psychosis CAG, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Martin Huxley (MH) / Detective Superintendent – London Metropolitan Police
Helen Charlesworth-May (HCM) / Director Integrated Commissioning, LB Lambeth
Lindsay Batty-Smith (LBS) / Safeguarding Adults Coordinator, Kings College Hospital NHS Trust
Cllr Jane Pickard (Cllr JP) / Deputy Cabinet Member Older People, LB Lambeth
Mala Karasu (MK) / Safeguarding Lead, Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Ann Baxter (AB) / Independent Chair
Ian Lewis (IL) / Interim Divisional Director, Specialist Services, CYPS, LB Lambeth
Dalila Magdu (DM) – minutes / Senior Safeguarding Management Information Support Officer, LB Lambeth
Melodie-Ann Dalrymple (MD) / Senior Probation Officer, London Probation Trust (representing Adam Kerr)
Aisling Duffy (AD) / Chief Executive, Certitude
Lenny Kinnear (LK) / Chief Executive, Age UK Lambeth
Cllr Shirley Cosgrave (Cllr SC) / Clapham Common Conservative Ward Councillor, LB Lambeth

In attendance:

Clement Guerin (CG) / Head of Adult Safeguarding and Professional Practice, LB Lambeth
Jane Gregory (JG) / Safeguarding Adult Policy and Development Officer, LB Lambeth
Melanie Brooks (MB) / Interim Assistant Director, Adult Social Care, LB Lambeth


Barbara Joyce (BJ) / Office of Public Guardian
Catherine Pearson (CP) / Chief Executive, Lambeth Healthwatch
Matt Beavis (MB) / Assistant Director of Nursing, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (agenda item 12 only)


Deborah Parker / Associate Chief Nurse, Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Graham Norton / London Ambulance Service
Hayley Marle / Compliance Manager, Care Quality Commission
Mandy Green / Assistant Director, Housing, LB Lambeth
1 / Welcome, introductions and apologies
The Chair welcomed attendees. It was noted that Ann Baxter (AB) has formally taken over as Chair of LSAPB, replacing Jo Cleary.
2 / Minutes (meeting held 24/06/2013) and matters arising
The following corrections were noted to the minutes from 24 June 2013:
-  Michael English’s is now representing Lambeth Healthwatch (not LiNK)
-  Lenny Kinnear’s organisation is Age UK Lambeth (not Age Concern)
The minutes were otherwise accepted as a true record of the meeting.
Actions from last meeting (not on agenda / action log):
Action 6 (LSAPB members to receive an invite to the launch of the London-wide Mental Health and Rough Sleepers project) – Jane Gregory (JG) informed that the SCR work regarding Client A resulted in a toolkit for practitioners in London that was launched on 9 September 2013. An electronic link to the document will be sent to Board members as soon as available. The LSAPB received recognition at this event for undertaking a SCR into a homeless person.
Action 11 (LB Lambeth Learning and Development Team to obtain from individual service providers a view of how effective safeguarding adults training has been) – JG informed that the LD team has sent out questionnaires [tabled at meeting] to service providers, but to date only one response has been received. To be revisited at next meeting.
Action 21 (Ann Baxter and Jane Gregory to discuss how the community projects can link in with similar services offered within CYPS, to offer mutual support) – JG informed that Children and Adults services gave a joint presentation on safeguarding to faith groups last Friday. The event received good feedback from faith groups. As a result of this event some faith groups who had concerns about some people who joined their services have been put in touch with SLaM who provide training to Faith Groups on referring clients to SLaM.
Action 23 (A letter to Channel 4 and LAS respectively will be sent by the LSAPB Chair to raise the Board’s objections to Channel 4’s filming of an LAS crew’s visit to a Lambeth care home) – George Marshman (GM) informed that a full safeguarding investigation has been completed. Parties have accepted that the incident should have been handled better, and it was acknowledged that some were not aware of the sensitivities in the situation. The filming undertaken will not be broadcast. Changes to how any future filming will be conducted were agreed as part of the process, and the families did not express concerns. It is not envisaged that the matter will be pursued further.
Actions 1, 2, 7, 9, 15 – completed.
All other actions (except 10 and 12, pertaining to actions noted for all agencies to take forward internally) on today’s agenda.
Actions: / Who:
1.  Electronic link to Mental Health practitioner toolkit to be distributed to Board members when available
2.  Results from questionnaires to service provider organisations regarding the effectiveness of safeguarding adults training to be presented at the next meeting / JG / DM
Gareth Roberts
3 / Action log
The Chair informed that she has consulted with JG and it was felt that separating actions from the minutes into the action log is cumbersome and adds little value. The use of the action log as a separate document will therefore be discontinued after today’s meeting. All actions from meetings will be recorded in the meeting minutes or as matters arising, and monitored, as part of the Board’s ongoing work plan.
Item 87d (performance report) – JG informed this action is completed. Item on risk was discussed and accepted at the last LSAPB meeting in June 2013
Item 92 (re: low referrals from Housing) – JG informed that this action is completed. Referrals from Housing have notably increased, as is evidence in today’s performance report (agenda item 12)
4 / Chair’s actions taken since last meeting
Healthwatch Terms of Reference – JG informed that these were distributed for consultation with comments requested before the next LSAPB meeting. The Chair on behalf of the LSAPB had asked that there was a stronger focus on safeguarding adults and this had been accepted. Catherine Pearson (CP) added that safeguarding adults had been the focus of Healthwatch’s recent Annual General Meeting. George Marshman (GM) said he had attended this and it had been very successful well attended event and had drawn attention to the tensions in safeguarding adult work.
10 / Report on End to End structure
This item was moved up on today’s agenda and presented by Melanie Brooks (MB). (See distributed papers for full details)
MB gave a summary of the background to the initiation of the End to End process and the progress to date and next planned steps.
MB informed that with regards to an adult’s MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) it has been decided that integration with the existing MASH (for children) will be delayed until the adult process is fully set up and in order. Martin Huxley (MH) stated that the Metropolitan Police is fully supportive of a MASH for adults which will in the long term benefit from joint accountability and responsibility.
GM added that there have primarily been two models of undertaking adult safeguarding work considered across. Given the prevalence of safeguarding issues in many social care situations and the importance of safeguarding being considered in all areas of social care work, Lambeth has decided to implement the model where specialist staff will oversee safeguarding work, which will be investigated and implemented by social work teams.
Aisling Duffy (AD) noted that there will likely be a development need amongst partners, following the proposed changes to the adult social care operating model and structures. MB concurred, highlighting there will be a shift in how people work and training will be provided in helping staff manage risk and identify concerns
GM said that two issues were raised in Deborah Lightfoot’s safeguarding review report.
One is improving the timeliness of safeguarding work, specifically decreasing the duration of concluding the safeguarding process following the referral. More stringent performance measures will be introduced for teams, and clearer reasons required in order to explain delays.
The other is placing the service user at the centre of the safeguarding process, which reflects the work of Hidden Voices. It has been acknowledged that there are lessons to be learnt from Children’s services where children and families have been successfully placed at the centre of the safeguarding process.
CP informed that the Hidden Voices project is starting its second year, and is available to provide support to assist with staff culture change. The importance of the individual’s feeling of having control of the safeguarding process was acknowledged.
5 / Proposed revised structure of LSAPB
JG presented this item (see distributed papers for full details)
JG gave an overview to the background and rationale to the proposed refresh for the Board’s work, and highlighted the proposed changes to the terms of reference documents.
The LSAPB was asked to approve:
-  the refreshed terms of reference for the Board
-  the revision of the Executive Committee (renamed Policy and Delivery Committee of the LSAPB) including its Terms of Reference
The Board was also asked to consider instructing the Policy and Delivery Committee to develop a draft structured agenda plan for 2014 and explore possibilities for joint working on issues with the LSCB and other Boards for consideration at the next LSAPB meeting
Discussion was held and the following points noted:
LSAPB terms of reference:
·  Heading 4 (“Commitment from LSAPB organisations”), point 5 - Cllr Jane Pickard (Cllr JP) suggested that the LSAPB replaces a formal meeting with a workshop or training session to further this point. Other Board members added out that other groups, e.g. Scrutiny and the newly established HealthWatch Board, have also requested or would benefit from training.
The Chair noted that the refreshed ToR places increased expectations on Board members and there is a need to be clear about supporting colleagues. She proposed that a LSAPB training session / workshop could be arranged for next year to e.g. discuss particular areas of interests, or initiatives, and meet with members of the Lambeth Children Safeguarding Board (LSCB).
Clement Guerin (CG) added that a safeguarding training programme is currently being rolled out, and there will be more availability to offer partner agencies training going forward. Helen Charlesworth-May (HCM) highlighted that it is not always easy to get member organisations to commit to training as is being requested under this point. She suggested the LSAPB the Board could ask that representatives are clear about taking this back to their respective organisations for implementation.
·  Heading 4, (“Commitment from LSAPB organisations), point 6 – Ann Corbett (AC) requested that Domestic Homicide Reviews are added to this section.
Pending the above additions, the LSAPB noted and agreed the refreshed terms of reference for the Board and the Executive Committee (now Policy and Delivery Executive Committee).
Actions: / Who:
3.  Amend LSAPB refreshed terms of reference as discussed
4.  Develop a training opportunity for LSAPB members in 2014
5.  Amend PADeC TOR as discussed / JG
6 / Working with the Community
Cllr JP presented this item (see distributed papers for full details).
Cllr JP gave a brief background to the Communities Sub-group’s work via its two projects during the last year. She highlighted that the most important aspect of safeguarding that arises is for awareness and knowledge to be rooted in the community approach and for communities to understand what abuse is and how to deal with and report it. As part of the LSAPB refresh, the Community Reference group now aims to undertake more focused work and a more proactive approach by becoming a community reference group. A key priority for the sub-group’s work is communication.
The Board was asked to agree the proposed amended terms of reference that would change the group’s role form a sub-group to a reference group, and to agree for the group to develop a communication strategy on behalf of the LSAPB. The Board agreed these.
The Chair reminded the group that also relevant to this issue is the aim for joint working with the Lambeth Safeguarding Children’s Board.
7 / Joint LSCB/LSAPB Protocols for working with families that include an adult at risk
JG presented this item (see distributed papers for full details)
JG gave a background to this work and the process involved in updating these protocols including key changes / additions. The next steps is for the protocol to be presented to the LSCB for approval and amended to reflect any outstanding operational changes (impending) and will then be ready for launch to front line staff. The LSAPB was thus asked to agree the protocol in principle, pending approval by LSCB and any remaining fine tuning.
Lindsay Batty-Smith (LBS) commended the protocol contents in regards to clients with a learning disability, informing that Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has much experience in the matter and is happy to provide additional support to colleagues.
CG said that the previous protocols were aimed at an internal audience, whilst the revised version will be more useful across the partnership. The next Joint Adults and Children’s Sub-Committee will focus on joint auditing work between Children’s and Adults services, and the results will be reported back to LSAPB once received.
Ian Lewis (IL) suggested that the referral pathway (p 61) may be better suited as an appendix, to avoid the document otherwise becoming out of date following the impending operational changes which may be numerous. The protocol’s references to CAF may be problematic, as this framework may be moved away from in future. Consideration should be given to how to support frontline workers to apply the principles from the protocol more.
IL also proposed that a pathway outlining how to refer / signpost people who may require support (rather than people who may be at risk) would be helpful, in order to e.g. to cover parents with LD or substance misuse issues who do not receive services.