Change Anyone?

1.Make yourself round like a quarter. You are deep in the bottom of Angie's pocket. See how low you can get. Great time to take a nap, don't you think?…Angie has other ideas. She's walking over to get some pop. With each step she takes you jiggle and shake.

2.Slowly a hand lifts you out of the pocket; up, up, up you go. The hand carries you through the air and puts you through the slot of a pop machine. Carefully fit through the narrow opening.

  1. Twist and turn inside the machine. Suddenly you are sliding. You fall straight down into a pile of change. Crash! Lay there silently until the next person puts money into the machine. Now you can nap…Oh oh, Bobby's coin got stuck. As he kicks the machine, jerk to one side. He kicks the machine again, sending you sprawling. Thankfully his coin is set free. Now you are his change. Tumble out into the return dish.

4.You are picked up again and flipped into the air. Toss and turn over and over. You're getting kind of dizzy. Finally you're caught and dropped into a deep, dark pocket. You again begin to take a nap. The next thing you know you are pulled up out of the pocket and thrown into a cash register drawer. How would you bump against the other coins?

5.Oh oh, you ride back and forth in the drawer as it opens and closes...back and forth again. Suddenly, you are picked up and shoved into another hand. You feel squished between the hand and the bag of groceries. Golly, what pressure! The grip is getting looser and you feel yourself slide down the side of the bag and drop onto the ground.

6.Julie walks by and kicks you. How would you roll down the sidewalk? What else do you know that rolls? Show me. Now you're rolling faster and faster…Look out for that bicycle; better swerve...that was close!

  1. You land under Julie's foot and are smashed. She picks you up and you’re pressed tightly into her hot, sticky hands…At last she opens her hand letting you breathe again. She drops you into her piggy bank where you finish taking your nap. Good night.

© Steven A. Henkel, 3/05