Assignment # / Product / The presentation should include:
2.01 Early Chemist and Atomic Structure / Write a review of the scientific investigations conducted on a science show. /
  • background information and research (including references) explaining to your audience the important components of a scientific investigation
  • a detailed description of the investigations performed on the show
  • a review of the show and whether, based on your research, it can be considered scientific; be sure to reference specific evidence from the show to support your review

2.05 EMR / Prepare a report (in the form of a slide presentation, written report, or video) that explains how solar panels work, the advantages and disadvantages of using this form of power, and whether or not your committee recommends the installation of solar panels. /
  • detailed explanation of how solar power works
  • research (including references) on the advantages and disadvantages of solar power
  • your committee’s recommendation regarding the solar panels, with explanations on why you reached that decision

3.04 Valence Electrons/Bonding / Prepare a report (in the form of a slide presentation, written report, video, or other creative format) that explains what is involved in the fluoridation of a water supply, the advantages and disadvantages of adding fluorine to water, and whether or not your committee recommends doing so. /
  • detailed explanation of how and why public water is fluoridated
  • research (including references) on the advantages and disadvantages of adding fluorine to water
  • your committee’s recommendation regarding the fluoridation, with explanations on why you reached that decision

4.05 Combustion / Prepare a report (in the form of a news broadcast, web site, video, or public service announcement) that explains how some common fire safety equipment works. /
  • detailed explanation of how smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors work and suggestions for use (number, mounting locations, etc.)
  • specific explanations of how different fire extinguishers (at least three types) work, advantages and disadvantages of each type, and effectiveness of each extinguisher
  • fire safety facts, equipment, or strategies that you came across in your research or interviews that would make your presentation useful for your audience

4.06 Stoichiometry / Create a tutorial that will teach the content of a lesson or group of lessons in an engaging and creative way that will help other chemistry students relate to and learn the material. /
  • correct, complete, and appropriate content presented in an organized manner
  • all research (including references) used in the preparation and completion of the presentation
  • opportunities for students to practice the content and see the correct answers to any practice problems

Assignment # / Product / The presentation should include:
5.04 Gas Calculations / Prepare a report (in the form of a news broadcast, newspaper article, video, or public service announcement) that explains the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning and the necessary safety precautions. /
  • research-based explanation of the major producers of carbon monoxide, including those with the highest household danger
  • research-based explanation of the dangers of carbon monoxide and the specific effects it has on the body
  • specific explanation of how carbon monoxide detectors work, as well as suggestions for proper use and installation
  • carbon monoxide safety facts, including preventative measures to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning

5.08 Colligative Properties / Create a special report on the truth behind electrolytes. This report can be presented as an article or newscast. /
  • research-based explanation of the roles that electrolytes play in the human body, including how they work in the functioning of nerves and muscles
  • specific explanations of the health problems that can arise from an imbalance of electrolytes in body fluids
  • research-based explanation on whether or not it is helpful or necessary for athletes to drink sports drinks that contain electrolytes

7.02 Acid/Base Reactions / Your team will research at least two different bases that are ingredients used in over-the-counter antacids. The final product can be in the form of a research paper, science article, or any other appropriate presentation. /
  • research-based explanation of two bases used in antacids and how those ingredients work to neutralize stomach acid
  • research-based explanations of possible side effects or risks associated with each of these bases
  • detailed design of a laboratory procedure to test the ability of each base to neutralize stomach acid

7.03 pH / Conduct research and then prepare a report (in the form of a slide presentation, written report, or video) that explains the causes of acid rain, where it is the most prevalent, its damaging effects, and what, if anything, can be done to reduce the occurrence of acid rain. /
  • research-based explanations of the causes of acid rain and how weather, season, location, and industrialization affect its prevalence
  • research-based descriptions of the damage that acid rain can cause to buildings, vegetation, etc.
  • research-based recommendations for ways that the factory can reduce its contributions to acid rain

8.04 Energy Efficient Home / Your group is designing a new “green” home or school that will be more environmentally friendly and energy efficient. Conduct research and then prepare a report (in the form of a slide presentation, written report, video, or other presentation) that explains the features of your building and aspects of the construction process that make it more environmentally friendly and energy efficient. /
  • detailed explanation of at least five different environmentally friendly aspects of the construction, including details as to why each aspect is better for the environment and research to support these claims.
  • research-based cost comparison between each environmentally friendly change and a more traditional design or construction method that it would be replacing.
  • descriptions of other changes to design or construction that were suggested by members of the group during the meetings, and rationale as to why the specific design or construction changes were chosen over the others.