DPRK Socialist Constitution Revised

PYONGYANG, September 5 (KCNA) -- The first session of the 10th Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK today discussed "on amendment and supplement to the socialist constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea."

Deputy Yang Hyong Sop made a report on the amended and supplemented socialist constitution of the DPRK and read the draft of the amended and supplemented constitution, which was adopted with unanimous approval at the session.

The preface of the constitution says the DPRK and the Korean people will uphold the President Kim Il Sung as the eternal President of the DPRK, defend and carry forward his ideas and exploits and complete the Juche revolution under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea.

The constitution consists of 166 articles and seven chapters:

(Chapter 1. politics, chapter 2. the economy, chapter 3. culture, chapter 4. national defense, chapter 5. fundamental rights and duties of citizens, chapter 6. the structure of the state and chapter 7. emblem, flag, anthem and capital).

The chapter about the structure of the state deals with the Supreme People's Assembly, the National Defense Commission, the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, the cabinet, the local people's assemblies, the local people's committees, the public prosecutor's office and the court.

According to the articles about the structure of the Supreme People's Assembly, the SPA is the highest organ of state power in the DPRK and exercises legislative power. When the SPA is not in session, the SPA presidium also can exercise legislative power. The term of the SPA is five years.


The SPA has the authority to:

-- Amend and supplement the constitution.

-- Adopt or amend and supplement departmental laws.

-- Approve major departmental bills adopted by the SPA presidium in the intervals between sessions of the SPA.

-- Establish the basic principles of the state's domestic and foreign policies.

-- Elect or transfer the Chairman of the DPRK National Defense Commission.

-- Elect or transfer the President of the SPA presidium.

-- Elect or transfer the first vice-chairman, vice-chairmen and members of the National Defense Commission on the recommendation of the chairman of the DPRK National Defense Commission.

-- Elect or transfer the vice-presidents, honorary vice-presidents, secretary and members of the SPA presidium.

-- Elect or transfer the premier of the cabinet.

-- Appoint the vice-premiers of the cabinet, chairmen of commissions, ministers and other members of the cabinet on the recommendation of the premier of the cabinet.

-- Appoint or remove the prosecutor-general.

-- Elect or transfer the chief justice.

-- Elect or transfer the chairmen, vice-chairmen and members of the committees of the SPA.

-- Examine and approve the state plan for the development of the national economy and a report on its fulfillment.

-- Examine and approve a report on the state budget and on its implementation.

-- Receive a report on the work of the cabinet and national institutions and adopt measures, if necessary.

--Decide on the ratification or abrogation of treaties submitted to the SPA.


The constitution says the SPA adopts laws and decisions. According to the constitution, the National Defense Commission is the highest military leadership organ of state power and an organ for general control over national defense.

The National Defense Commission consists of the Chairman, the first vice-chairman, vice-chairmen and members. The chairman of the DPRK National Defense Commission directs and commands all the armed forces and guides defense affairs as a whole.


The National Defense Commission has the duties and authority to:

-- Guide the armed forces and defense building of the state as a whole.

-- Set up or disorganize a national institution in the defense sector.

-- Appoint or remove major military cadres.

-- Set up military titles and confer the military ranks of and above general.

-- Proclaim a state of war and orders for mobilization.


The National Defense Commission issues decisions and orders.

The National Defense Commission is accountable to the Supreme People's Assembly.

The constitution says the SPA presidium is the highest organ of power in the intervals between sessions of the SPA.


According to the constitution, the SPA presidium has the duties and authority to:

-- Convene sessions of the SPA. - Supervise the observance of laws of state organs, and adopt measures.

-- Form or abolish commissions and ministries of the cabinet.

-- Ratify or abrogate treaties established with other countries.

-- Decide on and publish the appointment or recall of diplomatic envoys accredited to foreign countries.

-- Exercise the right to grant general amnesties or special pardon.


The President of the SPA presidium organizes and guides the work of the presidium, represents the state and receives credentials and letters of recall of diplomatic representatives accredited by foreign states.

The constitution says the cabinet is the administrative and executive body of the highest organ of state power and a general state management organ. The cabinet consists of the premier, vice-premiers, chairmen of commissions, ministers and some other necessary members.


The cabinet has the duties and authority to:

-- Adopt measures to execute the state policy.

-- Draft the state plan for the development of the national economy and adopt measures to put it into effect.

-- Compile the state budget and adopt measures to implement it.

-- Adopt measures to strengthen the monetary and banking system.

-- Establish treaties with foreign countries.

-- Conduct external activities. According to the constitution, the premier of the cabinet organizes and guides the work of the cabinet and represents the government of the DPRK.

The cabinet is accountable to the SPA and to the SPA presidium when the SPA is not in session.

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