Dear Parent/Guardian

I am pleased to provide you with the following details regarding our excursion to:


Date: Wednesday 11th October 2017 – Week 1 of Term 4

This excursion has been planned to supplement the Arts Learning Area and incorporates a combined Visual Art, Music, Drama, Dance and Media Art Program. The cost of the excursion is $29.00 which covers the cost of the bus fare and entry.

The students will depart from Woodlands PS at 9.30am and return to Woodlands PS at 2.30pm. We will travel with Buswest with seatbelts.

There will be 224 students attending excursion. Members of the supervisory team will be Marisa Phoebe, Nicky Zissiadis, Mrs Delios, Miss Harris, Mrs Ricciardone, Mrs Giudice and their assigned education assistants.

Activities to be undertaken:

  • Watching a Theatre Show (in either State Library Theatre or Big Top).
  • Participate in a workshop with a professional artist.
  • View and Engage in a variety of other Festival Arts related activities.
  • A guided tour led by an awesome team guide.

Special clothing or other items required: School uniform, hat, and closed shoes/runners which are easy to walk in.

Bring labelled morning tea, lunch (in disposable bag/container) and a water bottle. School bags will be left at school.

Contact arrangements during the excursion: 9416 9800


Authorised Department employee Gavin Power



Please detach and return to class teacher by

I consent to ______participating in an excursion to Awesome Festival.

Please ensure your child’s Health Care Summary is up to date. This can be updated at the school office. If the proposed excursion poses any additional health risks to those identified in the Student Health Care Summary, e.g. if your child suffers from anaphylaxis there may be risks associated with the provision of meals and storage of an adrenaline auto injector at the appropriate temperature. Please outline additional health risks below:


I give permission for my son/daughter to receive medical treatment in case of emergency.

I am aware that the school and its employees are not responsible for personal injuries or property damage which may occur on an excursion, unless the school or its employees are proven to be negligent.

All payments can be made to our school bank account:

WOODLANDS PS BSB: 016334 ACCT: 340869212 REF: Students Name


Parent/guardian Date

I have made payment by Direct Debit  EFTPOS  Cash/Cheque to Teacher 

Receipt no.______