Meeting Minutes
W2185 2011 Meeting, Estes Park, CO Tuesday, October 11th.

3:00 – 7:00 pm Check in at Pattie Hyde Barclay Cabin, Estes Park YMCA

6:00 - ? Reception.

October 12th Wednesday AM

7:00 AM Breakfast

8:30 AM W2185 Renewal – Andrew Norton, Lynn LeBeck, Lincoln Smith, Dave Thompson

Dave Thompson gave a brief overview of the timeline for completing the Renewal. Lynn LeBeck led the Renewal discussion for the next hour. The top three areas that needed addressing for the Renewal document included the following:

  • Most creative work needs to be done on the Statement of Issues/Justification/Background. Pages 1-4.
  • Updating issues that have increased in importance from 2007.
  • Previous work – data crunching from publications.

Agency Updates

9:30 AM Hariet Hinz, CABI Bioscience, Delémont, Switzerland [Hariet was patched in via computer for her presentation]

10:00 AM Shahara Usnik, USDA-APHIS Western Region, Fort Collins, CO

10:25 AM Andrew Norton presented information from Bob Nowierski (USDA, NIFA) about 2 funding programs.

10:30 AM Break

11:00 AM Mike Pitcairn, CDFA, Sacramento, CA. CDFA update

11:15 AM Ruth Hufbauer, Colorado State University – The roles of demography, inbreeding and outbreeding in the founding of new populations.

Lunch 11:35 – 1:00 PM

October 12th Wednesday PM

1:00 PMRoss Miller, Aubrey Moore and G.V.P. Reddy, University of Guam, Mangilao, “Bombs, Beetles and Biological Control."

1:20 PMSteve Naranjo, USDA-ARS, Maricopa, AZ, “Impact of a Classical Biological Control Program for Bemisia tabaci”

1:40 PMMike Pitcairn and Charlie Pickett, CDFA, Sacramento, “Classical Biological Control in a Biennial Crop”

2:00 PMTatyana Rand, USDA-ARS, Sydney, MT, “Trophic linkages across natural-cropland habitat edges: implications for control of the wheat stem sawfly”

2:20 PM Break

2:40 PMMark Wright, University of Hawaii, Manoa, “Erythrina gall wasp invasion, impacts and biological control in Hawaii”

3:00 PMPaul Ode, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, “"Are plant resistance to and biological control of the soybean aphid compatible approaches?"

3:20 PM Wyatt Williams, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO – Hybridization of tamarisk (Tamarix sp.) explains differences in herbivore damage by the biological control agent, Diorhabda carinulata.

3:40 PM Discussion

4:00 PM W2185 Business Meeting: Lincoln Smith (Secretary) gave a presentation of 3 possible locations for the 2012 meeting. These included: Asilomar (CA), Granlibakken in Tahoe, CA, and a hotel in Rohnert, CA, at which another related meeting would be taking place prior to our dates. All present members voted and selected Asilomar, with the Tahoe location a close second.

Selection of a new secretary and Member-at-Large took place. Initially, Mark Wright (U of Hawaii) was the new secretary, and Tim Collier (U of Wyoming) the new Member-at-Large, however, a scheduling conflict the next day had those 2 switch their roles. Tim will be the secretary and will plan the meeting for 2013, followed by Mark Wright for 2014 in Hawaii.

4:30 - 7:00 PM Free Time

7:00 PM Dinner @ Pattie Hyde Barclay

October 13th,Thursday AM:

7:00 AM Breakfast

8:00 Kathleen Myers and Tim Collier, University of Wyoming, Laramie WY - “Phenology of the Russian knapweed gall midge, Jaapiella ivannikovi”. 20 minutes

8:20 Rich Hansen, USDA-APHIS CPHST, Fort Collins, CO - “We’ve got some gall: distributing Jaapiellaivannikovi for Russian knapweed biocontrol” 20 minutes

8:40 Link Smith, USDA-ARS WRRC-EIW Albany, CA – "Effectiveness of eriophyid mites for biological control of weedy plants and challenges for future research". 20 minutes

9:00 Dale Woods, CDFA, Sacramento, CA- “Squarrose knapweed biocontrol in California” 20 minutes

9:20 Mike Pitcairn, CDFA, Sacramento, CA- “Mecinus and the biological control of Dalmatian toadflax in California” 20 minutes

9:40 Break- 20 minutes

10:00 Dan Bean, Colorado Department of Agriculture, Palisade, CO - “Tamarisk biocontrol and mortality in western Colorado: monitoring a weed in decline” 20 minutes

10:20 Kevin Delaney, USDA-ARS NPARL, Sidney, MT - “Optimism in biocontrol of weeds research: targets of Russian olive, tamarisk, and whitetop” 20 minutes

10:40 Tim Seastedt, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO - “One success, one emerging success, and one partial success; the biological control of diffuse knapweed, Dalmatian toadflax, and spotted knapweed in the Front Range of Colorado” 20 min

11:00 Ruth Hufbauer, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO - Hybridization between diffuse and spotted knapweed: does it happen and should we care? 20 min

11:20 Discussion 11:40 Lunch / Adjourn