South Dakota Department of Education
Special Education Advisory Panel
April 3rd and 4th, 2017
McCory Gardens, 631 22nd Ave, Brookings, SD
Chairperson: Marie Iver Vice Chairperson: Penny McCormick-Gilles
Panel Functions
Advise the SEA of unmet needs within the State in the education of children with disabilities
Comment publicly on any rules or regulations proposed by the state regarding the education of children with disabilities
Advise the SEA in developing evaluations and reporting on data to the Secretary under section 618 of the Act
Advise the SEA in developing corrective action plans to address findings identified in Federal monitoring reports under Part B of the Act
Advise the SEA in developing and implementing policies relating to the coordination of services for children with disabilities
Review and comment on final due process hearing findings and decisions
Advise on eligible students with disabilities in adult prisons- The advisory panel also shall advise on the education of eligible students with disabilities who have been convicted as adults and incarcerated in adult prisons
Panel Priorities
Alternate Assessment

Time: Monday, April 3rd – 1 PM – 5 PM and April 4th, 8:30 AM –11:30 AM

Location: McCory Gardens, Brookings, SD (631 22nd Ave)


Approval of the January minutes

– made a motion to approve: Betsy Schwenk

– 2nd motion: Larry Ayres

Minutes approved

Approval of the Agenda

– made a motion to approve: Betsy Schwenk

– 2nd motion: Larry Ayres

Agenda approved

II. Agenda Topics

1.  Advise the SEA of unmet needs within the State in the education of children with disabilities

o  Federal Funds Application, Linda Turner

§  Federal application is posted on line. Will be posted for a 60 day window

§  Newspapers advertise legal line add

§  Budget must be approved by the legislature and submitted to Federal Government

§  Most Funds are Flow Through funds

§  Required activities:

o  Monitoring enforcement and complaint investigation

o  To establish and implement the medication process required, including providing for the cost of mediations and support personnel

o  Ed Specs

o  Complaint investigators (TAESE)

o  New Systems Improvement Group

§  Authorized Activities

o  For support and direct services including technical assistants, personnel preparation and professional development and training

o  Part C summer Services

o  West River Autism

o  Center for Disabilities

§  SPED Conference


o  SPED Connections

o  Auxiliary placements


§  Law Conference

§  Meeting Facilitations

§  General Professional Development

o  Discontinuing SPP Coordinators

o  To assist LEA’s in providing positive behavioral interventions and supports and appropriate mental health services for children with disabilities


o  Family Preservation

o  To assist LEA’s in meeting personnel shortages

o  (although not directly budgeted, SEP is working on this through the CEEDAR grant)

o  To support capacity building activities and approve the delivery of services by local educational agencies to improve results for children with disability

o  Center for Disabilities

o  Autism Team building

o  Behavior Supports

o  To support paperwork reduction activities including expanding the use of technology in the IEP process

o  IEPq (new contracts, funding from grant ended)

o  To improve the use of technology in the classroom by children with disabilities

o  To support the use of technology, including technology with universal design principles and assistive technology devices

o  Development and implementation of transition programs, including coordination of services with agencies involved in supporting the transition of children with disabilities to post-secondary activities

o  Alternate programming for children with disabilities who have been expelled from school and services for children with disabilities

o  To support the development and provisions of appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities

o  Best practices for children with disabilities

o  SSIP Grants

o  LEA Risk Pools – State shall have the option to reserve for each fiscal year 10% of the amount of funds the state reserves for state-level activities.

2. Comment publicly on any rules or regulations proposed by the state regarding the education of children with disabilities

·  Legislation/Rules Updates, Linda Turner

·  Certification, Linda Turner

3. Advise the SEA in developing and implementing policies relating to the coordination of services for children with disabilities

·  Priority Item, Alternate Assessment

o  Panel was curious about more oversight on district trainings

o  Panel also discussed SD Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines

·  Project Search , Larry Ayres

o  Larry Ayres is the program manager for the Project Search site in Brookings

o  Larry went through the program and then provided a tour for the advisory panel.

·  Parent Connections Update, Lori Larson

o  Parent Connections has been established for 30 years

o  Each state has at least one Parent Connections

o  Funded by OSEP

o  Statewide reach with offices in Sioux Rapid City, and Aberdeen

o  Staffed by families, 50% of Board members with family members

o  Family to Family Health Info Center – used to assist families –

o  SD Parent Connection Services and Resource Individual Support

§  Navigator Program

·  Partnership with SDPC and SPED Program

·  Informal problem solving process available statewide

o  Locate and utilize info and resources

o  Improve family and school communication

o  Build partnerships

o  Reach or make progress towards agreement

§  Workshops

·  Parent/Professional Partnership

·  Disability Specific services and supports

§  Newsletter

§  Guides

·  What Parents Should Know…….

·  Dare to Dialogue

·  Family Resource Guide

§  Resources

·  Organizers

o  File, My File

o  Communication log

·  Parent Briefs

o  Behaviors, Evaluation, turning 18, Early Childhood, and more

·  Infographics

o  Transfer of Rights

·  Online Resources


o  What is SD Parent Connection doing now

§  SIB Shop – Working with SD Advocacy

§  Having a booth at school during Parent Teacher Conferences

§  PCTA – tool for schools, grant through DV Council. Also a Transition tool

§  Involved with several groups. Community of Practices, public libraries

4. Advise the SEA in developing evaluations and reporting on data to the Secretary under section 618 of the Act

·  Indicator 14, Beth Shiltz

o  Indicator 14: Post School Outcomes

§  Percent of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in effect at the time they left school

§  In SD from 2014-2015 exiters data

·  418 total respondents

o  Higher Ed = 15.8%

o  Competitive employment = 60.8%

§  Largest percentage since 2008

§  Post School Outcomes Website contains 5 years’ worth of data reports

·  Reports

o  Summary

o  Statewide

o  Indicator 14


·  SPDG Grant, Linda Turner

o  SSIP Goal – To improve literacy

o  16 districts were sent an email and needed to meet these requirements

§  Serve at least 20% of students

§  Need of support

§  Coach regionally used

·  Districts will started funding shared service model

o  Advisory Panel will be sending a letter of support – will be attached as part of the grant application

o  Required to spend $500,000 per 5 years

o  Department has applied for similar grants in the past. This will go to students with learning disabilities. Dyslexia is included in this. This grant will be focusing on literacy. It is a federal grant that we are applying for.

o  Motion to write a letter of support for the Grant

§  1st – Penny McCormick-Gilles

§  2nd – Larry Ayres

III. Goals

IV. Assignments

V. Next Meeting

·  Family Support 360

·  Finish Annual Report

·  Priority Area – Alternate Assessment


·  Schedule upcoming meetings

o  June 5th, 2017– Pierre

o  Sept 14th and 15th, 2017– Sioux Falls

o  January 17th, 2018– Pierre

o  April 12th and 13th,2018– Rapid City

o  June 6th,2018 - Pierre

VI. Public Comment

VII. Adjournment

-  Made a motion to adjourn – Larry Ayres

-  2nd motion – Stacy Haber

Members in attendance:

Judy Hoscheid / Larry Ayers
Shelly Shaw / Laura Johnson-Frame
Sara Hoogheem / Penny McCormick-Gilles
Dr. Donna Johnson / Erin Schons
Marie Ivers / Stacy Haber
Linda Turner / Lori Larson
Betsy Schwenk / Kaitlin Donohoe
Ben Morrison / Merle Doolittle
Beth Schiltz

Members not in attendance:

Traci Glanzman / Bernie Grimme
Kristi Eisenbaum / Sarah Carda