GEO 388H Environmental Isotope Geochemistry - Spring 2005 Syllabus

Instructors: Jay Banner, Department of Geological Sciences, , 471-5016

Bridget Scanlon, Bureau of Economic Geology, , 471-8241

Week ofTopics Reading

Jan. 18 / Introduction
Global element cycles
Jan. 25 / Distribution and cycling of elements / Garrels & Mackenzie, Ch 4
How constant has the composition of seawater been? / Holland, Ch 9 and 9; Li
Light stable isotopes I: Principles, H-O-C systematics
Intro to stable isotopes, principles of isotope fractionation / Anderson & Arthur; Kyser
Feb 1 / Isotope fractionation; H-O isotopes in water vapor / Faure and Messing
(F&M)05, Ch 26
H-O isotopes in the hydrologic cycle / Sheppard; Wehlan
Feb. 8* / Rayleigh distillation; H-O isotopes in the hydro cycle; Isotopes in karst hydrology; C-O isotopes in ancient aquifers; Modeling fluid-rock interaction
*Feb 8 class will be held in Geo 2.324 as part of karst workshop / Banner & Hanson
Modeling fluid-rock interaction; Groundwater evolution and paleoclimate / Musgrove 93
White & Chuma
Feb. 15 / Paleoclimate: DSDP and sea level history; speleothems / Winograd et al.
Radiogenic isotopes I: Principles, Rb-Sr system
Introduction to radiogenic isotopes / Banner 04; F&M05, Ch 1-4
Feb. 22 / Trace-element behavior - modeling isotope mixing
and mass balance; analytical methods / Banner 95; F&M05 Ch 4
Rb-Sr system: geochronology, crust-mantle evolution / F&M05 Ch 5; Banner 04
March 1 / Sr in the hydrologic cycle: Evolution of surface water / Goldstein & Jacobsen;
Banner 04
1) Evolution of seawater; Chemostratigraphy; Tracing dissolved ions in deep and shallow groundwater 2) Modeling of fluid-rock interaction; Karst aquifers, soils, ecosystems / Franklyn; Muller;
Blum et al.; Miller
Banner et al. 96; Cooke 03
March 8 / Carbon isotope systematics; March 10 - Midterm
March 15 / Spring Break
March 22 /

Light stable isotopes II: H-O in vadose zone, evaporation, diffusion, residence time, paleorecharge

/ Barnes & Allison; 1983; 1984; Tyler et al., 1996
Nitrogen; contamination sources, denitrification / Kendall and Aravena;Fogg
Radiogenic isotopes II: Cosmogenic isotopes, lanthanides, actinides
March 29 / Vadose zone tracers, tritium, 36Cl, recharge rate, transport processes (diffusion, dispersion), liquid vs. vapor flow, preferential flow, uncertainty in age / Scanlon 92; Phillips 00;
Cook 94
April5 / Groundwater tracers; 3H, 3H/3He, 14C; age dating groundwater, recharge estimation / Solomon & Sudicky, 91; SolomonCook, 00;
Portniaguine, Szabo
April 12 / Rare earth elements and Sm-Nd isotope system: applications to the hydrologic and sedimentary cycles / McLennan, de Baar, Banner 04; Faure, Ch 9, 18, 19
April 19 / U-Pb systematics and Pb in the environment / Dunlap et al 99
Uranium-series isotopes: Systematics and geochronology / F&M05, Ch 20
Ivanovich & Harmon
April26 / U-series isotopes: Testing models for climate change, groundwater evolution / Musgrove et al. 01
Edwards et al. 97
Semester projects
May 3 / Semester projects

General background reading:

Faure, G. and Mensing, T. (2005) Isotopes: Principles and Applications, for background in isotopes.

Drever, T. (1997) Geochemistry of Natural Waters, Chapters 1 and 2, for intro to aqueous geochemistry.

Ruddiman, W. F. (2000) Earth’s Climate: Past and Future. W.H. Freeman, New York.

Approximate problem set dates:

Prob set number / date handed out / date due
1 / Jan 18 / Feb 1
2 / Feb 1 / Feb 10
3 / Feb 10 / Feb 17
4 / Feb 17 / Feb 24
5 / March 20 / March 27
6 / March 27 / April 3
7 / April 3 / April 10


Anderson T. F. and Arthur M. A. (1983) Stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon and their application to sedimentologic and paleoenvironmental problems, in: Stable Istopes in Sedimentary Geology, SEPM Short Course 10, 1-1 to 1-151, Soc. Econ. Paleontol. Mineral., Tulsa.

Banner, J. L. (2004) Radiogenic isotopes: Systematics and applications to Earth surface processes and chemical stratigraphy, Earth Science Reviews 65, 141-194.

Banner, J. L., Musgrove, M., Edwards, R. L., Asmerom, Y., and Hoff, J. A., 1996, High-resolution temporal record of Holocene groundwater chemistry: Tracing links between climate and hydrology. Geology 24, 1049-1052.

Banner, J. L., 1995, Application of the isotope and trace element geochemistry of strontium to studies of diagenesis in carbonate systems. Sedimentology 42, 805-824.

Banner J. L. and Hanson G. N. (1990) Calculation of simultaneous trace-element and isotopic variations during water-rock interaction with applications to carbonate diagenesis. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 54, 3123-3137.

Barnes, C. J., and G. B. Allison. 1988. Tracing of water movement in the unsaturated zone using stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen. J. Hydrol. 100:143-176.

Besacier, F., Guilluy, R. Brazier, J., Chaudron, H., Girard, J. and Lamotte, A. (1997) Isotopic analysis of C as a tool for comparison and origin assignment of seized heroin samples. Journ. Forensic Sci. 42, 429-433.

Blum, J. D., Erel, Y., and Brown, K. (1994) 87Sr/86Sr ratios of Sierra Nevada stream waters: Implications for relative mineral weathering rates, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 57, p. 5019-5025.

Cole, J. (1996) Coral records of climate change: understanding past variability in the tropical ocean-atmosphere, in: P. D. Jones, R. S. Bradley, and J. Jouzel, eds., Climatic variations and forcing mechanisms of the last 2000 years, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 331-354.

Cook, P. G., I.D. Jolly, F. W. Leaney, and G. R. Walker. 1994. Unsaturated zone tritium and chlorine 36 profiles from southern Australia: Their use as tracers of soil water movement. Water Resour. Res. 30:1709-1719.

Dunbar, R., B. (1996) Eastern Pacific corals monitor El Nino/Southern Oscillation, precipitation, and sea surface temperature variability over the past three centuries, in: P. D. Jones et al, eds., Climatic variations and forcing mechanisms of the last 2000 years, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 373-405.

deBaar H.J.W., German C.R., Elderfield H. and van Gaans P. (1988) Rare earth element distributions in anoxic waters of the Cariaco Trench. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 52, 1203-1219.

Edwards, R. L., Cheng, H., Murrell, M. T., and Goldstein, S. J., 1997, Protactinium-231 dating of carbonates by thermal ionization mass spectrometry: Implications for Quaternary climate change: Science, v. 276, p. 782-786.

Fogg, G. E., D. E. Rolston, D. L. Decker, D. T. Louie, and M. E. Grismer. 1998. Spatial variation in nitrogen isotope values beneath nitrate contamination sources. Ground Water 36:418-426.

Franklyn M.T., McNutt R.H., KamineniD.C., Gascoyne M. and Frape S.K. (1991) Groundwater 87Sr/86Sr values in the Eye-Dashwa Lakes Pluton: Evidence for plagioclase-water reaction. Chem. Geol. (Isot. Geosci. Sect.) 86, 111-122.

Goldstein S. J. and Jacobsen S. B. (1987) The Nd and Sr isotopic systematics of river-water dissolved material: Implications for the sources of Nd and Sr in seawater. Chem. Geology (Isotop. Geosci. Sect.) 66, 245-272.

Gallup, C. D., Edwards, R. L., and Johnson, R. (1994) The timing of high sea levels over the past 200,000 years: Science 263, p. 796-800.

Garrels R.M. and Mackenzie F.T. (1971) Evolution of Sedimentary Rocks, Norton, 397p.

Hemming, N. G. and Hanson, G. N. (1992) Boron isotope composition and concentration in modern marine carbonates: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56, 537-543.

Hodell, D. A., Curtis, J. H., and Brenner, M., 1995, Possible role of climate in the collapse of Classic Maya civilization: Nature, v. 375, p. 391-394.

Holland H. D. (1984) TheChemical Evolution of the Atmosphere and Oceans, PrincetonUniversity Press, 582 p.

Ivanovich and Harmon, R. S., eds. (1992) Uranium Series Disequilibrium: Applications to Environmental Problems: Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2nd edn.

Jackson, R. B., Banner, J. B., Jobbágy, E. G., Pockman, W. T., Diana H. Wall, D. H., 2002, Changes in carbon storage and ecosystem functioning with desertification and woody plant invasions, Nature 418, 623-626.

Kendall, C., and J. J. McDonnell, editors. 1998. Isotope Tracers in Catchment Hydrology. Elsevier.

Kendall, C., and R. Aravena. 2000. Nitrate isotopes in groundwater systems. Pages 261-297 in P. G. Cook and A. L. Herczeg, editors. Environmental Tracers in Subsurface Hydrology. Kluwer Acad. Publishers.

Koch, P.L., Fogel, M.L. and Tuross, N. (1994) Tracing the diets of fossil animals using stable isotopes, in Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science, Lajtha and Michener, eds., Blackwell.

Koch, P.L, Heisinger, J., Moss, C., Carlson, R., Fogel, M.L., and Behrensmeyer, A.K. (1995) Isotopic tracking of change in diet and habitat use in African Elephants, Science 267, 1340-1343.

Kyser, T. K. (1987) Fractionation of stable isotopes, in: T. K. Kyser (ed.), Stable-Isotope Geochemistry of Low Temperature Fluids, Mineral. Assoc. Canada Short Course 13, Ch. 1.

Li Y-H. (1982) A brief discussion of the mean oceanic residence time of elements. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 46, 2671-2675.

McLennan S.M. (1989) Rare earth elements in sedimentary rocks: Influence of provenance and sedimentary processes, in: B.R. Lipin and G.A. McKay, eds., Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Rare Earth Elements, MSA Reviews in Mineralogy 21, 169-200.

Mickler, P. M., Banner, J. L., Stern, L. A., Asmerom, Y., Edwards, R. L., and Ito, E., 2004, Stable isotope variations in modern tropical speleothems: Evaluating equilibrium vs. kinetic isotope effects.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68, 4381–4393,

Miller, E. K., Blum, J. D., Friedland, A. J. (1993) Determination of soil exchangeable-cation loss and weathering rates using Sr isotopes, Nature, v. 362, p. 438-441.

Müller D. W., McKenzie J. A. and Mueller P. A. (1991) Abu Dhabi Sabkha, Persian Gulf, revisited: application of strontium isotopes to test an early dolomitization model. Geology 18, 618-621.

Musgrove, M., Banner, J. L., Mack, L. E., Combs, D. M., James, E. W., Cheng, H. and R. L. Edwards, 2001, Geochronology of Late Pleistocene to Holocene speleothems from central Texas: Implications for regional paleoclimate, Geological Society of America Bulletin 113, 1532-1543

Musgrove, M. and Banner, J.L. (1993) Regional groundwater mixing and the origin of saline fluids: Midcontinent, UnitedState. Science 259, 1877-1882.

Phillips, F. M. 2000. Chlorine-36. in P. G. Cook and A. L. Herczeg, editors. Environmental Tracers in Subsurface Hydrology. Kluwer Acad. Publishers.

Portniaguine, O., and D. K. Solomon. 1998. Parameter estimation using groundwater age and head data, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Water Resour. Res. 34:637-645.

Sanyal, A., Hemming, N. G., Hanson, G. N., and Broecker, W. S. (1995) Evidence for a higher pH in the glacial ocean from boron isotopes in foraminifera: Nature 373, 234-236.

Scanlon, B. R. 1992. Evaluation of liquid and vapor flow in desert soils based on chlorine-36 and tritium tracers and nonisothermal flow simulations. Water Resour. Res. 28:285-297.

Schlesinger, W. H. (1997) Biogeochemistry: An Analysis of Global Change. Academic Press, San Diego.

Sheppard S.M.F. (1986) Characterization and isotopic variations in natural waters. In: Valley J.W. et al., eds., Stable Isotopes in High Temperature Geological Processes, MSA Reviews in Mineralogy, v. 16, p. 165-182.

Smith, T. and Dorobek, S. (1993) Early Mississippian climate change: Isotopic evidence from meteoric calcite. In: Swart P. et al., eds., Climate change in continental isotopic records, AGU Monograph 78, p. 77-88.

Solomon, D. K., and E. A. Sudicky. 1991. Tritium and helium-3 isotopic ratios for direct estimation of spatial variations in groundwater recharge. Water Resour. Res. 27:2309-2319.

Solomon, D. K., and Cook, P.G. 2000. 3H and 3He. Pages 397-424 in P. G. Cook and A. L. Herczeg, editors. Environmental Tracers in Subsurface Hydrology. Kluwer Acad. Publ.

Szabo, Z., D. E. Rice, L. N. Plummer, E. Busenberg, S. Drenkard, and P. Schlosser. 1996. Age dating of shallow groundwater with chlorofluorocarbons, tritium/helium 3, and flow path analysis, southern New Jersey coastal plain. Water Resour. Res. 32:1023-1038.

Tyler, S. W., J. B. Chapman, S. H. Conrad, D. P. Hammermeister, D. O. Blout, J. J. Miller, M. J. Sully, and J. M. Ginanni. 1996. Soil-water flux in the southern Great Basin, United States: temporal and spatial variations over the last 120,000 years. Water Resour. Res. 32:1481-1499.

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