Names ______



Follow the steps below to complete this worksheet. SAVE the worksheet onto your desktop as you go with your names. DROP BOX the completed, saved worksheet.


Go to the Water Cycle Website:

Scroll over the parts of the diagram to help define the terms below.

1. Evaporation =

  1. Transpiration = Evaporation that occurs from ______
  1. Precipitation =
  1. Runoff =
  1. Seepage =
  1. Aquifer =
  1. Well =

Click on the Water Cycle Quiz and Answer the questions.

When you are done, take a screenshot (Command, Shift, 4) of your score and drag the picture here:


Go to the Carbon Cycle Website:

Look at the diagram and read through the paragraphs to fill in the information.

1. ______= the process that moves carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to plants

2. How does carbon move from plants to animals?

  1. Decomposition = when plants & animals die, where does the carbon go?
  1. ______= the process plants & animals use to get rid of carbon dioxide & return it to the atmosphere
  1. Combustion = carbon returns to the atmosphere when ______fuels are burned.
  • Each year ______tons of carbon dioxide is released from burning
  • ______enters the atmosphere & the rest goes into the ______

6. Carbon also goes from the atmosphere into the ______

Go to the Carbon Cycle Game.

Once you have gone through each Reservoir on the map (6 out of 6), take a screenshot (Command, Shift, 4) of your score and drag the picture here:


Go to the Nitrogen Cycle Website and answer the questions below.

1. Most of the Nitrogen on Earth is in the?

  1. What % of our air is made up of Nitrogen?
  1. Plants & animals need nitrogen to make ______, ______& ______.
  1. Nitrogen in the air (N2), can’t be used by plants & animals. What are the 2 ways that nitrogen can be fixed (nitrogen fixation) into a usable form?



  1. How do plants get the nitrogen they need?
  1. How do animals get the nitrogen they need?
  1. How does nitrogen get back into the air?


1. What is 1 thing you found interesting as you were going through the cycles?

2. What is 1 thing you learned that you didn’t know at all before?